Wednesday, June 20, 2018

School Shootings #19

     My sister had taken over my bedroom so I went to a vacant one and plugged in my boom-box. My mother came in and said I couldn't use the outlets. I protested the seeming craziness of that order by pointing out that outlets were in use all around the house. She simply ordered me not to use it. Then Dad who was not my dad, but a small, evil man from my past came in. Contemptuous of him, he soon left, but then I picked up a land-line phone in the vacant bedroom and heard him talking to a politician who was assuring him that he would get me put into a secure institution for the mentally retarded. Then I woke up.
     It was nightmare reflecting the craziness of the people marching to the tune of "Gun Control" when they don't have the maturity or honesty to acknowledge they could stop shooters from entering schools by having metal detectors and gunpowder-sniffing dogs at the entrances. That's the immediate and doable gun control needed for school shootings. The nightmare also reflected the question "If people really are that evil, what are they going to try to do to you for blowing the whistle?" Living in an institution for the mentally-retarded? Why, it feels like I'm in one already since no one else seems to be exposing the elites ignoring metal detectors and dogs at school entrances. Is anyone else blowing the whistle? Are thousands of students so utterly lacking in critical thinking that they are going to march in Washington, D.C. while leaving their school entrances undefended? Think they'll run into any Salem witches or Florida/California child abusing day care providers with their underground sexual- torture chambers? Believe the children now and follow the rest of the lemmings to self-destruction!
     The arrogant, self-serving political and media elites think Donald Trump is bad? They keep their arrogance and self-serving going, and they are eventually are going to get Madam Defarge, and the elites will be Charles Evremondes family because they allowed innocent children to be maimed or killed at schools. If this ignoring metal detectors and dogs at school entrances is being done so schoolchildren will continue to be killed and that will be used to ban the ownership of guns, and the people gradually realize this, the people are going to demand heads on the ground. It can't come too soon. Peter "Nick" Nickerson, MS. MSW. Former Child Protective Services Worker, and grandfather of two school-age kids. I'm trying to do a better job of protecting them than I did of my two children! Live and learn!

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