Sunday, September 30, 2012

Let Them Eat...Bark

  Have you read that North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un is expected to announce that farmers will no longer have to give all their crops to the state? Instead they will have a quota system, and anything left after meeting that quota the farmers can eat, barter, or sell. This new practice will mimic what the Red Chinese first did when they opened their failing economy to more emphasis on consumerism ( capitalism), moving away from the dreadful communism that caused the death by starvation of millions of people. Still suffering under pure communism, the North Koreans - except the military and of course the communist party members- have resorted to eating bark at times. As this communist dinosaur finally moves away from central planning and control in order to produce more food through more individual freedom from government, our jackass is pushing us into more of a planned economy with its proven failure. His lunacy is almost overwhelming. Yet the rabbits hop with glee because they have free cell phones. They are so ignorant, emotional, and undifferentiated that they don't realize that he is killing the American economy. All the jackass has to do is bray out some craziness, and because he is (half) black and a liberal Democrat, the rabbits go into spasms of ectasy. Homo sapiens is being challenged by home emotionalis. Homo emotionalis probably won't notice when he's eating bark. Yum, yum, Obama jerky! You take care. Stand up and speak out!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Tessa Dies In Seal's Arms

 Tessa died in Seal's arms at 6:30 this morning. Bulletproof had taken her to the vets yesterday for bloodwork which showed nothing greatly wrong. Seal told me he thought it was stomach cancer, but I was sure the white blood count would be sky-high in that case. When Bulletproof, who is devastated by Tessa's death, can talk, I sure she'll make a post-mortem talk with the vets and try to find out what may have happened. Seal then brought up the possibility that she had just given up. Remember she couldn't walk for a year, and Seal had to carry her out to poop and pee. Acupuncture finally brought her back up, but after about a year of being able to walk around on her own, she was back down. Maybe she decided to give up the fight. I had noticed that she was less receptive to me and didn't even get excited when I told her we were going to MacDonalds. She loved their hamburgers and would bite your fingers with them if you weren't careful. Bulletproof acquired several cuts from her eagerness.  Lately, I noticed she had lost her extreme zest for the hamburgers, and it was no longer like feeding a starving alligator. She was a driven dog, just like her mother Jenny and her grandmother who was owned by one of Bulletproof's office mates in Virginia. All the work and expense - mortgages payments that didn't get paid- and it only buys you a year of recovery. But how can you remain human and not try? I hope and pray Americans haven't become so degenerate that they're ready for Obama's death panels. If so, it's been eagles to rabbits in one lifetime. You take care. Two-Guns

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Obama So Vulnerable !

  Obama and the liberal media have made much of Romney's words about the other 47% as a primier example of Romney's lack of compassion. Now is the time to hit Obama back with the charge that his own lack of compassion was displayed on the floor of the Illlinois Senate in 2001, I believe, when he was the only Senator malevolent enough to speak against the Born-Alive Bill. What was happening was that children, American citizens I remind you, were being born alive after abortion attempts had failed to kill them. The procedure at various hospitals in Illinois was to ignore the babies until they died of thirst, hunger, hypothermia, whatever. Sometimes, they were placed in broom closets to die. Again, these are American citizens, people. As a child protective services worker and supervisor for nine years, I would like to know if public social services were contacted and if so, what was their response. I would like to know if any of these doctors, nurses, and other hospital workers had the compassion and guts to call the police. The calls could have been made anonymously even, and still it looks like no one had the conscience and courage to make the call. What was wrong with these people? And we slight the German people for baving allowed the extermination of about seven million people? When American medical doctors, the best of the best, allow the murder of infants to go unreported?These were no fetuses; these were born babies, American citizens. Several Born Alive Bills were introduced to make sure these babies were not neglected after they were born. Obama oppossed all of them. I have read the minutes of the Illilnois State Senate, and Obama spoke against one of the bills as getting  in the way of a mother's right to abortion.He even cowardly called the babies "unviable fetuses." Here they are, born babies, and this jackass is calling them "unviable fetuses." He was called on this lie, albeit oh so gently, by the patron of the bill, Peterson, I think he was. You know what Obama was doing. He was pursuing the pro-choice vote. He was going to guarantee that if a woman wanted to kill her fetus, it would be done. Even if doctors and nurses had to kill by neglect a born child to do it. I support pro-choice because I believe a woman has the right to her body. No government has the right to force someone to carry a child as long as the child is dependent on her. When the unborn child can live without his mother's assistance, and the mother no longer wants him, he should be delivered and put up for adoption. But I will bet you that these same women who can shout they have a right to their own bodies when it comes to abortion are perfectly content to have Mayor Bloomberg and whatever petty tyrants, freedom haters all, pop up to tell you what and how much you can eat. These women will allow the tyrants to use force and violence to enforce their laws too. Force or violence is a narcotic. The tyrants will need more force or violence exerted on you to get the same effect. You know how an addiction progresses. It works you, calling for more and more to get the same effect. These force and violence addicts will have to make more and more laws forcing you to do or not do more and more things to get the same high. Eventually, they will get around to abortions and make you grovel and beg on your knees before them to be able to have one.Your freedom of choice will be over.  I have gone aside for a moment to demonstrate to you that I am not an anti-abortionist trying to villify Obama. I am trying to show you that I am villifying murder. If Romney doesn't have the Moxie to point out Obama's complete lack of compassion for brand-new babies, I urge that some PAC do it on national TV.The Navy Seals certainly have all the courage required. Two-Guns.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Being a Political Guerilla

On the way to the library, I was nursing the Toyota 4-Runner along at 40 miles per hour. She's got 329 k miles on her, and I don't want her to die while I'm riding her. This little car pulls up behind me. There's a white guy in it, and he immediately begins acting like a hysterical woman, throwing his hands up into the air and looking sooo upset. It's a passing zone, and there are no vehicles coming. But this wuss is so interested in being a victim of my slow driving that he can't realize all he has to do is pass me. I decided to help the retard out by gesturing with one finger for him to go around me. Next time, I'm going to let him stay behind me and throw girlie caniptions until he strokes out. Have you noticed that women are looking more masculine than men? Go to a mall and see the women with boots on, skintight pants, and tops that accentuate their big breasts. They look like warrior-queens. With them, you see their boyfriends dragging along in sandals, shorts, and T-shirts. They look like pathetic, starving slaves the warrior-queens are exhibiting to show you what they can do to men.
  Now I'll tell you what I, a manly-looking man, of course, am doing as a political guerilla. It's a phrase I think I coined. I was looking for supplies ( virile for "grocery shopping") when I reached for some chicken broth to sweeten the dogs' kibble and water. I noticed that a woman was reaching for soup too and said to her, "Whew! Every time I come here every item has gone up twenty or thirty cents! And no one's mentioning inflation. You know where their heads are."
  "Unfortunately, I do," said the woman. She walked away. So that was it. Hit- make my point- and run. A political guerilla. Today, I set out an ambush. I stopped at a very busy gas station to put in more liquid gold. As I did that, I scotch-taped this sign to the pump: " Thank the jackass who has banned so much drilling for the prices." Hit and run. You've got to do the same if Romney, by far the better choice, is to win. You are the leaders of America, not the lying liberal press and not the politicians who will say and do anything to get elected so they can live like kings and queens off our taxes. Right off, the only exceptions to politicians not being leaders were Cicero, Churchill, FDR, and Reagan. West and Rubio, both from Florida, could join that list if they would be just a little more forceful. Florida sorely needs some men in its history worth looking up to. Exciting guerilla trails to you. Two-Guns.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Dangerous Democrat Called "Slaver"!

  I am sure you've had the almost overwhelming urge to kick someone in the ass. I had that moment on the way over here to the library to blog. I don't have the internet at home for fear of being back-loaded with child porn. But  on the way over, I noticed an older man with white hair straddling his truck tires over a big Eastern Painted Turtle. Why couldn't he had gotten out and put the turtle on the side of the road he was pointing to? I got out and got the turtle going off the road. He could have done that and still remained talking on his precious phone! He was probably old enough to remember when service stations in Florida would give you a free gopher turtle with every fill-up. You could take it home and fry it up! Yum, Yum.
  Now, I'll  tell you about my encounter with the Democrat. I had to stand in line behind a big man, big as me.He stared at me as I came up to the line, but didn't bother saying anything to me as an explanation for the gaping which put me in a negative attitude toward him. The danger of the staring stranger. Then he started telling the guy next to him about how the Republicans increased taxes. That put me into a foul mood as Republicans are traditionally against higher taxes and are always being attacked for that. Now, Reagan and Bush  did raise taxes, but only after the Democrats lied to them, saying if they raised taxes, the Demonrats would cut current spending. The two presidents were too trusting, especially Bush because they had already done this scam on Reagan. The two presidents raised taxes, but the lying liberals, of course, didn't keep their end of the deal and spending didn't decrease. It increased!
  So you understand my anger when I heard this big guy lieing about Republicans. Before I said anything, I wanted to ask a question. You see, I don't have television at home either and have to depend on the radio to try to keep up. I don't have TV because I wouldn't read if It did. TV is simply too easy, and maybe I'm not disciplined enough also. So I asked these two gentleman if Pastor Terry of Dove Outreach in nearby Gainesville had been arrested. So what did I hear? "No, but he should be!" "That man's crazy!"
   I repllied, "He has the right to be crazy.
   The big guy pompously said," You and I have some big differences, my friend."
   I replied, " Yeah I know, you're a slaver."
   "A slaver? What does that mean?"
   "You don't like freedom."
   "I like freedom!"
    I was getting angry, and I knew I was in a situation of two lieing liberals against my word and gee! the store camera somehow just didn't record the situation! I started for the door, saying as I left, "Yeah, freedom to...." and then I was gone. If I had stayed, I would have said, "Freedom to take things from people like their money and their freedom. That's the kind of freedom you slavers want!"
   I am trying to inspire you to do the same wherever you can.You saw how I went on the offense instead of the defense when the pompous guy said we had big differences. You need to do the same. The people are the leaders of this country.All the politicians are representatives. If we start showing guts out on the street, they will follow our example because they desperately want our votes so they can live like kings and queens. Show your guts and make them - Romney especially- show their guts. Go on the offense. You don't win the football game or the election by being on the defensive. The defense rarely scores any points. It's the offense that does. Go on it and show your guts!  Good talking to you, Two-Guns

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Cops Needed To Control Blacks' Testosterones !

Blacks are disproportionately  involved in crime. Why is that? I do not think it is just because of the reasons given like poverty and discrimination, but something more. As far as discrimination goes, I see on the streets care and kindness being paid by the whites to blacks. The something more is testosterone level. Testosterones give the person bigger bones, bigger muscles, bigger genitals, a deeper voice, a greater sex drive, and a more masculine attitude. These are all attributes that blacks display to a much greater extent than whites generally. I heard an interview with a black who stated that blacks should only be taught by blacks because white teachers were not strong enough to discipline them. I think there is a lot of truth to that as far as public schools  (government social conditioning centers) are being run. I was a substitute school teacher and was amazed at the disorder in the halls and classrooms. I am not so sure that even a black teacher could keep order especially if the administration didn't support her. Plus, she has to worry about retribution such as having her vehicle in the parking lot damaged or being assaulted on the way to her vehicle. Short of having a cop in every classroom to enforce discipline, another method needs to be tried. I would suggest that the school cop be assigned to classrooms where the teacher is having trouble keeping control. Optimally, his assignment would only take a day as he would be empowered to remove all the out-of- control students with the teacher having veto power. The cop would have the right to appeal the teacher's veto to the principal. Those out-of-control students would go to a special needs class where they would be taught, if possible, and perhaps referred to other special needs classes when their individual problems are identified and refined.
  It is not fair that students who want to learn cannot. Looking at it with a global view, America is competing with many countries for a high standard of living. Whom do you find studying in the university libraries late on Saturday nights? Asians. Many of them are not Americans either. Where are the Americans? Getting drunk and sexed. Competition is simply reality as the resources of the world are scarce, and they have many alternative uses. That means there's not enough stuff to go around so everyone can have all the stuff they want or feel they need. If you want to have stuff, you have to compete for it . Or you can rob others as Obama is inclined to do. That route leads to a cliff you will go over when you inevitably find out there is no one left to rob. So the bettter way is to compete using your abilities and your work ethic to get you the things you want and maybe increase the wealth of America through an invention like computers or a wonder pill. Wealth is not static. Under freedom, it grows. Under collectivism, it dies. You're only going to get chump change from the government anyway. Asking white teachers with low testosterone levels to keep discipline in a class of high testosterone blacks who have little or no discipline at home is a fool's errand.
  I live in the Gainesville, Florida area where the controversial Christian ( anti-Muslim as he should be) minister preaches. I am reading letters to the editor asking that he and the producer of the film the Muslims don't like be put into jail. Now these have got to be people with no testosterones! I do not support giving up my right to free speech because it offends Sharia Muslims. America is not that cowardly nor that immoral. Obama, Clinton, and their like may be, but Americans are not. Happy trails, Two-Guns 

Friday, September 14, 2012

Bloodthirsty Blacks Head-Kicked Genius White!

  My sister has lived for about forty years in a little town with no violence. Now, her son gets knocked to the ground and kicked in the head. He is white, and they were black. For years, the town has had only two blacks, now there are about twenty, and there is this. As he was on the ground, he yelled at them, "What do you want? What do you want?" No answer, but apparently someone heard him because the police were there right after he ran away from them. My nephew is tall and slim and has this ability to lie on his back and spring up to his feet. He did this with his attackers, surprising them and getting away. My sister is upset that this kind of violence has happened in a previously safe town. This is the sister who was kidnapped by a black, taken to his home and raped. He was either insane or simple because she persuaded him to let her go, promising she'd be back for more. My anger about the incident is intensified knowing that my nephew Slim is a genius. Even as a little boy, he was picked to attend the Johns Hopkins' program for talented students to go to a college or university during the summer. Slim just got his master's in the autism field. Maybe he by himself or working with other talented people will find a better way to help the autistic. Just maybe that invention will make him a lot of money and increase the wealth of this nation just as the computer did. But here he is, getting that genius head kicked by three thugs.
  I saw Bulletproof ending  her five and a half mile run the other day. She runs in my extra-extra large T-shirts which come almost down to her knees. Nothing sexy about that. When I saw her, she was bent over with fatigue to such a degree that you couldn't see her face, only her sun visor. She looked about three feet tall and was running with much difficulty. Also, she kept  thrusting her right arm up into the air. I told the guy in the car with me that she looked like she was crazy person running and that might  might be a turn-off for rapists. I asked her later about thrusting her arm into the air, and she said she was keeping time to the music. Whatever gets a 65 year-older through almost a six mile run! But she did  have an episode recently that scared her. She said a man stopped twice, glaring at her and finally going on. Now she says she will get a gun. Follow-through is everything though. You might remember that before this she said she wouldn't even take bear spray with her. She hasn't gotten the gun yet but is taking a stun-baton with her. But a club can overcome that or even an good crescent kick can.
 Tessa, the yellow lab, is able to walk sometimes with a belt you get from veterinary supplies. The rest of the time, Seal and Bulletproof carry her. She's completely nonplussed with her setback. Bulletproof is letting me buy burgers for her at MacDonald's again. She needs treats now. A sweet little rescued dog I named Shady Lady because she is all black has a tumor on the front of her mouth. So what do you do? Pay to have it removed or pay the mortgage? Happy Trails, Two-Guns.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Chapter 5 Bigfoot Comes For Barbeque

  Before  embarking upon this story, our house being foreclosed on weighs heavily on me. Bulletproof  has informed me that she had told the mortgage (the mortgage is in her name) agent that she could not afford the payments that have increased over time from about $1,000 to $1,500. The agent asked her if she could make $1,100 payments. Apparently, Bulletproof couldn't do that because she just told me that the bank is not accepting any payments. She is hoping for re-financing, and I noticed she had a letter from Fannie Mae. All the money has gone to veterinary expenses. What else do you do when you consider dogs part of the family? I am sure that Seal will take in all twenty dogs if necessary.  Bulletproof deals with the stress by running five and a half miles every day and then immediately biking the same route. Pretty good for a 65 year-old woman, aye? I deal with it by curling a fifty pound dumbbell and believing that I am going to get a video of Bigfoot that will make me a millionaire. You say that instead of antidepressants, I should be taking anti-pychotics? You may be right. But let's continue with my delusions.
  I have just read that a Bigfoot was caught in the act of taking some barbecue cooking in a man's grill on his  back deck. He simply strode away when seen. This took place in Perth, Ontario, on a fishing lake. The next day the Sasquatch was seen by two men who were fishing. The Bigfoot, himself, was watching two men who were canoeing by. They had their backs to them and didn't see him. The woods are becoming very crowded, and I believe it is the reason Florida - the fourth most populated state- is having so many encounters. There's little land left compared to Old Florida, and  humans and the wild people are bumping into each other. This sighting reminded me of one I collected years ago.I talked to a woman who lived in a mobile home  in the sand dunes north-west of High Springs, Florida.There was a nearby creek - Cow Creek- that was in an area of much vegetation that continued to major hammocks on the Gulf Coast. This was access for a Bigfoot. The woman had been cooking barbecue ( a very popular dish in the Deep South)  all day. There was a delicious odor emanating, and the windows were open. Her trailer home was up on stilts, and she could see around  easily. Late that afternoon, she looked out the kitchen window, and there was a huge, hairy face staring at her. She said the wildman had to be at least eight feet tall to look into her window. He simply walked away when discovered. The next time you go camping near some big woods, why don't you cook some fragrant barbeque and see who unexpectedly comes to dinner? In the 60s, it was Sidney Poitier. Now it could be Bigfoot.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Chapter 4 Navy Seal Saves Lab

  Years ago, I was at one of my wife's office parties when her second-in-command asked me about my woods' name of "Two-Guns." I explained,"Two- Guns was my CB handle at my hunt club in Virginia." The woman was very quick, for she immediately replied, " If your name is Two-Guns, your wife's name is Bulletproof!" No truer words were ever spoken.
  Bulletproof is once again looking for a way to get Tessa, an older, yellow lab back on her feet. Her hips gave out about two years ago, and her paws turned in like fists. I didn't see any hope for Tessa, but Bulletproof ignored my pessimism and started taking her into Gainesville (Florida) for acupuncture treatements. She perservered with the treatments for nine months. Seal kept Tessa at his house. I had,
and still have, a necrosis - dead area- on my femur in the knee. I was on crutches, and Tessa was too heavy for Bulletproof to carry. Seal wasn't much better than me; his knees were busted up from parachuting with the old-school parachutes that you had no control over. Several times a day, he carried Tessa outside to pee and poop. You could hear his knees popping, and his face would turn red with pain, but of course he wouldn't say a word. Tessa never got depressed with the fact that she was helpless and couldn't move. She seemed to have an unquenchable drive. Whatever progress she made, she thrived on. But progress came months later. First, her paws relaxed and opened one after another. Then she began walking on her front feet. Her drive was so great that you could hold her up by her back legs, and she would walk with her two front feet. Finally, the back legs came back, and Seal could walk her outside by supporting her with a wide, cloth strap under her belly. This made life much easier for him and was something Bulletproof could do too.
Soon she was on her own and proudly tottering about. It wasn't pretty for her legs weren't straight and sometimes they weren't synchronized. She looked like she had been drinking but she got there. Sometimes, she missed  "there" by a few feet. Unphased, she simply reset and reached her destination.
  But now, after being independent for about a year, she is down again. Seal and his bad knees are being re-enlisted to carry her. Bulletproof is considering acupuncture again, but she is also looking into a vet who is having good results with stem cell therapy. The price, $1,800,  isn't that much different than a year of acupuncture treatments plus the cost of gas to get into Gainesville. If Tessa's stem-cell therapy is successful, Seal and I are going to go into that vet's office on our hands and knee! Bow-Wow!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

My Story Chapter 3

Thank God and all the pagan ones too that September is here in Florida! This is the cooling-down month when termperatures will start to work themselves down to a delightful 60 degrees at night and day temperatures will be in the more bearable low 90s and high 80s.
  I finished my second heroic workout of lifting weights and shooting my bow for a solid four hours last night at nine. I do almost all my workout outside where I keep my dumbbells and other weights. It's too hot inside, and l love the outdoors.  After I complete three weight exercises and about 25 reps of ab work, I walk over to my bow and shoot about ten arrows at a clay pigeon. The pigeon is laid against a pile made up of layers of dirt and old rugs. If I hit the claybird, I immediately step back a foot, and if I miss, I have to go forward  a foot toward the target. Success pays ; failure hurts. I mark the distance with an old post, and I work to get that post farther and farther from the claybird. The post goes back and forth as I shoot and this makes  it a fun game. I shoot without sights and with a bare hand. I want to be able to shoot fast, at night and in an emergency.
  When I finished my workout last night, the sweat had soaked through my leather weight belt, and the front of my belt was wet in spots. But I knew the heat would soon be ending possibly by the next full moon.
Then the mosquitoes and gnats would be gone. I spend most of my four hours working out actually sitting on the bench gasping for breath. One of the unfortunate side-effects of taking antidepressants, at least for me, is that they make you very tired. My mother had remarked that when she took Paxil, she could hardly walk to the other side of the room. Anyway, while I am sitting sucking in air, I inevitably inhale filth gnats. These little buggers do not go down your throat easily either. Instead, they cling. Today, my back hurts from the lifting and shooting, but it is not as pervasive or persistent as the first four-hour workout. I had been doing three hour workouts so there's not a tremendous difference. As a reputed hypochondriac, I am tuned into back pain as it easily can become chronic and debilitating. But for now, I'm proud that I, almost 67 years old, can bicep-curl a fifty pound dumbbell. My schedule for all weights is 3 or 4 sets of 6 to 8 reps. I try to use the fourth set for a heavier weight once I can lift a weight  3 sets of 8 reps.
  It gives me a sense of accomplishment when I noticed that (former-Navy) Seal could not curl the 50 lb. dumbbell when he noticed it out in the yard. Seal was buit with 2x4s while I came out with tinker-toys for bones. I'm only lifting more because he doesn't lift, and I do. Seal lives in a different world than me. His capacity for work, his mental hardness, and , believe it or not, kindness are way beyond me. It's been an honor knowing hiim. Still, when he starts growling, which happens once in a while, I make sure I have a knife in my pocket or excuse myself and go for one! I'd prefer my bow and arrows, but that would be a little obvious, wouldn't it?