Tuesday, December 30, 2014

A Skinned Mongolian Alma's Description

A Skinned Mongolian Alma's Description, Mongolia's Bigfoot: From British archaeology professor Myra Shackley's book, "Still Living?" (1983).
One of the members of Professor Y. Rinchen's expeditions was Dorj Meiren who in 1937 saw an alma's skin in one of the Gobi Desert monasteries. It was being used by the lamas as a ritual carpet for some of their ceremonies. The hairs on the skin were reddish and curly, and the skin had been prepared after death by cutting it down the backbone so that the chest and face were kept intact. The features were hairless, the face had eyebrows, and the head still had long, disordered hair. Fingers and toes were in good preservation, and the nails were similar to human nails.
    Nick's Analysis: There's no analysis here; just sadness that such an evolved creature was killed.
    www.blackfloridapanther.blogspot.com thanks you for your visit to Bigfoot Advocate and hopes you will return. Avoiding the killing, directly and indirectly, of the Wildmen around the world without draconian measures through knowledge is the aim of this blog. I hope you will join me. Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0850. 

Monday, December 29, 2014

"Hunt For The Skinwalker" Critique

"Hunt For The Skinwalker" Critique: A Workingman's Criticism. Some of you may have heard of the "Skinwalker Ranch" in New Mexico where the Gorman family was driven out by UFOs that, among other things, butchered their cows, transported their prize bulls, and incinerated their Blue Heeler dogs. It was enough to make your blood boil.
    My first criticism is that the National Institute for Discovery Science which bought the ranch from the beaten-up Gormans did not aggressively begin digging into the soil since the Gormans had heard machinery and other noises emanating from beneath the ground. The prior owners, who had also fled the ranch, warned the Gormans not to dig into the ground. That's exactly what the National Institute for Discovery Science should have done. The staff might have found out that there was a military base underneath them as was suspected by some of the local Ute Indians. Digging might also have provoked a response that the scientific staff could have exploited. The staff would have used well the services of a tough, street-smart private investigator. This was no scientific laboratory but a crime scene. The big question was whose military base was beneath the Skinwalker Ranch?
    My second criticism is that the Gormans did not make lemonade out of a lemon, but allowed themselves to be pushed around and their animals killed by a demonic force. The Gormans eventually cut and ran as losers with gaping emotional wounds. Instead, they could have opened up the ranch to the media. If the media had access to what went on, something would have been done after the subequent publicity of the demonic happenings at the ranch. The world would not have allowed it to go on. The United States wouldn't have allowed it to go on. As a former "historical interpreter " or tour guide for Colonial Williamsburg, I know that the Gormans could have opened their ranch to tours and made a fortune. I know the Gormans wanted their privacy, but the UFOs and ETs weren't giving it to them anyway. You don't cut and run. The Gormans were extremely hard working, intelligent, proud people. Running hurt them far more than any lack of privacy which would only be temporary anyway.
    For the Bigfoot enthusiast, there were two possible Sasquatches in the book. The first one appeared when the Gormans allowed a tourist to meditate in one of their pastures. A Bigfoot appeared, running into view, went right up to the meditator and roared into his face. The poor tourist almost became unconscious with fright, a typical close-quarters result with a Wildman. The second Sasquatch came out of a vortex that opened in the sky, revealing another world.
    "Hunt For The Skinwalker" was an intense read.

Www.blackfloridapanther.blogspot.com thanks you for reading " The Bigfoot Advocate." With your help, I am trying to prevent what happened to the American Indian happening to Bigfoot or worse. Peter Nickerson  352-359-0850.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Bigfoot Touches Boy's Shoulder

Bigfoot Touches Boy's Shoulder, Story And Analysis: From "Bigfoot Encounters In Ohio," (2006), pages 84-85. In Akron, Ohio, a man revealed in 1995 that as a boy, he and a group of boys went night fishing. They stopped at a bridge to decide the best route to their fishing spot and to check their bait supply. They were more or less facing each other when a large, dark hand appeared out of the night and gently came to rest on the shoulder of the boy who was carrying the fishing poles. Everything- poles, bait, and tackle- was dropped as the boys fled. The bridge was eight feet off the ground, but still a Bigfoot was able to stand on the ground and reach the boy on the bridge.
    Nick's Analysis: This Bigfoot was probably a fairly gentle female. Females are noted for being drawn to children and that is probably why so many human children disappear from practically under the noses of their parents. I am remembering one Florida sighting in which a human mother was playing with her children outside. The mother noticed a Bigfoot watching them and smiling.
This was probably another mother but of Bigfoot children.
    Thank you for reading "Bigfoot Advocate" at www.blackfloridapanther.blogspot.com. If you have an issue about Bigfoot you would like to advocate, please call me, Peter "Nick" Nickerson ( William And Mary, Class Of 1968, Philosophy Major) at 352-359-0850. Let's not repeat the mistakes we made with the American Indian!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Sumatra's Bigfoot, The Orang-Pendek

Sumatra's Bigfoot, The Orang-Pendek. Story And Analysis: The small Indonesian Island of Sumatra is the home of this man-ape. She is said to stand three to five feet tall, is covered with short, dark hair, and has a thick, bushy mane. He walks mainly on the ground unlike the other apes on the island who live primarily in trees. She has a footprint very similar to the human's. Around 1959 Deborah Martyr found his footprints and made casts. She was originally a tour booker in England, but after sighting an Orang-Pendek in Sumatra, wanted to stay there and investigate. She was able to do that by becoming the head of a foundation to save the Sumatra Tiger and remained on the island. Besides being a rescuer of all kinds of animals in a world where animals are often treated cruelly, she spends her spare time trying to find the Orang-Pendek. As is common with the North American Bigfoot, the Orang will attempt to hide by sitting with his back to you, hoping you will mistake him for a stump. This happened to Debbie in Sumatra's jungle. She saw something that caught her attention, and her first instinct was to photograph it. Then she thought along the lines of " Naw, it's a stump." So she put down her camera, and the "stump" got up and ran deeper into the jungle, disappearing.
    At her first sighting of the Orang, Debbie noticed that she had a very human-like face,and her head was small compared to her shoulders. This is also characteristic of Sasquatch. She took her casts to the Director of the Kerengi Selbat National Park, and he did not know what made them. The orang lives mostly off fruits and small animals and is often seen by natives as he will raid their gardens and even their stored crops such as sugar cane. The key to finding the Orang-Pendek is in locating ones that are stealing crops and setting up a long-term camp and blind there. Chopping your way through jungles hoping to see an orang should only be done when you can absolutely not stand sitting in a blind any longer. Go get your exercise and then come back to the blind.
    Thank you for your visit to www.blackfloridapanther.blogspot.com. I am primarily interested in the protection of the Bigfoot or man-apes. If anyone knows of a situation in which one needs protection, please call me at 352-359-0850. Peter Nickerson

Monday, December 22, 2014

Nepal Yeti And Snow Leopard Connection

The Nepal Yeti (Bigfoot) And The Snow Leopard Connection: Story And Analysis.
    In North America, the connection is that where there are Bears, there are Bigfoot. In Nepal, the Sherpas say that where there are Snow Leopards, there are Yeti. Not that the Sherpas are looking for Yeti for they believe that even seeing one brings bad luck. The Sherpas recognize that the fearsome Yeti is a scavenger of Snow Leopard kills. It is not known if the Yeti is like the Wolverine and will attempt to drive whoever killed the prey off the dead body. The fierce Wolverine will even attack Grizzly Bears on a kill by running up the Grizzly's back and tearing up his huge head. It sometimes works and sometimes the Grizzly has a second kill to feed on. It isn't yet known if the Yeti does try to force the beautiful Snow Leopard off his kill. That might take a Wolverine. But the Yeti does eat whatever is left after the Leopard leaves. There is even speculation that the Yeti and the Snow Leopard may work together to flush out game. That would be a video! The great professor Boris Porshnev of the Soviet Academy pointed out this relationship despite harassment by the Communist government. Communists don't like education much less advances in our knowledge. Education might make people smart enough to see the absurdity and lies of communism.  During the 1950s  Professor Porshnev headed the "Snowman" Commission that tried to find evidence of the Yeti.He learned from the Kirghiz Nomads in the Pamir Mountains that the Yeti shadowed Snow Leopards. Thirty years later Robert Hutchinson, author of "In The Tracks Of The Yeti" (1989), said he heard similar stories from the Sherpas in Nepal's Khumbu Region.
    While investigating the Black Panther or Puma in Florida, I learned that the Bobcat would shadow the Panther. He would wait until the Panther made his kill, had his fill, covered the remaining meat, and go take a nap. Then the Bobcat would sneak in for his turn at the table. The highly adaptable Coyote also does this with Wolves.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Louis L'Amour's Bigfoot

Louis L'Amour's Bigfoot: Bigfoot Story And Analysis. With over 180 million books published and knowledge about the West from his research, L'Amour's thoughts about Bigfoot may contribute to our understanding of the Sasquatch. For some reason, he decided to depart from his western motif to write the book "Haunted Mesa" about parallel worlds and Bigfoot which he called "Saqua," large, hairy creatures with either claws or hard toenails. They were hunters and easily passed from earth into a parallel world and back to earth. This made Bigfoot disappearing right in front of humans' eyes possible, and it is a phenomenon infrequently mentioned, but still mentioned, in Sasquatch sightings. A possible great contribution by L'Amour to Bigfootery is his observation that his Saqua are greatly attracted to fire, including campfires. He even says they may worship fire. In "Haunted Mesa" a flare goes up in the desert, and the hero sees the Saqua hurrying toward it. One Saqua is so mesmerized by the light that he walks into the side of our hero's car! I have read and heard some stories of Bigfoot coming into campfires, even in people's backyards especially in Florida where it's jungle-thick. Therefore, I am putting forward Nick's Hypothesis #2 : Bigfoot is attracted to campfires. I think a big campfire could test this hypothesis.
    Nick's Hypothesis #1: Bigfoot can efficiently be fed by hanging with a wire a can of dog food, beans, beer, etc with the wire carefully inserted under the tab of the can without breaking the seal. The other end can be wrapped around a high limb to get it out of reach of black bears. I believe Bigfoot will learn to pull the can down, popping the seal, and thus having a fresh can of dog food, beans, or beer. Since you don't break the seal putting the can up, the contents will remain fresh until the Bigfoot pulls the can. It's an efficient way to put out costly food. Once you have a Bigfoot coming in, you try to re-stock the day after he takes the can, if not before. Then you should build your blind so he accepts it. When he's coming in everyday, it makes sense to spend time in your blind to see if he comes in at a regular time and if you can get a good video. I'd stay away from trail cameras for Bigfoot. Too many stories that they frighten him off.
    I predict that as Bigfoot is accepted by most Americans and others, multinational corporations will seek to demonize him to have him destroyed just as the railroads did with the American Indian. Corporations want the land and its resources. To try to avert that, I am calling upon any situations you know of in which Sasquatch needs protection. With your permission, I'll publicize it to my thirteen readers here.  Let's talk. Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0850

Monday, December 8, 2014

Bigoot Body Taken By Government Employees

Bigfoot Body Taken By Government Employees: 1986, North of Carson, Wyoming. Three men were hired by a rancher to kill a Bigfoot that was killing his cows and sheep. He was tearing off their legs. Afterward, the body was picked up by a government helicopter and taken to a research facility in Almogordo, New Mexico to be autopsied and studied. Ray Crowe of "The Track Record" claims that some of these three men later shot a Bigfoot in Texas, but government employees objected to that kill.
    Robert Lindsay of "Bigfoot News" lists a total of 31 Bigfoot shot and killed in North America. Shot and Wounded, 37. Shot at, 119. From Robert Lindsay's "Bigfoot News" (Internet), July 12, 2014
    Nick's Analysis: It makes sense that the Armed Forces, the CIA, the FBI, and a host of other governmental agencies would be interested in Bigfoot's capacity as a super-soldier. 31 is a low ball estimate of the number of Bigfoot kills. He's going to be shot at regularly in the South, and he's not bulletproof. He just doesn't fall easily. Peter "Nick" Nickerson.
    Your Daily Bigfoot Story And Analysis thanks you for your visit at blackfloridapanther.blogspot.com. 


Power not only corrupts those who have it, but also those who submit to it. Those who submit will eventually betray anyone to prove their submission to the person or persons in power. In doing that, they become a lower level human, degrading themselves over and over again trying to ensure their own safety.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Bigfoot Meat Cures Mental Illness

Bigfoot Meat Cures Mental Illness: In the 1950s a Czech anthropologist began work on an old book found in the library of the Gandian Monastery in what is now Vlan Bantor, [as of 1983] the capital of the Mongolian People's Republic. This book was published in the late 1700s and contained a systematic discussion of all the wild animals of Mongolia. It contained an unmistakable drawing of an Alma - the Mongolian Bigfoot. The creature is standing on a rock with one hand stretched toward the sky. He is covered with hair except for his hands and feet. It was done in the stylzed fashion of the time and did not look very realistic. A more recent edition of the same book has come to light, and the drawing is without most of the hair. The Tibetan text next to the drawing states that the wild man lives in the mountains, his origins are close to that of a bear - whatever that means- and he has enormous power. It advises that his meat may be eaten to treat mental disease and his gall bladder eaten to cure jaundice.
     Nickerson's Note: I hope superstitious Asians do not read this. Their superstitions about bear gall bladders are causing bear to be slaughtered. Not Bigfoot too!  The Alma is the most friendly of the Bigfoot. There are stories of isolated herders trading with them and even having them into their homes for meals. More modern stories tell of Alma children dancing a jig in front of human children trying to entice them to do the same ( the human children ran home) and sticking their tongues out at human children. The Alma drawing in the old book about Mongolian wildlife may have had his arm raised trying to attract the attention of humans. This was not a fanciful collection of wildlife drawings. All the other drawings were of existing wild animals meaning that the Mongols, just like the Sherpa and so many other native people around the world, knew the Bigfoot existed.

The above, excluding Nickerson's Note, came from the well-known British anthropologist Myra Shackley and is found in her book "Still Living?" pages 94-95. I hope you have enjoyed your daily Bigfoot story. If you find yourself not being able to talk about your Bigfoot sighting for fear of disdain, please feel free to call me. You can find blocking instructions on the net so that your number will not appear on my cell phone if you wish. I haven't seen Bigfoot yet, but I've read and heard thousands of sightings. Peter Nickerson, 352-359-085.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Bigfoot Drags Axe, Flirts With ....Part ll

Bigfoot drags axe and flirts with women in sleeping bags: The three women unpacked everything but the tents since they were now in an adirondack. They arranged their sleeping bags in a rough circle around the five children who went back to sleep immediately as did the three women. But Shannon and another woman were soon awaken by the sound of heavy footsteps coming up to the shelter. They could even hear his heavy breathing and smell his odor. The Bigfoot walked around the group of eight humans for about four minutes. Then he picked up their axe and for about five minutes he dragged it around the adirondack. They could hear his slow, huffing breath and the scrape of the axe on the concrete floor. After that display, he walked out of the shelter with their axe and didn't return.
    Approaching women, the heavy breathing, taking something and not returning it are all consistent with other stories. The big difference is that these women were not so terrified by the Bigfoot walking toward them at the first campsite that they packed up and went home, not to the other end of the campground. It could have that these women were out there in the blue yonder for some reason and weren't having normal responses. I remember talking to a young man in the gym whose mother had simply driven by one Bigfoot crossing the road in front of her early in the morning on the way to work. She always took a different route to and from work after that very fleeting sighting. It was that horrible.  Men give up hunting period or in the area of the sighting. Had these women been smoking pot or drinking? Or were they simply very naieve or possibly, with five kids, exhausted beyond thinking coherently? This is a dramatic, very rare Bigfoot event in modern times.

"Your Daily Bigfoot" If you have had an interesting Bigfoot encounter or know someone else's story, please call me. If you are afraid to talk about your sighting to other people who might see that as a negative about you, you can go to a website that will block your number and then you can call me anonymously and with no trail. I haven't seen Bigfoot, but I have read and heard of thousands of sightings. And I like people. Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0850.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Bigfoot Drags Axe, Flirts With ,,,,

    Bigfoot Drags Axe, Flirts With ....: Revillagigedo Island, British Columbia.
Ms. Shannon H. took part in a camping trip to Ward's Lake Signal Creek Campground in August, 1966. It was late in the season and there was only a couple camping at the other end. Shannon went with two girl friends and a total of five children. They camped on the shore of the lake and had a creek behind them. Around 11 p.m. just at dark, one of the other women said, "Look, up by the creek, a bear is standing there!" Turning their flashlights on, the women saw a heavily-built creature in black fur who resembled a man, not a bear. In response to the flashlights, he averted his face. They saw that he had dirty-looking, matted, dark-brown hair hanging down on both sides of his head to his shoulders. They resembled dreadlocks. He started coming closer to them using a shuffling walk.
At that point, the women realized it was a Bigfoot, not a man or a bear. Pressing the panic button, the three women threw the five sleeping children into the car, stuffed the tents into the trunk, not bothering to take them down, and then drove half a mile around the lake to the other end of the campground. There were three-sided shelters there. But what is half a mile to Bigfoot? To Be Continued.

"Your Daily Bigfoot" thanks you for your visit and hopes you will return tomorrow. These are reputedly true stories, and I read for hours sometimes to find a good one for you. This story was from "The Raincoast Sasquatch" by J. Robert Alley, pages 39-40. Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0850.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Government Employees Take Bigfoot Body

Government employees take Bigfoot body:  November 12, 2003, La Follette, Tennessee. A goat and a cat had been killed by a Bigfoot. A woman sighted the creature and called the Sheriff's Office. A team of deputies came, tracked the animal, and shot it dead. The woman saw the black body lying in a field the next morning. Ten minutes later it was gone. Planes circled the area for the next week. This story was found in Robert Lindsay's online column under "Bigfoot
News" July 12, 2014.
    This story is consistent with other stories I have read about government employees taking Bigfoot bodies away in a covert manner. I emphasize "government employees" deliberately as that is all they are. A simple majority of the American voters who actually vote is the government. Robert Lindsay has been voted the best Bigfoot website of the year at least one time. It is entirely reasonable that if a Bigfoot were killed and secured, planes would circle that area for a week. He would not have to be a supernatural being to arouse that degree of vigilance for more such creatures in the same area.
    On the other hand, it is entirely possible that the Bigfoot's family took the body and buried it. That too is consistent with the past.
    For people who sneer that "there's never been a Bigfoot body," you can respond, "You try to hauling a 1,000 pound unknown creature to the media and see how long it takes for the police to shut you down, confiscate the body, and threaten you into silence. Later the Men In Black will come visit you. Laugh if you want naif but just try it."

Bonus Story

Jeffrey Meldrum has been captivated by the Bigfoot since he was a boy. He decided to pursue Bigfoot vocationally as a professor specializing in foot kinetics. He achieved his dream and works at Idaho State University. Small-minded, totalitarian professors did not like his pioneering work with Bigfoot which included recognizing that Bigfoot tracks in the field, and even when casted, showed dermal ridges. This would be a major accomplishment worthy of recognition to anyone but freedomphobes. Thirty arrogant and shallow professors at his own university wrote an open letter demeaning Dr. Jeffrey Meldum's pursuit and accomplishments. So far he's been able to survive Stalin's useful idiots.

"Your Daily Bigfoot" thanks you for your visit and hopes you will return for another Bigfoot story. Sometimes, I will spend hours reading before I find one good enough for you. I hope.  Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0850.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Bigfoot Catapults Hunter Twenty Feet, Part 2

    Darrell said, " I could only see part of the head and the one left hand. The fur or hair on the back of the hand was a dark brown, about two or three inches long. The jaw looked like a large human jaw, and he appeared not to notice us. I motioned for Kevin to get back on up where I was, but he was just as busy motioning me down. I think I must have made a noise because it moved suddenly out of sight toward the other end of the big log [which Darrell was standing on]. It may have heard me because it made a sound like a grunt. It was real quiet. The wind was from him to us, and we smelled its wet fur. The next thing I knew I felt something hit the log, and I was catapulted off the log to one side, landing in some salal. I got up unhurt.
Kevin said, 'Let's go!' and I agreed with him on this time. Pages 78-79 from "Raincoast Sasquatch" (2003) by Robert Alley.
    You noticed that the Bigfoot was wet. I don't think you can overestimate how frequently Bigfoot uses water as a road, a place to hide, and possibly a place to build dens into the banks. Darrell was 250 pounds at the time, and anybody who could push him twenty feet into the air had a lot of force.

"Your Daily Bigfoot" thanks you for visiting and hopes you will return Tuesday. Peter Nickerson 352-359-0850.