Friday, January 30, 2015

Bigfoot At The Window

Bigfoot At The Window: Story And Analysis. From Grizzlies And White Guys, edited by Harvey Thomassen, M.D., pages 126-27. Dr. Thomassen was a hospital doctor who recorded the hunting stories of the Canadian Indian Claxton Mack reputed to be the best grizzly bear guide in the world. These recordings were made in the hospital where Mack died. Dr. Thomassen then transcibed the recordings and put together this fascinating book (at least for hunters).
    One night grizzly bear guide Claxton Mack was keeping a close eye on one of his two bear hunters by the name of Cowboy. Cowboy was drinking and smoking compulsively. Claxton didn't want the old, abandoned house they were using to be set on fire by the distracted hunter. Finally, he got off his bed and joined Cowboy for a strong drink. The other hunter stayed in his bed. As the two were drinking whiskey, a bigfoot suddenly yelled through a small, partially broken window: "HAAAAAA OHHHHHHH!" Claxton went for his bear rifle but later wished he had reached for his powerful light and shined it on the bigfoot instead. The bigfoot ran to the nearby river where he howled, "HAAAAAA HA HA HA HAAAA!"
    Nick's Analysis: Because of their curiosity, there are many stories of bigfoot peering through windows. Often they are looking at the television. I talked to a man in Florida only twenty miles from the University Of Florida's main campus in Gainesville whose wife went out the back door one night and almost bumped into a bigfoot. The two quickly went opposite ways. The husband said his wife was fond of walking around the house nude. To my question, he replied that yes, she was well-endowed. Stories of bigfoot being successfully baited by sexy, buxom women go back to ancient times. The husband said that when he went into the backyard, he felt watched. I have no doubt that the bigfoot was attracted by the bounty of the nude wife and was being a Peeping Tom. Claxton Mack's bigfoot at the window went to the river where he loudly laughed about scaring the humans in the hunting cabin. Bigfoot are documented tricksters and share that characteristic with extra-terrestrials leading people to wonder if some bigfoot, at least, are ETs. welcomes you to the Bigfoot Advocate and hopes you will become a dedicated reader. I offer the best bigfoot stories gleaned from many hours of reading and note-taking to inform you about the various wildmen and women scattered about the earth. I also try to pierce the curtain of disinformation and contempt spread by various entities that will cause the extinctions of these creatures for economic gain. They want the land and the resources, exactly like what happened with the American Indian, the tribes in the Amazon, the Australian Bushman, and many others who don't have the advanced weapons and the numbers. Peter Nickerson at Quicker: 352-359-0850.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Alaska Bigfoot Fights Brown Bear

    Alaska Bigfoot Fights Brown Bear: Story And Analysis. From J. Robert Alley's
Raincoast Sasquatch (2003), page 199.  Portland Canal in South-East Alaska.
   Commercial fisherman and hunter Patty Kristovitch, Jr. reported that his father shot a brown bear whose lower jaw had almost been twisted off and had a smashed front paw. There were no bite or claw marks from fighting another brown bear.
    Nick's analysis: I believe this almost twisted off lower jaw of the brown bear was done by the hands of a bigfoot, literally. In the only other story I am aware of about a bigfoot fighting a brown bear (because the bear was about to attack the Bigfoot's cub and the father engaged the bear while the mother ran with their cub), the male bigfoot tore off a stout limb to use as a club. According to the Russian guides who read the story of the encounter from the tracks to their American hunters, the Bigfoot beat the brown bear soundly, and the bear backed off from the fight. I think the brown bear with the torn jaw and crushed paw had his paw smashed by the bigfoot who was using a rock or a similar club. I have also talked with a guide in Colorado who saw a bigfoot carrying a club. There is also an old, well-known story about a group of ice skaters in Idaho who were attacked by a bigfoot carrying a club. The skaters got into their wagons and made a terrified but quick exit. welcomes your visit and encourages you to be a constant reader. The Bigfoot Advocate hopes to provide information about the wildmen (and women) in secluded spots about the earth. It also tries to part the veil of pretense around authority and the other forces that deny and jepordize the fragile existence of these creatures who may be human or close enough to cross-breed with humans. Peter Nickerson. Email- or 352-359-0850.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Mongolian Alma Drags Man Into Cave

Mongolian Alma Drags Man Into Cave: Story And Analysis. From Bigfoot Casebook Updated by Janet and Colin Bord, page 45.
    A member of a camel caravan plodding through the Mongolian Desert disappeared when he went out to round up the camels after a rest. Three men went to look for him found traces of a struggle outside of a cave. They found marks of shoes and bare feet in the sand. They didn't enter the cave supposedly because of time constraints. On their return trip, the three men went back to the cave and set up an ambush. When a hairy man-beast came out of the cave, they fired upon him and killed him. Then they rescued their buddy from the cave. He would never reveal what happened to him and stayed "wild and listless" until he died two months later. This story was collected by Professor Rinchen of the University of Van Bator in Mongolia. Professor Rinchen collected Alma stories and other information from 1927 until his death in 1978. He was ridiculed by the "scientific" community. However, many advances are, the authors noted.
    Nick's Analysis: It seems odd that the three men did not go into the cave in spite of "time constraints." Perhaps they didn't have guns and rightly knew they were almost helpless without them. They did rescue their comrade later though. Often people who have been through prolonged trauma do not want to talk about this. This was portrayed in the masterpiece movie, "American Sniper," and is an indication of the maturity of the Navy Seal community that the subject of trauma is being discussed openly.
    I have read of male Bigfoot in North America breeding captured female humans and having offspring, some viable, some not. I have also read of a Bigfoot female keeping a male railroad worker in a pit so she could have sex with him. I know of no details about how that was accomplish, but she did lick his palms and soles so thoroughly that he was unable to use them. Thus, he couldn't climb out of the pit and run away while she was gone. Perhaps this poor man in the desert cave was sodomized by the alma. Almas are said to rarely attack humans, and we may be reading about a rarity.
    I was also struck by the lack of vigilance and use of his senses by this alma. Three men hiding is a lot to hide. However, the alma is said to be the most friendly of the wildmen, even trading with humans and entering their homes for dinner - to share dinner with the humans, that is.
    The behavior of the "scientific" community is sad but predictable. As the man about to get a shot told the nurse, "No problem. Life is full of little pricks." appreciates your visit and hopes you will be a constant reader of the Bigfoot Advocate. It attempts to inform you about the wildmen of the world and the misuse of authority and force that jepordizes their existence. Nick Nickerson, 352-359-0850.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Abominable Snowmen Leave Smelly Caves

Abominable Snowmen Leave Smelly Caves: Story And Analysis. From the book
In The Tracks of Yeti (1984) by Robert Hutchinson, page 260.
    High Lama Janpo, High Monk of the Tengboche Monastery at the base of majestic Mount Everest in Nepal told Englishman Robert Hutchinson, the author of this book, that one could always know when an Abominable Snowman or yeti had been in a cave because the cave smelled badly particularly where the yeti had urinated.
    Nick's Analysis: This is the first I've read or heard of a Bigfoot fouling his living quarters, and it points to an animal characteristic not a human one though I don't know where the Neanderthal Man peed. It is interesting that there is a small deer in Nepal who will come from considerable distance to urinate in one small area of his territory but the Abominable Snowman doesn't. Maybe it is because the yeti doesn't have the enemies that the deer has who might be trying to hide his presence by using the john in only one small area. On the other hand, that would be a good area for a deer predator to set up an ambush. You've got to pee sometime, often the sooner, the better. thanks you for your visit today to the Bigfoot Advocate and would be honored by your constant return. Nick Nickerson, 352-359-0850.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Supernatural Bigfoot Communicates Telepathically

    Supernatural Bigfoot Communicates Telepathically: Story And Analysis. From the book, "Hunt For The Skinwalker"(2008) by Colm Kelleher and George Noonan, page 131.
    Two investigators from the National Institute (For) Discovery Science were at the famous Gorman Ranch in Utah after the Institute bought the ranch from the
overwhelmed Gormans. The Gormans were overwhelmed by the harassment and killings of their animals by extra-terrestrials or perhaps covert American forces illegally and amorally testing their technological advances once more on innocent Americans. I go for the former. These two investigators were out on the Gorman Ranch one night looking for these malicious phenomena which I think are extra-terrestrials. The first investigator had night vision binoculars, and the second had a camera. The first investigator saw a huge black figure. The at least Bigfoot-like huge black figure said, within the brain of the first investigator, "We are watching you." Then the creature just disappeared. To the credit of the two scientists, they did not cut and run. The beast did not return.
    Nick's Analysis: Quantum mechanics is beyond my grasp, but it is being mentioned a great deal in trying to explain the extra-terrestrials and parallel worlds with vortexes connecting them. This book was gutted by the lack of pictures to give at least some collaboration to the extremely disturbing events witnessed. Perhaps the Institute wouldn't release any. The Gormans were extremely intelligent, hard-working Germans who owned the ranch before the Institute took it off their hands. Why didn't they take pictures of the atrocities and other macabre events? thanks your for your visit today and hopes you will return for more stories and analyses at the "Bigfoot Advocate" Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0850.
    Wild Rabbit: The world can be said to be divided into sheep, wolves, and sheepdogs. I'm a sheepdog in the world of ideas. Not a very good one so far when it comes to myself particularly, but there's still time. I read about asset forfeiture yesterday on the web at the American Civil Liberties Union's website. I believe what was written because I have a brother who went through the same thing when he was searched by a police officer. My brother had just sold a Harley Davidson motorcycle he had won in a national drawing. He didn't need another bike as he already had two. He was told by the officer that the thousands of dollars was drug money, and it was confiscated. No charges filed. It took a lawyer which takes money to get his money from the sale of the bike back.
    Asset forfeiture is easy money for the police. It makes the owner prove that he is innocent even though there are no charges or convictions of any crime. In America, we can be proud and grateful that we are innocent until proven guilty but government employees have found a way to  circumvent that in the farcical war on drugs. Having to prove you are innocent is called "reverse onus," and it is un-American, and everyone who uses it is un-American. The end does not justify the means except in dire emergencies such as in dealing with terrorists. And that should be reviewed by Civilian Review Boards with a budget and subpoena powers.
There's no dire emergency in finding someone with $10,000 in his pockets. That's his business, not your business. Find some better evidence for a criminal activity. Get those computer-generated quotas off your back so you can get some real police work done. Why aren't your police unions helping you with that? If the police work with the federal government on these confiscations, they can get up to 80 percent of the stolen money. That can be used to increase cops' salaries. Do you see the conflict of interest here? This greatly encourages officers to police for profit. Local and state cops working with the federal government to dispose of their loot is called "equitable sharing." Obama has publicly backed off a bit from the volume of federal participation in this confiscation, but Obama does not walk the talk or even walk with the other world leaders for free speech. Cops can still use state means to confiscate money from innocent individuals but the procedures are not as generous to the takers.
    So there. The sheepdog has barked at the wolves. Now will some - at least - of you sheep take some testosterone, become rams, and give me a hand protecting the rest.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Bigfoot: Front Page, Wall Street Journal

    Bigfoot: Front Page Wall Street Journal: Story And Analysis. Wall Street Journal, Wednesday,  1-21-15, page A-1. Tom Biscardi is up to it again. Now, he is forming a company, Bigfoot Project Investments, to find bigfoot, make movies, and sell DVDs. The company presently has about $6,000 in cash and hopes to gain approval from the Securities and Exchange Commission to hold an Initial Public Offering as an emerging growth company.
    Nick's Analysis: I have no doubt that a long-term camp in an area in which there have been bigfoot sightings would eventually yield pictures and videos of bigfoot if the campers knew what they were doing and were allowed to do it.
Such as putting out food for bigfoot and attracting them. But I don't think Tom Biscardi is the person to do it. I've heard him on Fox News, and he sounded like an inveterate trickster. He claimed that he had seen the hoax " bigfoot in an icebox" and said it was real. A policeman lost his job for participating in that fraud. Unless Biscardi's had a near-death experience - which does genuinely change people- I'd say he was still a trickster. I wouldn't buy any shares. But it was nice seeing the drawing of the bust of bigfoot on the front page of the august Wall Street Journal. The Journal does like animals. Sociopaths, not so much. thanks you for your visit today and welcomes you back. Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0850.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Almas And Russian "Science"

    Almas And Russian "Science,", Story And Analysis: V. Khakhlov in 1913 as a professor of animal anatomy made a report about the almas (Russian bigfoot) in Eastern Asia. He gave the report to the Russian Imperial Academy Of Sciences. Its members advised him to forget about the subject.
    Nick's Analysis: The strongest characteristic of a scientist is curiosity. Derision and put-downs have nothing to do with the scientific method. But derision and put-downs have everything to do with human behavior, specifically evolutionary behavior. A male who makes advances over other males is perceived as an evolutionary threat to other males as he becomes the alpha male and gains superior access to attractive females, especially the alpha females who are skilled enough to successfully raise children. Without females, males do not evolve. In more ways than one, I would add. This is also why rich men will probably always be resented. Their wealth gives them the access to attractive women. Poor men lack this access and know it. By and large, poor men are not going to admit that the shortcomings lie within themselves. How many people are big enough to do that? Instead, they are going to say, "Those greedy rich people! Those damn one percenters! I hate 'em all!" Being emotional does not change the reality though. Watch out how emotionality is used to deter you from being curious and learning about revolutionary subjects such as bigfoot, the little people in UFOs, and the craziness of Islam. Advances in knowledge often embarrass those who are well-established in that field of knowledge. They may resist those advances to keep their money flow, prestige, and access to attractive women. thanks you for your visit and invites you back for more of the "Bigfoot Advocate." Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0850.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Bigfoot Family's Father Attacks- Hoax?

    Bigfoot Family's Father Attacks - Hoax? Story and Analysis: This is from the Bigfoot Field Research Organization's Website, Report #40020. Winter of 2008 in Fulton County, Arkansas. The reporter of this sighting drove up to a "black bear" in the road. The man honked his horn, and a female bigfoot with obvious breasts came out from some  trees, went into the road, and scooped up her baby. She put her baby on her back, and he placed his hands around her neck. Then the man had a rock hit his car. A nine foot bigfoot, bigger and broader than mother bigfoot, was standing behind his car. Father bigfoot then roared at the man who quickly drove off, but stopped about 150 yards down the road to recuperate. The bigfoot family followed and threw rocks. Finally, they left and the driver made a U-turn to avoid getting deeper into the woods. When he got to the spot where he had seen the baby bigfoot in the road, mistaking him for a black bear, the driver saw a dead deer on the side of the road. The deer was a doe, and she was torn nearly in half.
    Nick's Analysis: The reason I wonder if this is a hoax is because of the man's behavior. Most people respond to a bigfoot sighting by getting out of the situation as quickly as possible and virtually as far as possible away. They do not stop a mere 150 yards down the road to "recuperate." How could you with a rock-throwing, roaring bigfoot and his mate only a little more than a football field away? He didn't want to go any deeper into the woods? What was he afraid of - seeing a bigfoot? Who would park his car and let bigfoot pelt you with rocks until they left? Who would then turn his car around and drive back through the area where this event from hell took place? He didn't see the dead doe the first time. Why would he see her the second time? Wouldn't he be concentrating on driving as quickly away as possible? Seeing a doe nearly torn apart seems to be too much. Going simply on this report, I would say it was a hoax. thanks you for visiting and welcomes you back to read more of the "Bigfoot Advocate." Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0850.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Chinese Border Guards Kill Tibetan Yeti

   Chinese Border Guards Kill Tibetan Yeti, Story And Analysis: In the early 1970s the French ethnologist A.W. MacDonald met a merchant from Manang in northern Nepal who had just crossed a well-traveled path from communist occupied and colonized Tibet. The merchant told MacDonald that at the Chinese border post, he had seen the body of a large ape-like animal lying by the roadside. The Chinese guards told him they had shot the creature as it ran through the woods that same morning.
   Nick's Analysis: Thus is life under communism which can only be sustained by constant brutality and murders. Was this Yeti's body shown to the world? Of course not, and I have no doubt that government employees (of which I was one for many years) of the United States would have acted the same way and still are. The government employees sector is not going to publicly unravel the Bigfoot mystery anymore than it has shown us the captured little people, the ETs. That will have to come from the government meaning "we, the people." Something profound happens to many people who become government employees especially the ones with power. Government employees are absolutely necessary, but because of the bizzarrely corrupting opportunities and incentives found in their jobs, they must be watched very closely by citizen review boards and the like. Too often, they are absurdly given jobs in which they are the fox who is supposed to guard the hen house. It's an impossibilty. Foxes don't guard hens. Foxes eat hens. Don't fall for the con that other foxes will supervise the hen house fox either. Look what happened to good cop Frank Serpico when he spilled the beans about police corruption in New York City (his call for backup was ignored, and he was shot apart and permanently disabled. Now, there's a man!)
    You may think I harp about government employees and politics too much, but you are wrong. It is absolutely essential that you understand how the world really works from someone who has been there, and has, frankly, been eaten alive by it. You must be able to see through the games and disinformation that I write about to protect Bigfoot and the other Wildmen scattered throughout the world - and to protect your family, friends, others, and yourself as well. I want you, yours, and the Wildmen to do well.
    "The Bigfoot Advocate" welcomes you at Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0850. Class of 1968, William And Mary, Philosophy Major.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Bigfoot Literally Disappears

    Bigfoot Literally Disappears In Front Of An American Indian: Story And Analysis. From the book "Hunt For The Skinwalker" (2005) by Colm Kelleher and George Knapp, page 169. The town of Dulce, New Mexico, is completely surrounded by the Jicarillo Apache Reservation. One of the reservation officials was riding his horse, accompanied by three dogs, on his property when a Bigfoot broke from his cover a hundred and fifty feet away and began running from tree to tree acting as if he were being pursued. The dogs cowered under the Indian's horse. Suddenly, the Bigfoot simply disappeared into thin air. The official said the creature ran into some kind of opening. On the way home, the horse and the dogs all jumped over a spot although the Indian could see nothing there.
    Nick's Analysis: Dulce and the Skinwalker Ranch and vicinity are notorious for seemingly supernatural happenings. The two most reasonable reasons are that the area has an underground military base with flying saucers and other advanced technology and will harass humans, fry dogs, and mutilate cattle or that there is an opening or vortex to another dimension or world, and we have visitors. I think it is the latter. If Bigfoot is an ET or at least some Bigfoot are ETs, then you have the question of what was this particular Bigfoot near Dulce doing running from tree to tree as if being pursued? I have never read or heard of an earthly Bigfoot being pursued by anything but dogs and humans. Did he think the Indian, his horse, and three dogs were pursuing him or was there a superior, possibly invisible, ET after him. Was that why he seemed to run into an opening or vortex and disappear?
    "The Bigfoot Advocate" welcomes you. I try to post five Bigfoot stories and analyses each week for the purpose of informing the public about Bigfoot and other Wildmen around the world to protect them from extinction. Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0850.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Chinaman Devoted To The Yeren

Chinaman devoted to the Yeren, a life-long passion: From the Net: "One Man's Inspiring Story About China's Bigfoot."  A Bigfoot story and analysis.Like the Swiss-Canadian, Rene Dahindren, Li Guohua has been infected with the Bigfoot - rather, Yeren - bug most of his life. Dissimilar to Rene, Guohua did not abandon his family to pursue the Yeren, and he did see him, several times. He even shot at the Chinese Bigfoot on one occasion, but happily his gun did not go off because his powder was dry. He was apparently still using a muzzle-loader. Guohua is now in his sixties and is retired on $313 a month for a family of three. In 1972 he was working in a Muyo town and saw several Wildman footprints. As you would suspect, he had already heard stories about them. He started his search for the Yeren later when he worked as an actor and had the time and energy to hunt. His first encounter with Bigfoot was on February 28, 1980. The Wildman appeared to be stalking him so Li hid behind a tree and waited. He remarked that the creature resembled both a man and an ape. The Yeren was covered with red hair and walked like a man. Li shot at him, but the powder was damp. Li has now been looking for the Yeren for thirty years, but still does not have a picture or body.
    Nick's Analysis: It is good that Li stayed with his family and contributed to their support as he followed his obsession. Rene Dahindren did not. He abandoned his Native American wife and two sons to try to photograph Bigboot primarily in the Canadian Northwest. He was very secretive and did not share information with other Bigfoot camera-hunters. He supported himself by inventing a way to retrieve spent lead shot from trap and clay pigeon shooting ranges and lived in a small camping trailer. I saw a cruel picture taken of his two sons in front of a Bigfoot statue in the Northwest. I say "cruel" because Rene left his sons for Bigfoot. Fortunately, his wife did not hold that against him and demean him in front of their children. At least the damage done to those two boys was lessened by her generosity.
"The Bigfoot Advocate" thanks you for your visit. Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0850.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Two Bigfoot With Tails

Two Bigfoot With Tails, Stories And Analysis: From "The Evidence For Bigfoot
And Other Man-Beasts" (1984). One Bigfoot with a tail was widely seen by farmers around Albany, Kentucky in the autumn of 1973. He had a long, black, bushy tail. "Bushy" was also the word used to describe a Bigfoot viewed at Mamquam, British Columbia in June, 1969. Both left tracks showing only three toes. Nick's Analysis: Probably Bigfoot is having inbreeding problems due human "developing" his territory. Sooner or later, inbreeding affects the structure of the animal. The Florida Panther in Southwest Florida which is now packed with humans has lost most of his territory and is inbred with kinks in his tail and whorls in his coat showing the condition. The problem has been ameliorated with the introduction of Texas cougars into the area.
    Inbreeding could be contributing to the fact that some Bigfoot have anomalies like tails, three toes, and more. I have even read of seven toes. Besides humans leaving North American, the best palliative measures I know are wildlife corridors so the Bigfoot can get into other gene pools, population control for humans, and trying to get the American way of life - dignity of the individual, a written constitution protecting minorities, property rights, and democracy- introduced into those countries whose people are flooding America and Bigfoot territory. These immigrants are seeking the American way of life because theirs not only sucks but tortures, maims, and kills.
    Thank you for visiting "The Bigfoot Advocate" which is dedicated to trying to prevent what happened to the American Indian from happening to the Wildmen scattered about the world. Peter Nickerson, William And Mary, Class Of '68, Philosophy Major. Also, MS and MSW. 352-359-0850.