Saturday, January 21, 2017

Why Islam Not A Religion

     "To be a Muslim is to take an oath of submission to the Sharia state, and that oath prevents you from claiming the human rights that are the priority of any true religion. That is why Islam's greatest enemies are Christianity and Judaism and nations that are founded on their values." page xix, Cruel And Usual Punishment by Nonie Darwish
     In fundamental or radical Islam, you do not exist except as an instrument of the supposed Allah's will and others. You do what he and others tell you to do either through what is written in the the Koran, the Hadiths supposedly from Muhammed's actions and words, the fatwas issued by the clerics, and other writings and sermons by learned people.
     You do not question or reason. You, as a human being, check out! You, the human being- a living person- check out to become an unquestioning instrument for others. Do you really think others are so important that you have to blank out for them? The others want you to blank out so you won't say, "Hell, no! What you want me to do counts no more than what I want to do! Besides, what you want me to do is crazy! That's why you insist I blank out, that I don't question you. Because you are crazy as well as your ideas! They are so crazy you're ashamed to have them questioned because they can't stand up. Stand down, crazy person!"
Peter Nickerson, Philosophy Major
"The measure of a man,
  Is not what he says,
  But what he does,
  And what he allows others,
  To do in his presence."
   -US Navy Seal Instructor

License Plates Returned!

     I went to the DMV, a friendly, polite place, went through the procedures and found out that the panther plate was no longer being offerred. Probably the Vermont Game Commission got DMV to revoke it as Game Commissions all over America do not want to acknowledge the panther especially the black puma. Due to their efforts and their sycophants, the black puma still doesn't exist officially. Only with the people. Check your field guides. However, the DMV clerk called her supervisor to see if there were any available to replace mine. Where else but in Vermont would you have that happened? The supervisor said to send my paperwork and money, and she'd send me back a panther if possible. They call them catamounts up here. I gave my clerk my debit card, she walked over to the machine to put it in, saw a package with plates on the floor, picked them up, and asked me my plate numbers. They were mine! Someone had returned them.
     About a week ago, I heard Reverend Jeffers, I think he was, talking about a gang of hoodlum democrats protesting outside his church. Even though I'm a southerner, I wince at his all-knowing, sweet, preaching voice. It's like the man has no self-reflection because everything he says comes right from God, like Muhammad and Allah. Jeffers showed he was a true Christian by serving the democrat hoodlums villifying him refreshments. That may be the Christian thing to do but it's not the loving thing to do. It is not loving to provide nourishment to people using lies to villify you. The loving thing would be to engage them, point out their lies, tell the truth, and encourage them to stop their weak, delusional shouting. Christians need to evolve on this point as I have. Helping someone to remain vile and delusional by giving them refreshments as Jeffers did should not be considered Christian. You're not helping them; you're just being a coward seeking a justification for not confronting them. You don't go out and provide aid and comfort to your enemies unless you're a coward or a masochist. A Christian - a good person- should be neither.
     I have a problem with the professionals - the police, firemen, EMTs, and others like them, calling themselves "first-responders" because it's almost always not true. The first-responders are almost always we, the people. This is a very important point because if a lot of we, the people realize that, we can help with the situations quicker than the professionals and perhaps stop the suffering, save people from dying and take care of the bad guys, if any. Since catastrophe almost always happens among us, and we survivors call the professionals, the situation for the wounded would be better if we the people knew how to give first-aid or how to shoot down the bad guys. Why stand around like little lambs and wait for the professionals to arrive? There are many things we can learn to do to be immediately helpful to those stricken in our midst. Do you think that God touched someone and made him a policeman? No, the policeman learned how to be a policeman. We hope and pray. We, the people, can do the same.
Peter Nickerson, Philosophy Major

Friday, January 6, 2017

Another Possibility

     Last night, a second possibility came to mind. This involves an extremely formidable person, so formidable that I fear discussing him with Officer Cable.
I called the officer twice today and went to the police station and waited to see if he could be located. I left but gave the dispatcher some notes that commit me. This is the worst case scenario:There are two ways of looking at me. One, the seventy year older with a lame leg who limps. Two, the six foot four, 250 pounder who lifts weights and slow-motion hits and kicks the heavy bag five times a week. I hope this formidable person views me as the first one if he finds out I reported him as a person of interest and that enrages him. You never know what people are going to do today as the power of religion has dramatically decreased in Americans, and it is being replaced with the amorality of hip-hop.
What I want in a perfect world is for this formidable person to be watched as well as his very closest friends to find out if any of them are sporting my plates which are fairly distinctive since they have a tan panther's head on them. I bought the plates as a daily reminder to be working on my black panther book trilogy. A panther head reduces the number of possible Vermont plates drastically. But realistically, nothing will probably come of this.
Peter Nickerson, Philosophy Major, 352-359-0850
P.S. Since one good push might shear my left leg off at the knee due to a big hole caused by a necrosis- dead spot in the bone- why don't I have a gun. Because my gun rights were taken away in a Florida civil court based on testimony that was self-evident perjury. For example, I was supposed to have taken "all" my guns outside and fired them "straight up into the air thousands of time." That is from the written complaint. Why is that "self-evident perjury?" Simple. How would neighbors know I took "all" my guns out into the yard. Were they at my house handing my guns to me to take outside? How can I possibly fire "thousands of rounds" straight up into the air and still be alive? If I was doing this, why didn't they call the police? Had these two upright citizens ever heard of the police? That was the loony testimony from two people. Only in Florida!
     While I'm being so transparent, let me admit this: I have a lot of fear. My father wanted me dead, starting at age two when I broke some Eskimo carvings he brought back from Alaska. He reminded me occasionally that he wanted me dead, and that I really didn't have a home. So I'm fear-ridden. Having revealed a "formidable man" to Officer Cable -there's no such thing as a secret, you know- and having discussed the self-evident perjury for the first time today, have left me with knots in my stomach as well as the hollow feeling of fear. Yesterday, I was watching the cars on Putney Road go by. People had their dogs with them and everything looked so peaceful. I envied them, but I knew these people didn't have the spine that I am trying to find. I saw them a jellyfish, spineless amoebas that were just interested in spreading their little amoeba bodies around things and consuming as much as possible. Never standing for anything noble. What's that anyway, they might scoff. Of course, I was largely projecting as it is my lack of a backbone that I have been trying to remedy in my assertiveness counseling. By the way, I am doing so well that last night, with a little urging, I volunteered to meet with the counselor only once every two weeks instead of weekly. Look at me!
"The measure of a man,
 Is not what he says,
 But what he does,
And what he allows others.
To do in his presence [and that includes
Formidable men, doesn't it?]"
-Navy Seal Instructor

Thursday, January 5, 2017

License Plates Stolen!

     This morning I was eating lunch from Meals-On-Wheels -my first step toward the nursing home- and looked out the window to check on my horse. Colorado had no license plate on the back. I couldn't see the front end, but when I did, I saw no plate there either. There were some fairly small tracks in the snow by the front end. They looked like a woman's. Yesterday, I had parked in front of St. Michael's church, at McDonald's, at the gym, and at home. My truck is sunburst orange, and has on the back cap written: "Ever seen a panther? Yes, please let me know." It is not a vehicle to be unobtrusive while you are thieving license plates. Then I learned from a hairdresser that you only need one license plate on
(not true, an officer informed me later). That made me think someone took both plates then to be spiteful, and I began thinking about who was mad at me. Well, that would be Chris as she told me not to talk to her anymore and ended it with "You crazy a..."She was angry at the way I was trying to get Hartford Auto Insurance to respond to my being hit by one of their clients- Chris. I often don't respond the way people would like me to. In fact, I've gone
to a cognitive-type counselor to work on my assertiveness, and I think I making a lot of progress. Other people are tearing their hair out!
    I met the officer outside the library, and he said there's been some thievery of license plates though not lately. He will ask Chris if she knows anything about it. I tried to call one of Chris's friends but a friend of the family said this friend would not get involved even to call Chris and ask if she knew anything someone taking my plates and if that someone would put them at my door, I'd be happy and not press the matter anymore. I can take a joke. Officer Cable and I exchanged cards like civilized people and went our ways.
     Let me say that it was very disquieting to have written the last two blog entries about two police events that I had questions about and then to look out my apartment window and see my license plate gone. You may know that a constant theme of my blogging is the erosion of the sanctity of the individual and his civil rights to an authoritarian regime made possible by a terrifying secret police- like what Cuba, North Vietnam, China, Russia -need I go on?- have. I voted for Trump primarily because I thought he could be controlled. Hillary had already proved she was above the law and the mindless mobs still loved her. It took the Electoral College to defeat her unfortunately.
Peter Nickerson, Philosophy Major, 352-359-0850
"The measure of a man
 Is not what he says,
 But what he does,
 And what he allows others,
 To do in his presence."
- Navy Seal Instructor
 If you have ever seen a black panther or a bigfoot, please call or email me.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Dicey Police Situations #2

     The second dicey situation concerns a friend of the family. Some of my family have grown up with this man. I know him well enough to greet or wave to. The most interesting thing I know about him is in a story: Seth -we'll say- is very high-minded, very kind and interested in helping others. Probably very politically correct: my antithesis. One day someone remarked that he had a beautiful wife. Very true. But Seth is reputed to have thought about that and said, "I guess I do."
     The dicey situation, according to what others and I know about it, happened one night when he was pulled for having a rear light out. For some reason, he was asked to do the physical part of a sobriety test such as walking straight. He passed. Then he was asked to blow the sober meter. He passed. After all this passing, he was charged with drunken driving. Probably you've heard the ads too where some very unpleasant guy snarls, "If you're convicted of a DUI, it will cost you a total of ten thousand dollars!" Unfortunately, it will cost you almost that if you're merely charged and hire a lawyer to defend you. I hear lawyers are now getting $250 an hour. You have to be rich to have one! And you won't be rich for long. This is one of the biggest weaknesses of we, the people that we don't change the law to allow a person to choose whoever he wants to represent him. Women have the right to choose to kill an unborn human being but they don't have the right to choose who represents them in court? As they say nowadays-WHAT IS THAT? Where's the logic? In the back pockets of lawyers!
They've got an monopoly. It's time to break up that monopoly. There are plenty of brilliant people out there who can quickly learn the law and represent you for
fifteen, twenty dollars an hour. I've got two in my family who'd jump at the opportunity right now. Both were nationally ranked orators in high school and philosophically oriented. People can't be represented in civil court or have to use the cursory services of a court appointed lawyer because of what? Because of we, the people -the government- in changing such a criminally unfair law.
     Maybe we'll learn more at Seth's trial why he was charged with a DUI after passing both the physical sobriety test and after blowing the meter. This appeared in a paper. Weren't there any reporters around who noticed this obvious question and had the motivation to ask the police?
   Peter Nickerson, Philosophy Major, 352-359-0850.
"The measure of a man,
 Is not what he says.
 But what he does.
 And what he allows others,
 To do in his presence."
  -Navy Seal Instructor 

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Dicey Police Situations #1

     As promised, I will explain why even in the most loving town in the US of A there are dicey police situations that make you fearful of capriciousness. The first happened a few nights after my shoulder surgery in which Dr. McLarney repaired two bad tears in my shoulder and another bad one which she discovered during surgery in my bicep. I say "bad" because they were torn so far apart she didn't know she could put them back together again. On that particular night, my sister was making a routine visit to make sure I was okay along with Chris, whom she already know. My sister mentioned she had missed my road and gone onto bare ground. I remarked that the road was quite dark.
     We were enjoying our drinks when a big, red-headed cop knocked on the door. Someone had reported my sister missing the road on the possibility that she was drinking. She assured the policeman that she hadn't been. She's almost seventy and simply doesn't see as well anymore. Then the cop wanted her name and address, and then he wanted Chris's and mine. Now I didn't like a cop disturbing my privacy and my drink by coming to my door and requesting my name and address. However, I could not risk any kind of disturbance to my shoulder and simply complied as did Chris. I think my sister asked why the questioning, and the cop replied that it was just for information. That wasn't a sufficient reason, but I said nothing. It was a dicey situation.
     Now if BPD hears about this post somehow and wants to respond, I will carry its reply as accurately as I can on this blog. I didn't complain to BPD about this incident, but there is no need to keep it a secret either.
Peter Nickerson, Philosophy Major, 352-359-0850
Any Bigfoot or black panther sightings, please contact me.
"The measure of a man.
 Is not what he says,
 But what he does,
 And what he allows others,
 To do in his presence."
  Navy Seal Instructor