Friday, October 31, 2014

Bigfoot Bangs Deer To Death.

Bigfoot bangs deer to death against trees: Bigfoot Field Research Organization's Report from Colbert County, Alabama. The reporter found several dead deer. Only thing touched were their guts which were cut or torn out. No meat taken. Deer's back feet were twisted and broken. Tufts of deer hair were on trees as high as ten feet. Looked like the deer had been grabbed by their rear legs and banged to passivity or death  against tree trunks as high as ten feet off the ground. Only one of the deer was a buck- a spike buck- which probably meant he had been born only that spring. Does are not as powerful as bucks, and therefore they are easier to kill. They are much more trusting and easier to approach too.
    It is reported that Bigfoot is taking livers only in some occasions. Perhaps, she is well fed and is simply topping off an almost completely filled stomach. Curiously, the Batutut or "forest people" of northern Borneo are said occasionally to kill humans and tear out their livers. They are a six feet tall Bigfoot-like animal.

"Your Daily Bigfoot: Sensational Titles Backed With Facts" by Peter Nickerson 352-359-0850.

For a once-a-month presentation about the world-wide Wild Men ( and Women) with videos, pictures, recorded calls and other sounds, as well as print, please go to

Thank you for your visit. We need to watch these awesome creatures to be sure they don't go the way of the American Indian.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Bigfoot Takes Rifle and Deer.

    Bigfoot takes rifle and half a deer. This happened near Wallace, Idaho, on October 5, 1949. A 22 year-old hunter kills a deer, takes half out on a backboard to his truck, and starts to go back, fires a shot, and then he's gone. Searchers find his body with his rifle missing. The other half of the deer back in the woods has also vanished. The coroner comes out as the body is dragged to the road and says the hunter died of a heart attack. Case closed.
    No autopsy. No attention to the missing rifle. Why would a 22 year-older have a heart attack? He was carrying out a deer not a moose! He was returning to the other half of the deer when he had the heart attack. What was the meaning of the expended cartridge? Did he wound or kill something on the way back to his deer? Was there blood, a piece of fur, or tracks to identify this third party to the deer and hunter scenario? Whom do we know comes into hunters' dead deer and takes them from time to time? Why was no autopsy done? Everything is ignored and smoothed over, but so many questions remain that only an idiot would accept the simple explanation of "It was a heart attack." The saving grace is that this happened in 1949. After World War II, people were much more passive about the lines they were being given by government employees. After serving in the Armed Forces during the war, most had become accustomed to keeping their mouths shut and just doing it- whatever it was. Few people serve in the military now, but the challenge of being duped by authority remains.

Reference: From the book, "Missing 411- North America And Beyond" (2012) by David Paulides, pages 99-100. Ex-cop David Paulides has written two books about Bigfoot and followed those up with four books that he will not admit are about Bigfoot too. He claims he hasn't come to a conclusion. Nor does he offer even an hypothesis. He is being very coy.  These books are the Missing 411 triad and his latest book, "The Devil's In The Details." The book "Missing 411 - North America And Beyond" has much disgraceful sentence structure and spelling in it. David, men are not "coeds."
There is a section devoted to the disappearances of coeds, and you see pictures and write ups of male students. This comes from someone who has not only a college degree but a graduate degree? David writes that a number of people read his book before it is published to give him their comments. What's their problem? When so much of the book is illiterate, and it comes from someone with two university degrees supposedly and is reviewed by other people, again supposedly,  I have to wonder how trustworthy the book is. Spellbinding? You bet. True and complete? I don't know. Cops have a lot of chutzpah.

"Your Daily Bigfoot: Sensational Titles Backed With Facts" by Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0850

For a once-a-month presentation of the worldwide Wild Man (and Woman) through videos, pictures, sounds, and print, go to ""


Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Bigfoot Carrying Huge Object

Two white bigfoot were seen carrying a huge object near Smithfield, Jefferson
County, Ohio, 1988. During that winter, a father and son saw two hairy, white Bigfoot. The incident took place along the part of a road that connects the gates of Friendship Lake to Smithfield. The Bigfoot were walking down a hill towards a pond and were carrying something that appeared to be about the size of the bed of apick-up truck. As soon as they were seen, the Bigfoot dropped whatever it was they were carrying and fell to the ground. From there they scooted behind some bushes but still could be seen by the humans. The father and son decided to get a better view by driving up 200 yards and turning around. It took only a little over than a minute but by the time they got back, the Bigfoot and the object they were carrying were gone.
    This reminds me of a sighting on a frozen lake in Alaska. Two trappers found a big hole in the ice and two drag marks on the ice. They followed the drag marks to the shore where they encountered off to the side of them a Bigfoot fourteen feet tall. The Bigfoot was not moving. The trappers smoked a cigarette, and one of them sketched a picture of the hole in the ice, the drag marks, and the huge Hairy Man. The Bigfoot did not move. Finally, they couldn't dawdle any longer and continued their hike. To me, the huge Bigfoot was not moving because he was immense, and he was protecting something. I wonder if he, like the two white Bigfoot on the way to a pond with a pickup bed size object, didn't have fishing traps.

Reference: "Bigfoot Encounters In Ohio" (2006) by Christopher Murphy, page 62.

"Your Daily Bigfoot: Sensational Titles Backed With Facts" by Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0850

For a once-a-month presentation about the worldwide Wildman ( and Woman) using videos, pictures, sounds, and print, go to

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Bigfoot Pulls Man Out ...

Bigfoot Pulls Man Out Of A Carriage: This happened near Gallipolis, Ohio, in 1869. A gigantic, naked wild man pulled a man from his carriage into the mud where the creature bit and scratched him. The man was becoming exhausted. But his daughter came to his rescue. She picked up a rock and hit the Bigfoot in the head. The creature got up slowly and went into the woods. "Bigfoot Encounters In Ohio" by Christopher Murphy, pages 52-57

"Your Daily Bigfoot" by Peter Nickerson

See "" for a once-a-month presentation of videos, pictures, sounds, and print about the worldwide Wild Man ( and Woman).

Monday, October 27, 2014

Horses Slashed; Bigfoot Next

Horses slashed; Bigfoot next: The Department of the Interior helicopters deliberately drove horses into barbed wire, slashing them but continued nosing them with the skids of the helicopters until the wounded, frantic horses knocked over the barbed wire with their bare chests and leaped out of their field. They were met there by government employed cowboys who pushed the poor animals into trailers. They were then taken away to fields government employees had access to, unloaded, and underfed resulting in the starvation death of many of the horses. Another example of your government employees at work helping you.
    Those same government employees-  employed in the Department of the Interior - will soon be saying they want to "take care of Bigfoot" when their attempts to deny his existence eventually fails under the weight of continuing evidence. They'll take care of Bigfoot the same way they took care of these horses owned by Indians and the same way they took care of the American Indian during which they almost completed the genocide of an entire race of humans.
    For more information about how the Department of Interior continues to abuse horses and steal land from Indians, I urge you to watch the documentary "American Outrage" by Beth and George Gage. The video focuses on the lives of two Shoshone sisters, Mary and Carrie Dann. The latter sister becomes an activist after the the Department of Interior's abuse and murder of her horses and after the Secretary of the Interior illegally declares himself the "trustee" for the Shoshone Nation in 1961 and steals for the government 26 million acres of Shoshone land for a mere 24 million. The next year, coincidentally, of course, the Secretary leases the confiscated Shoshone land to multinational companies who have determined there is gold in that land.
    In 1861, the U.S. government signed a "friendship" pact called the Treaty of Ruby Ridge with the Shoshone Nation. The purpose of the treaty was an understanding of friendliness between the two nations so that government employees could get to California and back to exploit the gold rush without having to fight Shoshone Indians. The feds knew the Civil War was coming and wanted to build up their gold supply to pay for their massive army and navy build ups. That "friendship" lasted only as long as there was nothing else the feds wanted from the Shoshone.
    Now they were back, abusing and murdering horses and stealing millions of acres of hunting and pasture land from the Shoshone. Multinational companies wanted the land for the small amounts of gold contained in the rocks. They dug huge pits to dig up as many rocks as possible, then soaked the rocks in cyanide to separate the gold from the rocks, and then bulldozed the rocks into huge piles. Formerly beautiful Indian land now alternated between huge pits and huge piles of rocks. If they abused and murdered horses, do you think they really disposed of the cyanide safely? About 95 percent of this gold went into rings. Hardly an urgent reason. I have no doubt that the Secretary of Interior was in collusion with the multinational corporations. He was their puppet as many government employees are, especially politicians and high-placed administrative government employees. Everyone below them has to dance to the same tune too or lose their jobs. The only was to stop the politicians and the top government officials from kowtowing to multinational companies and to listen to " we, the people" - the government- is to make election funding come from only public money and make private donations illegal. Then politicians cannot be bought as puppets by the multinationals or by anyone. That door from the sewer has to be shut and sealed.

"Your Daily Bigfoot" by Peter Nickerson

For a monthly presentation by video, pictures, sounds, and print of the worldwide Wildman (and woman), see ""

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Abominable Snowman Kills Sherpa

Abominable Snowman Kills Sherpa: In 1948, H.W. Tilman, a World War ll British
soldier and now an experienced mountaineer was on an expedition in Nepal. In mid-November, Tilman and other expedition members were huddled around a campfire trying to get warm from the bitter cold and talking among themselves when a Sherpa, Danu, told the group that a friend of his, another Sherpa, had been badly mauled in the face the year before by an Abominable Snowman.
His friend had run downhill from the creature as the Sherpas know they stand a good chance of getting away from one that way. It is thought that the long head hair of the Snowman falls over his face and inhibits his vision when he runs downhill. The Sherpa was making progress when he slipped and fell.
Stunned by the fall, the Sherpa was an easy mark for the pursuing Snowman.
The Sherpa did manage to get away but later died of his facial injuries.

Reference: "Trail Of The Abominable Snowman" (1966) by Gardner Soule.
This book is very interesting and a quick read.

By Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0850.  I solicit calls about your and your friends'
Bigfoot sightings or Wild Man sightings in other countries. Serious calls only, please.

See "" for a monthly presentation of videos, pictures, illustrations, and sounds of Bigfoot and other Wild Men around the world.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Denying Bigfoot Less Scientific...

Denying Bigfoot is less scientific than acknowledging him: As three time National Book Award winner, enviromental activist, and ex-CIA agent, Peter Mathiessen wrote in "The Snow Leopard," But as with the sasquatch of the vast rain forests of the Pacific Northwest, the case against the existence of Yeti - entirely speculative, and necessarily based on assumptions of foolishness or mendacity in many observers of good reputation- is even less 'scientific' than the evidence that it does exist.
    Photographs and casts of the Yeti fooprint are consistent- a very odd, broad primate foot- and so are the sighting records, most of which come from the populous Sherpa country of eastern Nepal." page 118.

Peter Nickerson 352-359-0850

For a monthly news presentation with videos, pictures, illustrations, recorded sound, and the printed word about the worldwide Wild Woman and Wild Man,  see "

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Chinese Yeti Killed!

Chinese Yet killed! Wang Zelin graduated from the Faculty of Biology at Northwestern University in Chicago. When World War ll started, he returned to China and was working with the Yellow River Irrigation Committee. In 1940, he had this once-in-lifetime experience: He was in a car between Jianglup City and Niangniang Plain when he and his fellow travelers heard firing ahead of them. They drove up. A crowd had surrounded the shooter, and everyone got out of the car. A "wildman," rather a Wild Woman had been dragged out of the woods and onto the road. She had been shot in the back, several times.The body was still supple, and the creature was very tall. She was six feet, six inches tall. The whole body was covered with a coat of thick grayish-red hair about one and one-fourth inches long.
Wang Zelin, the field biologist from Northwestern, saw that when the Yeren, as they are commonly called, was turned over, she had large breasts, and her nipples were red as if she had just given birth. So her young were doomed too by her death. The hair on her face was not as long. Her face was narrow with deep-set eyes. Her cheekbones and lips jutted out. Her scalp hair was about one foot long and untidy. Her appearance was very like the plaster model of a female Homo Erectus. But her hair was longer and thicker than the Homo Erectus model. The Yeren was considered ugly by the awed Chinese crowd because her lips stuck out.
    According to the locals, there had been two Wild People, and they had been staying in the area for about a month. The villagers said the Wild Man and Women had great strength. They frequently stood erect and were very tall, from the perspective of Chinese. The creatures walked at a fast pace and could cover uphill distance as if they were walking on a plain. The locals could not catch up with them. The Yeti were said not to have a language, but only a howl.

Reference: "Still Living?" (1983) by Myra Shackley. page 82. This is a highly readable book created by an British professor, writing in her field. Very informative.

"Your Daily Bigfoot" by Peter Nickerson 352-359-0850. Sensational titles but backed up with the facts- as far as I can tell.

Please visit "" presenting monthly, worldwide news by pictures, videos, sounds, and printed word about the Wild Man and Wild Woman. By Peter Nickerson and Web Designer Jesse Cross-Nickerson.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Hog-Hunter Hoaxes A Bigfoot?

Hog-Hunter hoaxes a Bigfoot? A Mississippi hunter has entered a video onto the Internet that purports to be of a Bigfoot digging into a stump. It looked like a hollow-tree to me. The story is that the hunter went hunting for hogs in the late afternoon by a river and swamp waiting for hogs to come out. He was in camouflage and sat without moving. Makes sense so far. Some time later, he saw a Bigfoot come into the area and start digging at a stump. You could see the Bigfoot through the cypresses, bent over, even sitting down and digging. Then the hunter claims a truck blew its horn on a nearby road, and alarmed, the Bigfoot stood up. Infinitely more alarmed, the hunter stopped using his cell phone camera, jumped up and fled.
    The scenario seemed very similar to the Provo Canyon, Utah encounter a few years ago. Two young men with a camcorder saw a herd of deer up the side of a mountain or ridge and started sneaking up to them. They came up to the backside of a Bigfoot who was bent over or on his knees digging up something.
As is the case in the woods, there was not a clear shot or picture of the creature.
Bushes and little trees were in the way. That is why bow-hunters clear shooting lanes; if anything touches their arrow in flight, their arrow is going to be deflected. There was no cleared shooting lane in this situation. The Wild Man or Woman apparently felt the two men looking at his back and stood up. Like the hog hunter, when the huge creature go to his feet, they fled.
    There are three reasons that weaken hog-hunter Josh Highcliff's claim that this was the real thing. First, you can hear birds singing, but I didn't hear the truck honk. That could have been the camera. Second, it appeared that Bigfoot tossed a stick into the nearby swamp water using an overhand throw. I understand that Bigfoot throws only underhanded. That's a major point. Third, Mr. Highcliff's writing is very sweet for a hog-killer. He is emotional and supplicating. Of course, he had just undergone a traumatic experience, and even Harley bikers get nice then. But his writing was so saccharine it reminded me of the term"affable sociopath." If this video is a hoax, and Josh Highcliff gave his true name, he's going to suffer much more than he gained by the trick.
    Josh, I can be reached at 352-359-0850. Read me and see that I will give you an open shot at answering my doubts and any others. I will also honestly post what you say to me.

Reference: Google "Breaking: Mississippi Man Films Skunk Ape, Probably The Best Footage Since Patterson." Pick a website that shows the video.

"Your Daily Bigfoot" By Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0850

Please visit  "" for presenting monthly, world-wide news about the Wild Woman and Wild Man including pictures, videos, and recorded sounds as well as the printed word. 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Bigfoot-Kidnapped Boy Sees

Bigfoot-Kidnapped Boy Sees Guns And Purses In Cave:
    It is said that when missing children are found, law enforcement does not
wait to see what the children say about what happened to their parents or other family members. It's not rocket science to know that a child is going to speak much more openly to warm, loving family members rather than hard men and women wearing guns who are strangers to boot. In this case, David Paulides, author of the Missing 411 books, was able to learn what one very intelligent child three year older finally told his grandmother about his kidnapping. He apparently waited to talk to his grandmother over his parents and all others, because he said she was the "twin" of the woman who had inspected him when he woke up in a "cave or cavern" as he described it. He said she was interested in his "tummy" and looked at it. I suspect she was interested in his sex and wonder if she would have tried to adopt him if he had been a girl. Girls are more manageable generally, and they can conceivably be given to male Bigfoot as sex slaves, similar to the practice of American Indians with white women they captured.
    The little boy, whom his parents insisted remain unnamed, added that he thought the woman was just like his grandmother until he saw "sparks" in her hair. Then he decided she was a robot. He said there were other robots in the cave too, but he didn't mention them doing anything, not even moving. Then he said that he saw purses and guns with dust on them. Immediately, I thought that he was not the first human captured and taken to this cave or cavern, and the Bigfoot had taken their purses and guns as trophies. It is even possible that the other "robots" about the cave were human skeletons. Many missing persons are never found. It would behoove Bigfoot not to leave bodies and skeletons around as it would tell where these deaths were taking place, and if government employees cared to do honest, public autopsies, we would know how these people died. We already know that Bigfoot like many of the large cats watches his own tracks and tries to conceal them. He would also try to conceal his human kill, knowing what wrath it could bring down on his family and himself.
    The three year-older was placed, five hours after his capture, on the side of a main trail being used by the many rescuers responding to his disappearance. He was found there, and apparently continues to do well.

Reference: "Missing 411- North America And Beyond" (2012) by David Paulides, pages 59-60.

"Your Daily Bigfoot" (except for Sundays) by Peter Nickerson 352-359-0850
For a monthly presentation of the wild woman and wild man world-wide with videos,pictures, and howls as well as print, please go to by Peter Nickerson and Jesse Cross-Nickerson.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Bigfoot Kills Deerhunter.....

Bigfoot kills deerhunter, takes his rifle and half his deer and disappears.
A 22 year-old man near Wallace, Idaho killed a deer, took half of it on his backboard to his vehicle, and then started back into the woods to get the other half. He never made it. The searchers found him dead with the deer half in the woods gone as well as the man's rifle. Papers said that the coroner went to the body when it was pulled out of the woods and declared that the 22 year-older had a heart attack. No autopsy was performed.
    No autopsy. No attention to the missing rifle or the missing deer half as well as the fact that the searchers had found that the hunter had fired off a shot on the way back to his deer. Why did he shoot? Were there tracks around where he shot? What were they? He had to shoot at something.Why were his rifle and the second part of his deer gone? Did they just get up and walk away? Why would a twenty-two year-older have a heart attack carrying only an empty pack board on the way back to the second part of his deer? Why wasn't homocide suspected?It appears that this investigation was conducted by idiots! But I say it was not done by idiots, but authorities who did not want the public to know the truth. This was the passive, post-World War ll public, and they wouldn't question much. The investigation then was done not by idiots but for idiots.The only saving grace is that it happened in 1949, and the public is now far too sophisticated and assertive to be duped by  government employees. Or are we when many of us smugly think there is no such thing as Bigfoot and are positive that guns and deer halves do get up and walk away, never to be found?

Reference: "Missing 44l - North America And Beyond" (2012) By David Paulides, pages 99-100.

"Your Daily Bigfoot" Except For Sundays - Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0850.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Bigfoot Swims 14

Bigfoot swims 14 m.p.h.: Canoeists on the Mohican River in Ashland County, Ohio had a Bigfoot paralleling them on the shore. Then he ran by them to get to a bend in the river. They heard him splash into the river ahead of them, and paddled the canoe up to see him come out onto the opposite bank of the river.
He had crossed in front of them underwater. The canoeists had timed him when he splashed into the water, and it took him 30 seconds to swim 200 yards to where he came out on the other side. This works out to a phenomenal 14 miles per hour swimming underwater. This happened in 1997.

Reference: page 48, "Bigfoot Encounters In Ohio" (2006) by Christopher Murphy.

Peter Nickerson 352-359-0850

Friday, October 17, 2014

Holding A St. Bernard's Head, Bigfoot Waded ...

    Holding a St. Bernard's head, the Bigfoot waded into the lake: In Marshall County, Alabama, on a moonlit night a man and wife were driving to Walmart. Going past Guntersville Lake in Honeycomb, they drove slowly by a house because the owner had numerous dogs, including two St. Bernards, who were often out in the road. The road was only four feet from the lake when the driver saw an eight foot Bigfoot walking away from the road into the water. He was carrying in his left hand by the hair from the top of the dog's head, a St. Bernard's head. Some flesh was hanging from where the neck had been torn off. The man's wife noticed that her husband seemed upset and asked what was wrong. He told her, she looked back, but all she could see by this time were ripples in the lake. The Bigfoot had gone under. The man saw the Bigfoot at only 150 feet as he drove by. This was reported to the Bigfoot Field Research Organization in March, 2007, but it happened in 1977. BFRO Report #18043.
    Bigfoot uses water as a hidden trail. He can take a child or an adult underwater almost as easily as a dog's head. What was he going to do with the dog's head? Take it home to show his kids or as a toy? Eat it? We will eventually learn what the realistic options are in Bigfoot behavior. Fortunately, the man did find out from the owner of the St. Bernard that the dog had died of natural causes several days earlier and was buried behind the house. At least, the dog wasn't killed by the Bigfoot. The house was also near a power line, another Bigfoot travel route.This should make you take ex-cop David Paulides' "Missing 411" books more thoughtfully. It could be why people are paying $90 for his latest one.
    Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0850.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Bigfoot Kills For Liver

    Bigfoot kills for only the liver: Apparently, Matt Moneymaker's wife, an MD, was the first or one of the first to find out that Bigfoot in Ohio were killing deer, especially young deer, for only their liver. Matt took her out to property where the owner had found several deer killed. Doctor Moneymaker determined that an enormously strong hand was inserting itself into the body of the deer and taking only the livers. The liver is a treasure trove of vitamins, cholesterol for building hormones, proteins, and glycogen. Not even the tender backstrap was being pulled out. A possible answer for such behavior is that Bigfoot, like chimpanzees, is using animal parts for medicinal purposes. More likely is the explanation that he is eating the most nutritious part of the animal because he is not famished, and the deer are so plentiful that he can afford to be extremely picky.
    A parallel can be found with the grizzly. At the end of their feeding season, grizzly bears are known to top off their almost full stomachs with only the most nutritious part of the salmon - the head. These bears are feeding heavily in preparation for the long winter hibernation.
    The dead deer examined by the Moneymakers in several areas in Ohio showed evidence that Bigfoot had run them down, grabbed a rear leg, and whacked the deer to death against trees. One rear leg would be found broken and mangled.In reading Myra Shackley's "Still Living," I had to laugh when she described Bigfoot as an "inoffensive ape." Ask a deer who's getting her brains bashed out against a tree trunk by a Bigfoot, if Bigfoot is inoffensive. Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0850.

Reference: "Bigfoot Encounters In Ohio" (2006) by Christopher Murphy, pages 105-7.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Bigfoot Has Unique Worms

Bigfoot has unique worms:  "In 1959 a yeti expedition to Nepal organized by a Texan oil millionaire Tom Slick returned with some yeti faecal droppings. These were found to contain a hitherto unknown form of parasitic nematode worm: Since animal species often possess parasites unique to themselves this offers support for the belief that at least one type of yeti, just like its parasite, is indeed a species new to science."

Reference: "The Unexplained" (1997) page 116  by Dr. Karl Shuker. Shuker got his Ph.D. in anthropology but discovered he had diabetes and would not be able to pursue the hardships involved in excavating. Therefore, he decided to enter the field of cryptozoology where he maintains a reputation for serious research. Yeti having their unique kind of roundworms is more evidence indicating they exist. This news item does not appear to be widely known.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Bigfoot Monthly News, October, 2014

 1.   The bottom line- that you probably want to know if Bigfoot has been proved yet- will be my immediate concern. The answer is no. To my knowledge there has been only one picture coming to my attention in the last month that will further the acceptance of Bigfoot's existence for most people. It is a photo taken by a woman with hands that were shaking using a sports camera from her tent of a Bigfoot peeping at her only forty feet away.
    In June, 2012 this woman and her husband were hiking at Sunrise Lake in the Eagle Nest Wilderness in Colorado. Early in the day, they heard growling on the trail ahead of them so they turned around and went back to Sunrise Lake to set up camp for the night. After setting up, the wife went down to the edge of the lake to sit and observe. She saw a large, brownish-red bipedal across the lake.
Perhaps denial set in because she didn't report it to her husband when she returned to camp. Later, her husband and she were in the tent when they heard twice what sounded to her like a rock being thrown against a tree. In addition, three knocks were made. The wife threw a rock against a tree to demonstrate what they had heard. The Bigfoot did the same. She threw another rock, and so did Bigfoot. Bigfoot males love mimicry and and flirting with human females. At some point, the couple saw the Bigfoot's brownish-red head peeking at them through some brush only forty feet away. Wisely, the couple had several survival tools: a gun, a very large knife, and bear spray. Please be advised that I have read that pepper spray doesn't affect Bigfoot. I don't know why. Plenty of people seem to still depend upon it and it alone. I wouldn't. Apparently, the Bigfoot went away after the peeping. 

Directions to photograph:  Google: "Some backpackers in Colorado got a rock throwing response." Look for the red head in the left center of the picture above the little snowbank (for you in the tropics, that's the white stuff!)

2.    Recognition of Bigfoot got a push this month from a Russian biophysical technologist at Moscow's prestigious Agricultural Academy. An Andrei Stroganov found a piece of bark right outside of Moscow that he says is marked by a large primate. He says the horizontal marks come from a paw nine inches across and are not claw marks. Thus, it's not a bear but a Bigfoot. Bigfoot has fingernails not claws though there is speculation he may sharpen them. A photograph or video of the marks would have been very helpful, but it's Russia.

Those are the direct developments in furthering the establishment that Bigfoot exists. The following are indirect developments.

1.    Bigfoot is now protected in two counties in the United States. In 1984 the Board of Commissioners of Skamania County, Washington partially repealed and amended its 1969 Bigfoot ordinance because it "may have exceeded the jurisdictional authority of the Board of Commissioners." The conviction of a wanton killing of a sasquatch with malice will now be a "gross misdemeanor."
Without malice, it will "only" be a misdemeanor. A gross misdemeanor will be punishable by one year in the county jail or a $1,000 fine or both. If the
Sasquatch is determined to be "humanoid" by the coroner, the district attorney must prosecute as if a human had been killed.The Board also recognized Skamania County as a "sasquatch refuge."
    The second county, Whatcom County, in Washington passed in 1991 Resolution 92-043 which simply declares the county a sasquatch protection and refuge area. This information was found on pages 30-32 in Christopher Murphy's "Bigfoot Encounters In Ohio."

2.    There is an excellent video review of some of the giant skeletons found in America along with very suspicious behavior- lying and denying by government employees. The video is wide-ranging, very well put-together and even shows Patty Bigfoot without her facial hair. She's not very feminine-looking.

    Directions: Google "bigfoot bones cover-up - youtube."

3.    Until I learn differently, I am going to claim credit for figuring out how Bigfoot walks, why he walks that way, and making it public through this post. Often people report that the Sasquatch walks in a clumsy manner or, on the other side of the coin, that he appears to glide through the woods and fields. I can explain. Since the Hairy Man has such prodigious feet, he first has to raise them to stop them from dragging on the soil or the snow. To do this, he raises his knees much higher than humans do. That cocks the soles of his feet up so high that if you are behind him, you can see his soles. Remember the white on the bottom of Patty's feet as she walked away from Patterson, Gimlin, and their horses at Bluff Creek? But that isn't all. After cocking his foot up, Bigfoot then swings it outward in an arc because his legs and feet are simply too long to be brought directly forward underneath his torso. Bringing his knees up high and looping his legs outward and around gives him the gliding motion similar to a cross-country skier. This arc is so long that he ends up planting each foot directly in front of the other one. This leaves his characteristic single line of footprints.
    The clumsy, shuffling movements reported come about when the Bigfoot is moving slowly and not bringing up his knees and arcing his legs. His huge feet are simply getting in his way. Humans commonly see that with their children and puppies.
    I found this explanation not by genius but by serendipity. I was reading Douglas Chadwick's book, "The Wolverine Way." Like Sasquatch, the wolverine, an fearless and extremely strong weasel, has enormous feet. From a raised viewing platform, Chadwick was watching thirty to forty captive wolverines owned by a Dale Pedersen, a successful businessman.
Trappers know that Pedersen loves wolverines so they call him and say, " I just caught a wolverine. Come with money or I'm going to kill him." Fortunately, Pedersen has the means to get to the trappers and the wolverines fast wherever they are and pay the ransom. It's a win-win-win situation. His wolverine pens each encompass about an acre and are stocked with trees, rocks, and even swimming pools. From the raised platform, Douglas Chadwick watched the wolverines running and playing and by looking down at them, saw their legs arcing out because their big feet could not go directly forward lest they drag on the ground. Suddenly,
Chadwick got it. He truly saw what was happening and understood the mechanics. I have simply correlated what Pedersen saw with the wolverine to Bigfoot.
    I urge you to read "The Wolverine Way." If you love animals, you will love this book which discusses the Glacier (National Park) Wolverine Project.See if you don't come away from this book ranking the wolverine up there with the Navy Seals. They are that good.

    Directions: "The Wolverine Way" by Douglas Chadwick (2010) around page 223, hardback.

4.    One of the Tom Slick expeditions into northern California thought it had found a Bigfoot poop. They sent it in to a lab to be analyzed, and the results stated that there were parasites found of unknown origin. This is the problem with laboratories. Under the pressure of big corporations such as the oil, timber, and housing industries on government employees, Bigfooters are finding that most scientists don't dare touch the Bigfoot question. Laboratories refuse to set up a standard for a" possible Bigfoot" and compare what comes in from the field with that standard. All they will do is send lab results back saying the results are "unknown" - and they don't want to know. Knowledge is being blocked by politics. Politicians are elected by big money. Big corporations have the big money. Big corporations want something for their money. Politicians desperately want to get elected and re-elected forever because they love being treated like royalty. It becomes an addiction. But they need big money. They have to go to big corporations. Their opponents certainly will. So to get the big money, they have to do what the corporations want them to do, regardless of what they think of the goodness of the issue. This makes politicians prostitutes. Isn't this what addicts become? The system is corrupt and corrupting. It should not be allowed to continue. To stop it, elections must be financed with public money, not private money. It is as simple as that. Talk it up with your family, friends, and whoever will listen to you. Look for representatives who agree with you, support, and vote for them. You have to support them financially as much as you can for now. You can't take a knife to a gunfight. Then we can sit down with the oil, timber, and housing interests to try to strike a balance with this country remaining prosperous yet protective of animal and plant life as much as possible. At this point, the timber industry kills American nuns in South America who get in the way of their development. This must stop.

To Be Added To