Friday, June 22, 2018

School Shootings #21

     I email Arizona US Senator Jeff Flakes from his message board at his site. I added that I'd like his opinion on why no one is emailing me back - was it because they weren't interested in saving children's  lives but in advancing gun control along to the eventual banning of the individual's right to own guns? Were they not emailing me their positions on detectors and dogs, because that would give away their treachery. Finally, I asked if any politician or his staff had a conscience. Hasn't Senator Flake been talking about his conscience lately? Will my questions strike a responsive chord?
     You can email him too and ask him to answer Pete Nickerson's email or call his office in the Swamp at 202-224-3121 and tell his receptionist. Have a good weekend. Nick
PS The swamp really needs draining, folks!

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