Tuesday, June 5, 2018

School Shootings #9

     Toxic masculinity appears to be boys and men trying to be dominant and being angry most of the time. First of all, it is your perfect right to try to dominate and be angry. The dominant male gets the pretty women. It's good evolution and thus it's part of the evolutionary drive for the individual to reproduce. If you choose to be angry or become angry as life seems to deal you one bad hand after another, that is your right. You have no obligation to have a particular mood. Telling little Johnny to be a brave little boy and not cry is now wrong. Boys shouldn't be encouraged to be stoic but should be just as sensitive as girls. This is in a world where ISIS skins people alive and puts living children into commercial mixing bowls and turn the bowls on. We absolutely must have Americans strong- stoic enough- to deal with these atrocities and not cry, at least for a while. Bury the dead respectfully, cry, and then go kill the murderers.
     The Nazi-collectivists are using the term "toxic masculinity" to propagandize it into a cultural problem. Their solution to toxic masculinity is conversion therapy. You might remember it was used to try to convert homosexuals to heterosexuality and failed because we are individuals. Conversion therapy for people who have toxic masculinity is being touted as an answer to school shootings. This fits the basic principle of Nazi-collectivism: if the perfect program can just be found, all people subjected to it will become perfect. The reality is more in the direction that all people subjected to it will become dead as collectivism is the most killingest idea ever invented. Just as Lenin, Stalin, Mao, the Castro brothers, and Pol Pot. Also ask them how many beautiful girls they made their personal sex slaves too! I'm sure they weren't the least bit angry when they raped these girls either.
     A recent article in the Wall Street Journal reported that two New York Times reporters have devised a program to detoxify masculinity. The program was the Maine Boys To Men program started in 1988 and now being used in public schools there. I called the Maine Governor's Office today, but the aide hadn't heard of it. But the program has a phone number, 207-774-9994., and a website.
The website says it "confronts narrow gender assumptions" and "we believe it is not the boys but rather the culture in which they live and grow that it in need of repair." But instead of addressing the culture and not the boys, they address the boys. I guess they would say they're addressing the culture in the boys. With their better culture, of course.
      Their blog soothes us with the good news that "thousands" of their boys in middle school have shown shifts in attitudes toward "privilege."Studies by the University of New Hampshire substantiate these shifts.I hope those shifts are that blacks and women shouldn't have extra rights such as being "protected classes" and having affirmative action and set-asides to give them unfair advantages over whites.  Somehow, I doubt those are the shifts, though the blog assures us that they are for "gender equality."
     The blog takes to task the men around Harvey Weinstein who kept him safe as he preyed on women. I ask how about the women too like the millionaire actresses and female politicians like the woman who won the popular vote for president? Of course, she was too fear and trembling to say anything! That's presidential timber.
     The take-away is that instead of keeping shooters outside schools by the use of metal detectors and gunpowder-sniffing Labradors, the Nazi-Collectivists first used school shootings as the excuse to try to snuff out gun ownership. Now it's expanded to trying to snuff out masculinity by conversion therapy which, like socialism, has been demonstrated not to work. But don't let that bother the Nazi-collectivists. Nick

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