Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Bigfoot Footprint Two Miles From Home!

Recently, I was blogging at the library, and a man and his mother came up to me. I knew the gentleman as he was the second person to tell me about a black panther sighting. I now have hundreds of such sightings. This outdoorsman told me that he had found a bigfoot footprint near his home and had made a cast of it. He showed me with his hands the length, and his mother commented that "It was bigger than that." This man has moved to another country, and I asked if the cast was there. He said that it was here, but when I said I would love to see it, he changed the subject. Perhaps it was in storage somewhere, and hard to reach. At any event, I knew the area where he found the footprint and have been checking the area about weekly. Nothing seen yet. Curiously, area is also within a mile or so of where my son and his hunting buddy had an eerie experience several years ago. They were waiting for wild hogs and had lingered in the woods after the sun set. The pigs started coming in very close when they heard what sounded like a banging of wood against a tree. Although my son does not fully accept Bigfoot as existing, he thought of my telling him of the creature's habit of wood knocking. As soon as he got out of the woods, he told me of his experience. Now, he thinks he heard the clicking of the teeth of the wild hogs. I have heard neither sounds - Bigfoot wood knocking nor wild hogs rubbing their upper and lower teeth together- but people have told me that the clicking sound made by wild hogs does not sound like a big piece of wood hitting a tree. This area does have a population of wild hogs, as noted, and Bigfoot may be coming out of a nearby swamp - Thousand Runs- to hunt them. peternickerson12@yahoo.com

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Did Obama and O'Malley Have No Honor?

I do not understand why Illlinois State Senator Patrick O'Malley allowed Barack Obama to refer to his Born Alive Bill as an anti-abortion bill that provided aid to "previable fetuses." O'
Malley made it crystal-clear that the bill pertained to babies born and completely separated from their mother. Still, he allowed Obama to make a speech on the Senate floor which lied about his bill. If I had been Senator O'Malley, I would have responded, " Senator Obama, I don't know what planet you are on or what your problem is, sir, but this bill has nothing to do with abortions (O'Malley did say in his reply to Obama that his bill was not an anti-abortion bill but he needed to go much farther), and that is clear. This bill also has nothing to do with pre-viable fetuses, and that is also clear. I find it insulting that you would refer to my bill in such an absurd way. It is an inversion of reality, and if you continue, sir, I will publicly challenge your sanity or your honor. Whichever one is applicable, sir! "
What kept O'Malley from making such a statement? Obama was insulting him! I am a simple country boy so I could be missing the obvious. But has O'Malley no sense of honor, and why didn't he defend his honor? If you have any ideas or again I am missing the obvious, please let me know. Two-Guns at peternickerson12@yahoo.com or 352-359-0850

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Peeler Bigfoot Sighting In North Carolina

My friend Christian from North Carolina has called me about the Peeler sighting which apparently had received a lot of attention and it seems that North Carolina is having a spate of sightings and discoveries of footprints. It is all confusing and often contradictory, but if the activity is genuine, which is probably is, then what is causing it? Why is Bigfoot pinging on civilization now? Is he going into an area where there are crops available? Watermelons and cantaloupes are being harvested here in Florida now, and the corn is ripe as the silk is black. I have long thought that Christian has a prime bigfoot attractant in that he has a hunting preserve with many kinds of game. Today he told me of several instances of hearing a very loud growl and having at the same time, his dogs becoming complete cowards. The growls have come from various places on his property including the gut pit. Christian has put out a trail camera. He knows of a man who put out a trail camera after he spotted a Bigfoot and baited the place for a while. The report is that the man has a picture of Bigfoot on his knees approaching the food but apparently very nervous about the camera. Also there is supposed to be a video clip of the Bigfoot moving nervously from side to side in an ape-like manner, again signalling nervousness. Christian knew of the Sports-Afield offer of a million dollars for a trail camera picture of Bigfoot, and I hope this gentleman submits his pictures.
If you follow me, you know that I have a location that the locals use as a gut pit, and that Bigfoot has been seen there several times. My plan is to scrape the bones and turtle shells away to see if I can get to dirt that will leave a footprint if Bigfoot steps there.
One final word about Peeler: I've heard that he really hammed up his interview. Everyone likes his fifteen minutes of fame, but please don't get carried away by the attention if you do see and report a Bigfoot. Be serious, factual, and adult. Don't get seduced by the media to make an idiot of yourself and by reflection, the entire pursuit of this magnificent creature. A lot of us have worked too hard and too long for that to happen. Two-Guns at peternickerson12@yahoo.com

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Obama Teaches From Book Dedicated To The Devil!

Before I begin talking about the demonic Barack Obama, the one who spoke against providing aid to newborns in Illinois, wanting them to be neglected until they died, here's a little personal note. I have a dog named Gator who is black Lab and Rottweiler mixed. We were in Florida our second year when a six-week old puppy came onto our property and took up residence in a hole. He started yipping and crying. I wouldn't put my hand into the hole fearing a snake, but Bulletproof did, and she extricated this little puppy. This had happened the year before with another puppy coming onto our property from a little cracker house about two hundred yards away. We had returned that puppy, and the owner was not happy to have him back. Not only did the puppies travel a ways to get to us, but they had to cross a pine plantation where someone had killed a rattlesnake and then they had to cross a bushy field where I have killed two rattlers myself. When the second puppy made it to us, I told Bulletproof that God was talking to us, and we needed to keep this puppy. I named him Gator, and he wanted to be as close to me as possible, so he would stand between my feet whenever he could. Now Gator is an old dog, about twelve years old. Whenever I returned from going somewhere he used to be right at the door waiting for me. In the last year, he's changed. First, I would come into the house, and he would be just coming out of my room where he had been sleeping while I was gone. Now, I get into the house, go to my room, and have to wake him up. Apparently in the past few years, he's sensed his failing because he will not let me get out of his sight in the house. He follows me everywhere, and if he looses me, he searches quickly through the house until he finds me. He's a great dog.
Now for the demonic Barack Obama, the Newborn Baby Killer: When Obama was a community organizer in Chicago, he taught others how to be organizers too. He used Saul Alinsky's book, "Rules For Radicals." Alinsky dedicated his book to Lucifer - the devil. Alinsky was a communist and therefore an atheist. Some of the later editions of his books had the dedication to the devil deleted so that ministers could safely purchase them. You are what you associate with! Don't associate with Barack Obama or any other communist. Go to Paul Ryan's website "Republican Road Map For The Future Of America" and see the plans he has for freedom and economic prosperity in America. These plans have been approved by the Congressional Budget Office as being fiscally sound. Don't be a silent sheeple or the communist wolves will eat you! Speak out while you can! peternickerson12@yahoo.com PS Keep on calling me everyday and saying nothing. You have nothing worthwhile and honest to say. All you have are lies and force. Keep 'em. Or better still, go to hell and talk to Alinsky and Obama's friend down there. Be with your own kind.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Obama Makes War On America

You have seen Obama apologizing to the world for the finest country in the world, America. You remember his European Grand Apology tour. He has vilified many of the productive job-holders in America, even pediatricians whom he stupidly said performed unnecessary tonsellectomies to make money. It was an ignorant slur because surgeons, not pediatricians, perform such procedures. I finished "A Century Turns" by William Bennett and came away with this quote that applies to Obama as well: "As always, what most concerned the [East German] authorities were the activities of their own citizens. " Now what do the Communist East German authorities and Barack Obama have in common that make both very critical and suspicious of their own people? You guessed it: Marxism. What else could a Muslim Marxist be but the Alien in the White House? Now wonder he doesn't like us! And, believe me, we shouldn't like him either! peternickerson12@yahoo.com

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

No Vacuuming Of The Gulf Oil?

Once you understand intellectually and emotionally that Barak Obama spoke against a bill to give medical attention to new-borns born after unsuccessful abortion attempts and wanted them to be ignored until they died, then you know this Muslim Marxist is capable of the most heinous crimes. That was the standard I had to use last night when I heard a talk show host asking why Obama did not use "the tried-and-true' method of having super-tankers suck up the oil out of the Gulf. What was the host's explanation for Obama not doing it? He believed that the companies backing the "green" alternatives such as oil dispersal ( how green is kerosene?) were owned by Obama-friendly investment houses. At first I thought, "Naw, even Obama wouldn'
t be capable of doing such a thing." Then I applied the standard of "he's capable of infanticide by neglect," and then I had to admit that he would be capable of killing fish, animals, birds, and people's livliehoods. If you can kill babies, you can kill anything and everything.
I urge you to try to find out if vacuuming the oil by super-tankers can be used, and if it can be, why is it not being used. Plant America is basically dead with Marxism right now. We, the grass-roots, must find out the truth, speak the truth as loudly as possible, and elect truthful people to political offices. "Truthful people" will rule out all the Marxists except the moles. Then we can restore plant America. peternickerson12@yahoo.com

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Obama and Iran

This quote comes from an article by Thomas Sowell: "The recent death of Alexander Solzhenistsyn should make us recall what he said when he was awarded the Pulitzer Prize: 'The timid civilized world has found nothing with which to oppose the onslaught of a sudden revival of barefaced barbarity, other than concessions and smiles.' What would an Obama presidency meant, other than concession and broader smiles, while Iran goes nuclear?"
We're seeing it. It is Obama bowing to the Saudi King and doing nothing about Iran in spite of his campaign declaration that he will not stand for a nuclear-armed Iran. Remember that lie, boys and girls? I know; there are so many Obama lies to remember! Well, of course a Muslim Marxist is going to do nothing. Israel is our only chance. Let's protect her and add our voices of approval and drown out the howls of the media surrender-monkeys and the radicalized Muslims. Ready? Now scream, "You go, Israel! Nuke the nukes if that's what it takes!" God Save America! You save America too! peternickerson12@yahoo.com

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

You Go, Israel!

Israel has the right to check vessels for arms when the ships are coming into the Gaza. Egypt and Israel routinely do that. Thousands of rockets have been fired into Israel for years. How would you feel if your neighborhood or even your house got hit by a rocket? How would that make you feel? Probably mad and then sad. You'd want it stopped and the perpetrators rounded up and punished. How'd you feel if that didn't happen. If the criminals couldn't be detained, and the rockets just kept being shot year after year. Could you take that without going crazy? Many can't. This is all Israel wants: Peace.
If the Muslim world is united in its mad-dog hate against Israel and demonstrates against Israel even if what Israel did was right, then it is the Muslim world's problem, not Israel's. The Muslim simply have mad-dog hate against the Jews. There's nothing new about that. It's the same old craziness, centuries old for the poor Jewish people. Men who believe the epitome in life is to go to heaven and fornicate with 76 virgins are warped. They are childish, brutual men. Sub-human. We Christians would not think of asking God for that "reward." These Muslims regard women with less regard than we have for cattle. They have no conscience except for their family, their tribe, and what they think their god, Allah, tells them to do. Why would a god promise something so base a reward as 76 virgins. Does he also guarantee that these virgins all want to fornicate with one man? Does he provide this one man mega-doses of Viagra? Don't these Muslim men think about such things? Or are they just simple roosters in a heavenly hen house? How progressive! How enlightened!
Our Muslim Marxist president is not going to commend the Israel's. That would be the American thing to do, so I will. You go, Israel! Can't you see that this was probably all planned to try to give Israel a bad eye in the surrender-monkey media. And because of the bad eye, Israel would be less likely to bomb the nuclear sites in Iran. This is something that has to be done! You go, Israel! Americans support you even if our Muslim Marxist President doesn't. Who cares about the howls of the surrender-monkeys? You go, Israel! God bless you! peternickerson12@yahoo.com or 352-359-0850 USA.