Saturday, October 9, 2010

Food For Bigfoot

It has occured to me that putting out food wrapped inside one or two plastic bags containing dry dog food, whole corn, chitterlings, candy bars, etc. and hanging them from a high tree limb would be a good way to feed Bigfoot as well as to make a gift for your intrusion into his territory. It would also be a source of food for hunters, hikers, and others lost in the woods.
My blogging about the woman finding a patch of Bigfoot hair sticking into tree bark about eight feet up near Horseshoe Beack, Florida reminds me of David Paulide's story in "Tribal Bigfoot."
A forest ranger had volunteered to go to Bigfoot reports in northern California to free police for more traditional calls as personnel was very limited in that area. One night the ranger went to one such call and found a biker in full leather "prancing" around his wrecked bike in the middle of the road. The biker was holding a clump of red hair about the texture of pubic hair and said that he had hit a Bigfoot who was crossing the road and had grabbed the hair from Bigfoot's chest upon impact. Unfortunately, he refused to share any of the hair with the Ranger. I would appreciate hearing your or your friends' sightings of Bigfoot or Swamp Ape as I live in Florida. or 352-359-0850. Any black puma sightings? Hunting season is on. These creatures should be spotted by hunters and others as they going to get stirred up. No shooting please.