Tuesday, September 30, 2008

63. Obama's Killing Young Children Update

First a personal note: Audrey bought three cans of dog food for the abandoned kittens yesterday, and today, while putting out a can, I saw two black kittens. I got back into the car and waited and two kittens came out of the brush to the can of dog food. Apparently, predators have killed at least three. There was also an o'possum killed on the same bridge where the two young raccoons were hit last week. Audrey's friend, Miss Contrary, runs a thrift shop by the S&S store in Worthington Springs. She takes in donated clothes and other things and sells them. Yesterday, she had a unopened box that somoeone had given her. Two customers asked if they could open the box to see what was in it. She said yes, they did, and a small rattlesnake slithered out. It went to a window, apparently seeking the heat or thiking it was an escape route. Miss Contrary called the cops, and a cop came and killed the snake with a stick. She then put out two dozen mothballs around the store to keep out snakes. Audrey warned her that mothballs did not smell good and would not attract customers. Miss Contrary asked, " What would they rather do - be bitten by a rattlesnake?" No, Miss Contrary, they would rather quickly leave your shop and thereby not buy anything. On the west side of our house there is a border of tal grass about two feet wide. The pumphouse is also on the west side of the house, and as I was walking to it to turn off the water for the horses and goats this morning, I noticed that a black snake had slithered into the two foot wide border of tall grass, but he had forgotten his tail. Almost a foot of his tail was poking out of the tall grass on the mowed part of the lawn. The same thing happened last week when a lined snake went into the grass but forgot about a foot or so of his tail, leaving it completely exposed.
On "The O'Reilly Factor" last nigh, Bill O'Reilly noted that the word "privacy" was becoming code for "abortion." He also said that pro-abortion women were demanding "privacy" about what they do to their babies before they were born and after they were born. But the man who says he is "definitely looking out for you" apparently doesn't include young children because he said nothing more. Mothers do not have the "privacy" to kill their newly born children. That is murder. And Bill O'Reilly should have had the guts to say so. This is a perfect example of evil - abortions - being unchecked and leading to something even more evil - murder of young children. With humans, things are never enough. They always want more eventually. It wasn't enough that women were allowed to kill their babies before they were born, now they want the "privacy" - a non-courageous word, isn't it? - to be able to kill their young children. Next they will want the "privacy" to kill senior citizens and the disabled.
On Fox News this morning, a reporter in Pennsylvania said that the priests in that state were going to read a letter about abortion from the Archbishop. I hope he will have the guts to recognize what women and their doctors are doing to young children and speak out against it. It seems Alice-in-Wonderlike to me that Americans have degenerated to such a degree that the non-degenerates must speak out against murder.Again, if you won't report a baby being left alone until he dies to the police and social services, call me at 352-316-3337. I will try to save her. Please have as much information as possible including the city, state, hospital's name, and room number where the child has been left to die. What has happened to my America? Answer: The collectivists have it! Collectivists do not value the sanctity of the individual.
Two-Guns at peternickerson12@yahoo.com

Monday, September 29, 2008

62. If Children Being Killed, Call Me.

It is frustrating that Americans are not aware of Barack Obama voting down a bill in the Illinois legislature not, repeat, not to allow newly-born children to be abused until they died. I am confident that if individuals did know this, they would turn away from Obama. If they didn't, God help us for we would have a nation of pscychopaths! In at least one session of the Illinois legislature, Obama stood up and urged that doctors and nurses be allowed to abuse newly born children to death because he said they would be "a burden on the doctor and the mother." He was the only one so demented and shameless to stand up and orate like a reincarnated Hitler.
I do not understand how American citizens, these newly born children, are being killed, and no one is doing anything about it except trying to pass bills not to allow them to be killed. Murder is already illegal with no statue of limitations. Has anyone tried to call the child protective services division of the local social services departments in the towns and cities where these killings have taken place?
I know that employees are too often dancing bears that shuffle to whatever their supervisors play because they are financially oveextended and desperately want to kep their jobs. Still, can't you sneak out and make an anonymous call to social services about a child being abused in some closet at the hospital? They accept anonymous calls all the time. Can't you call 911, and tell them anonymously that a murder is taking place and where? If you think you can't for any reason including the fear that the police will backtrack your phone call, I am offering Audrey's phone number (I've lost my cell phone). That number is 352-316-3335. You can call me, and I will make the calls to the police and social services. Of course, I will blog about the experiences here, and will do my best to get public awareness of this fascist operation being supported by Barack Obama. I am not just some Joe Six-Pack in this area. I have a master's degree in rehabilitation counseling and a master's degree in social work. I have been published, sole author, in two major counseling journals. I have been a rehabilitation counselor, a county social worker, and a city social services director, and a case manager for the chronically mentally ill. Please call me and put me on the track of a newly-born child being abused in a hospital until he is dead. I also have a philosophy major from William and Mary so I'll be very comfortable going up against any sick fascist who thinks he has a right to kill humans because they are - as Barack Obama orated - "a burden on the doctor and mother."
I did not have access to a car until Sunday evening and wasn't able to feed the kittens until then. But they did have a plastic bag full of dry dog food which I found all gone Sunday evening. I also had the pleasure of seeing an anhinga - water turkey - at the New River bridge in Worthington Springs. This was the first time I had seen one there.
Two-Guns at peternickerson12@yahoo.com.

Friday, September 26, 2008

61. At Least One Kitten Alive

This morning I happened to glance out a back window and saw a red-tailed hawk cruising by. The sun caught the red tail, and it was a beautiful sight. Later, I checked on the kitten site and first found all the food from yesterday eaten, and then I saw a little black kitten toddling off into the brush. I am calling to them each day in hopes that they will learn to recognize my voice and know that I am bringing food. Again, I peed to leave a man-scent trail that I hope will scare kitten-eating predators off. There were two half-grown raccoons dead from being hit by vehicles last night on a bridge near one of my panther food stations. The youngsters may have been at the food station and then wandered onto the bridge and had nowhere to go when vehicles approached. I will back my food station farther away from the bridge.
Last night, I saw something that made me want to spit at the television screen. I was watching one of the Drury brothers and another bowhunter, it could have been his brother, hunting out of a ground blind. It was raining, but the hunters remarked that as soon as the rain started they were sure they would see deer. Sure enough, when the rain started a doe and her fawn came into the field. One hunter shot and killed the mother deer. Then a doe and two fawns came out into the field, and the other hunter shot and killed the mother. These fawns are known as "yearlings," but all that means is that they were born that year. They are not even a year old. I was angry that three fawns were being left to fend for themselves. I don't see how they are going to cope successfully with predators like coyotes, dogs, bobcats, and panthers. The two hunters were congratulating themselves on knowing that deer would come out into the field after the rain. Of course, mother deer would bring their fawns out. The fawns were wet and hungry; they had to eat. I did not expect hunters to shoot the fawns' mothers.
After I calmed down, I wondered if I were wrong: Would fawns make it through the winter without Mother? I wondered if there were studies, but then also wondered if you could believe the studies. Employees are just dancing bears; they shuffle around to whatever tune their bosses play. It is a very rare employee who will tell something else than what his boss wants him to say. At hand, I know of only one - a Federal game biologist in south Florida who said that development is continuing in south Florida despite the panther being an endangered species, and the Florida panthers there are being jeopardized by that development. This biologist was also in the process of being fired, and you can be sure that at least some of the development interests were behind it. There need to be Paul Revere rewards for people who tell the truth as employees and suffer demotion or termination because of telling the truth. The rewards should be very high as they will most probably find it very difficult to find employment after that. Who wants to hire a Paul Revere? That is why there is the adage, "Virtue is its own reward."
Two-Guns at peternickerson12@yahoo.com

Thursday, September 25, 2008

60. Toastmaster's Panther, Skunk Ape Sighting

Air-conditioning has come to America's sub-tropics! The morning was cool, and the blue jays had broken their silence and were enthusiastically calling as they flitted about the tree-tops. Last Saturday, the horses had drunk a recod tub and half of the second bucket in a twelve hour period. This morning the tub was only half empty, and the second bucket was untouched.
Yesterday, I talked to a man who had a friend while he was in the Army, back in 1985, who swore that he saw a skunk ape when he was twelve years old. His parents had a cabin on a creek off Lake Charles in Louisianna. They were at the cabin, and one evening dined on oysters and barbeque. That night, after retiring, the family heard some scuffling noises, got up, opened the door, and saw a skunk ape going through the opened oysters on the ground by the campfire. The man said the creature weighed about 200 pounds. The family quickly closed the door, and that was the end of the story.
Ellen Dube, the president of the Gainesville Toastmaster's Club, told us this story last Thursday in her speech about family roots: Her grandfather was walking through the woods in Stuart, Florida, near Vero Beach, and started to walk up a log when he looked up and saw a panther at the other end of the log. The panther was menancing, and all Grandfather had was a knife. But in the make-do spirit of the old pioneers, he used the knife to fight the panther when the creature sprang at him. He did kill the panther, but one hand, probably the hand that he tried to hold the panther off with as he stabbed the panther was mangled and was useless the rest of his life. Ellen did not know the color of the panther, but I will bet it was a black one as they are the fiercest which is supported by the over 500 panther sightings I have collected in the last ten years.
Today at Toastmaster's, I opened up during the extemporaneous speech section of the meeting, blaming the Democrats in Congress for the securities crisis. I named Barney Frank and Chuck Shummer and related their parts in opposing President Bush's attempts and Senator McCain's attempt to set up an oversight agency for Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac. When I finished, I got a very short applause. In addition to my fear of public speaking, I fear trying to speak in a hostile enviroment. This is why I quit the last Toastmaster's Club, the Gator Toastmasters, on the campus of the University of Florida. The membership appeared to be very liberal. You could tell from the speeches of the members, and the reception that I got as a Libertarian-Republican. However, today several male members came up after the meeting and congratulated me on my little speech. That was reassuring.
Early last summer, I read part of "Shadow Warriors" by Kenneth Timmerman, who wrote,"In closed door testimony before a House International Relations Committee Subcommittee in the fall of 2003, then Undersecretary of State John Bolton cited a half-dozen additional classified cables that pronounced more details on this ratline into Syria. The reports Bolton cited had been culled from nearly two dozen citings of convoys (presumably bearing WMDs from Iraq into Syria - Two-Guns' parenthesis). We thought these six or seven reports were credible," a Bolton aide said. "But the U.S. intelligence community tried to discount virtually all of them." page 128
Let me -Two-Guns- explain that the author told this story as just one of many examples of Democratic employees doing almost anything they could to make sure President George Bush would not look good. To me, this pointed out a great weakness Bush had. He was too detached. He thought that because he issued policy, all federal employees would follow policy. He didn't take into account that most of employees were Democrats and against him. If you want policy to work, you have to be sure the people involved in policy are with you. Bush was too detached. He should have been riding his trail bike from desk to desk making sure his employees were implementing his policies and not sabotaging them. Many did the latter.Two-Guns at peternickerson

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

59. Mother Cat Gone, Black Panther Story

One of our dogs is a rescued part-blue heeler. I have heard they are called that because they are always with you. Certainly, this dog is; when I sit or sleep, she is right next to me. But the other day, she really earned her name. I was sitting on the edge of the bed getting my socks on. As usual, she was lying right by my feet. At one point, I lifted my left heel, and she immediately pushed her head under it.
Some of the canned dog food was eaten at the cat site, so I put out another can. Maybe the kittens are nearby. I must remember to pee around the site to try to keep away predators. The body of the mother cat is gone, and I checked the spot where she had lain to try to make sure vultures hadn't eaten her. I saw no evidence of her body being torn apart. Of course, she was small enough that they or any predator could have carried her off, but I am going for the most positive possibilty: the white-haired gentleman took her home and buried her.
In my black panther story, I stopped where the serious-looking hunter told me of seeing a black panther racing up a tram right on the Gulf of Mexico. Then Wendy assured me that several hunters had reported seeing black panthers in the game management area. We talked until it became dark, and the last diehard hunters had gome out of the gloomy jungle-woods. Two of these hunters confirmed that they had seen black panthers in the area. One of them glanced over at the buck Hawkeye had killed, a spike buck, meaning it had a single antler on each side, and mentioned how long he thought the spike was. I disagreed, so we all walked over to the tailgate of the F-150, and one hunter took out his tape measure. The hunter was exactly right to the inch. I was impressed by his both his eyesight, as it was dark, and his judgement. This man was a skilled woodsman, and if he said he saw a black panther, I believed him. Wendy promised that she would ask "the game commission men," - the game wardens- who were always dropping by to check on her about black panthers. She could see that I was very puzzled about what these animals were and wanted to learn more about them.
I went back to the hunt club the next week and stopped by to talk to Wendy. She had asked the game wardens about the black panthers, and their response made me think there was something big going on here, and they were trying to hush it up. The game wardens told her that there was no such thing as a black panther, and if the hunters kept reporting sightings of "panthers," they would have to close the game management area to hunting to protect the panthers. Of course, you see the lie here: the hunters weren't reporting seeing "panthers" but "black panthers," and if black panthers didn't exist, why should game wardens close the hunting area to protect something that didn't exist? Something big was going on. As Director of Social Services for Williamsburg, Virginia, I had been an officer of the court just as game wardens are officers of the court. I took my duties very seriously and never lied. Officers of the court lying as the game wardens obviously were doing was something very new and disquieting to me, the idealist, as was their threatening innocent, honest hunters with closing their hunting area if they didn't keep quiet about what they were seeing.
Two-Guns at peternickerson12@yahoo.com.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

58. No Cats, Obama Killing Babies

I fed and watered the horses, kept Pepper off Odessa's feed pan, picked up some fallen tree limbs, and hanged a load of laundry this morning without breaking into a sweat for the first time in months. Hurray! Fall is beginning. Audrey and I went to the cat site and found no cats there. I put out a can of dog food and milk. Either they moved because of the trauma of loosing their mother yesterday or they've already been wiped out. I think it is the former because there was almost half of the meat from the can of dog food from yesterday still there.
Years ago, I had a similar experience with kittens at one of my panther feeding stations. Several kittens came to it, and I started feeding them. They had no mother, and were protecting themselves as well as possible by hiding behind big, fallen tree limbs and anything else on the ground. They were very wary and hid as soon as I appeared. I thought they were doing a good job of concealment at first, but it quickly became obvious that they weren't: one kitten a night was disappearing.
After the third or fourth kitten disappeared, a little miracle happened for the last remaining kitten came out of hiding, approached me, and went around and around my feet, mewing pitifully. Obviously, she was begging for help. She knew that night she would be next to be killed. Fortunately, I had met a guy in High Springs who had a number of cats. He claimed that one of his cats had taken up with a black panther that visited their property and had gone off with the panther for a couple of months before returning. He said he had pictures of the black panther, but there were none when I visited him. He couldn't find them nor could he show me the cat who had become friends with the panther. She was missing. Of course, he could have shown me any cat, and I wouldn't be able to tell the difference so maybe his story was true.
The man and his brother lived in the trailer along with children from the man's previous marriage. There must have been at least twenty cats. I drove over to his home, told him the situation, got his okay, went back from the kitten and left her at this man's home.
I am sure you have heard about Hillalry Clinton refusing to be at an anti-Ahamaminejad rally planned for today in New York. He as president of Iran will be spewing his insanities at the United Nations today. When Hillary learned Sarah Palin would be there, she chickened out. I think she did not want to be contrasted with the genuiness, vitality, and attractiveness of Sarah. When The Washington Insider, Joe Biden, refused to go, Obama got dirty: He notified the Jews who were planning the rally, that they either had to un-invite Sarah or cancel the rally. If they didn't cancel the rally, he would go after their tax-exempt status which means they would have to use a tremedous amount of money going to lawyers to defend themselves in court. Not having that kind of money, they cancelled the rally. Another low blow by the Born Baby Killer.
Last night on Hannity and Colmes, Karl Rove appeared. The lying liberal, Allan Colmes, asked Karl Rove something like, "You don't really believe that Barack Obama could be guilty of infanticide do you?"
Karl sidestepped by answering, "I have talked to pro-life people, and they say Obama should not have voted against the Born Baby Protection Act, and he voted against it four times." So a little more attention is being paid to what the Born Baby Killer did in Illinois. If he did it to the most innocent of us, new-born babies, why wouldn't he do it to us senior citizens?
It also was discussed how Obama and the Washington Bomber, Bill Ayers, had worked hand in hand to defeat a 1997-8 Ilinois Juvenile Crime Bill. The Born Baby Killer has such nice friends and nice causes!
You remember how he ducked the question from a reporter,"At what point is a baby entitled to human rights?" His reply was something like, "That's beyond my pay grade." But that's a lie because when he supported killing new-born babies, he was saying indirectly that even newly-born babies have no rights. He was saying that American citizens then have no rights. That is entirely within the context of communism or any other form of statism for they all posit that the the individual has no inherent rights, but only the rights that the government gives her, if any. You want this kind of monster deciding your fate, especially if you have a major accident or illness or when you get old and start being "a burden" on the state-controlled medical resources? Like the little babies in Illinois, do you want Obama putting you into a cold room without clothing, food, or drink until you died? Surely, Obama supporters aren't that insane.

Monday, September 22, 2008

57. Death Of A Black Cat

At first, the evening was a success. I walked along the edge of an over-grown field with woods on the right, looking for where a good hunter would put a treestand. I had given Hawkeye my climbing treestand, and he had left it out in the woods for a year. Unlocked and unattended. Don't get me started. I found an opening in the thicket along the edge of the field, walked at few steps into the woods, and saw his treestand at the base of a tree. I figured out how to loosen the cable loops around the tree and carried the rig out of the woods. Behind me, Audrey called Hawkeye and told him I had the tree-stand. I was proud of being able to figure out where it would be and even remarked to Audrey, "Damn, I'm good."
On the way to get pizza, beer, and a movie for our Sunday night fun, I made a detour to look for panthers near the New River. I saw the head of a black pantherette and pulled ito the trail. There was a small, young black cat on the trail, and she quickly backed over to her five young black kittens when I approached.
She let me get within a few feet and still did not move as she was curled up with the kittens, protecting them. Another young black cat burst out of some bushes nearby and ran off into the jungle-woods. Perhaps that was the daddy, and some human trash had abandoned all seven down by the river. I left, went to one of my panther feeding stations, scooped up some dry dog food, and brough it back for the seven or so cats and kittens. Then Audrey and I proceeded to get our supplies. We drank two quarts of Bush, had a Dijorno pizza, and wathced National Geographic's "Neanderthal Code" on TV and then finished with a western movie, "Jericho." At 2 a.m., things started falling apart. I had parked the Four-Runner at Audrey's house, and when we drove her Malibu back to her house, I could not find the key. The Toyota was locked, but we searched her car and the ground around the Toyota. I had to drive her Malibu back to my house. There were lights on inside her car that I could not get turned off, and I tried to call her, but the replacement phone Hawkeye had loaned me did not work. Finally, I figured out that a back door was not shut tight, and when I fixed that, the lights went off. I read until 3 a.m., and the next afternoon we went back to the cats. We made three trips getting leftover chicken, then milk, and finally a piece of tarp for rain protection. Each time, the same little kitten came out to greet me and follow me around. He had crust around his right eye. After three trips, it dawned on me that I had canned dog food -Science Diet- that would be much easier for the kittens to eat. I had tried to teach the friendly kitten how to drink milk, but he was not buying into it and was not sure he should continue to be so friendly. Audrey and I came back with an opened can of dog food and another pie pan.
I was angry that Audrey wouldn't even get out of the car to see the cats. She has very little compassion for stray animals, often boasting how she how driven away starving, lost animals. However, most recently two labs had come into her yard, and both Audrey and her son had fed them and had not tried to chase them away. Audrey had benefited greatly from government checks from the taxpayers, and I don't know if she would have survived without them. She's essentially alone except for her son, Larry, receiving very little attention from other members of her family. You would think someone who had received so much from the government, meaning the taxpayers, would want to give back to lost and abandoned animals, but I don't know if Audrey can make that link. On the fourth trip, I got out of the car with the dog food and pan while Audrey remained inside. The mother cat was by the chicken leftovers with two kittens trying to nurse her. I wanted her to see what I had so I got quite close to her as I did yesterday. Out of the corner of my left eye, I could see a truck slowing down on the road as it approached us. Just then mother cat had all of my presence she could tolerate. She bolted, ran by the front of Audrey's car, into the road, and into the front, left wheel of the approaching truck. She lay quivering in the road. The truck stopped up the road, made a U-turn, and came back. Another truck with two young men in it stopped too. Suddenly a pool of dark, red blood formed around the mother cat, and then she was still. I began swearing and throwing my new McCain-Palin cap onto the hard-paved road. I asked the single man in the truck, "I suppose you couldn't stop?" I swallowed my anger, knowing it was not his fault and added, "She just bolted onto the road, didn't she?"
"I'm sorry. I was watching you and then she was on the road."
I opened his side door and asked, "Do you have a pistol we can be sure she's dead with?"
"No, I'm sorry."
"She's got five kittens, and they face a terrible death without her."
I asked the two men in the other truck, but they didn't volunteer a pistol either. They said they were sorry and drove on. They left me throwing my cap onto the hard-paved road. If I hadn't been so angry, I would have told them they were great Americans for stopping. I salute you, and I am terribly angry about stupidly getting too close to mother cat. It cost her life. It will cost the life of her young too unless the other mature cat takes care of them and will fight for them. I'll keep feeding them. I also peed in a line, trying to use my human scent to scare off predators. Damn it!
Two-Guns at peternickerson12@yahoo.com

Sunday, September 21, 2008

56. Moral Abortion

Last night, I turned the fan that is only a foot away from my face at night down to low. Blessed relief from the heat is coming to North-Central Florida. Friday, Tasha and I went down to Tampa to see our grandson, Stonewall. First, Tasha complained that I wasn't going fast enough. I do drive slowly, but when I left the slow lane to get into the middle lane on I-75, I had to do 85 to keep the cars behind me from constantly having to go around me. That was too fast, way over the speed limit, and I was not doing it. I pulled back into the "slow" lane and did 60 to 70, when Tasha complaining she would have to take over when we stopped for gas. Finally, we found a station with the price she liked, and we stopped. Silly me, I thought the bitching had stopped. She got me a sundae at the nearby Dairy Queen, and we were on the road again. Soon my legs began to start cramping. The Four Runner is not a large truck plus I have increased my lifting lately. I reached into the back for my pack and put some BenGay type cream on my legs. "You can't do that! Stonewall can't smell linament! It's not good for him!" was the next plaintive litany I had to listen to.
Angry now, I replied tersely, "We can have a good arguement about this ... (until you start coughing because your heart is stalling)," but she cut me off by changing the subject. The rest of the trip was pleasant. All I had to do when I got to Hilda's was wash my hands, and then there was no trouble holding Stonewall. This visit, he was constantly having a big laugh whenever he looked at me. Silly Two-Guns, I guess.
As I wrote several weeks ago, the National Enquirer has come out with an issue saying that Sarah Palin had an affair about ten years ago with one of her husband's business associates. I hope there isn't a deal made that the Republicans won't talk about Obama's child killings if the Democrats don't discuss Palin's supposed affair.
Let the chips fall where they may.
Your rights are individual rights meaning that they don't require someone else to provide them. If someone has to knock at your door and enlist your help either voluntarily or by force for his "rights," then he has no moral claim to those "rights." Rights require no one to fulfill them. The right to free speech, assembly, petition, and private property require no one to fulfill them. The "right" to welfare, Aid To Dependent Children, Food Stamps, and health care require other people. These people are forced to pay for these "rights," and therefore they are false rights.
Several nights ago when I couldn't sleep, this issue came up in my mind and soon I was using the template to apply to the question of whether abortion was ever moral. Does a baby have a right to life inside his mother's womb? Using my template as the only consideration, he doesn't because that right is dependent upon someone else, his mother. But there is more to the issue than the template: There is the issue of the individual facing the consequences of her behavior. The expectant mother must live with the consequences of her behavior which is the creation of a new human growing inside her. We all must face the consequences of our behavior by accepting the responsibilities of the consequences. The consequence of an expectant woman is that she has engaged in a reproductive activity, obviously, and now she has a responsibility to the consequence - a new human life. She's created life; now she must take care of it. However, if a woman or child-woman conceives a baby by force, say by rape or incest, I do not see that she has a moral obligation to take care of that baby, even though I wish she would. She is morally justified in having an abortion. She should not be forced to carry a baby to delivery. In these cases, the baby is knocking at her door for help, but she morally has no obligation to help him and should not be forced to. Of course, I hope that such women or child-women would carry the child to delivery and put him up for adoption if necessary. For the same reasons, a woman who faces a life-threatening situation is she carries a baby, is morally justified in aborting her.
Two-Guns at peternickerson12@yahoo.com.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

55. One Tough Turkey, Black Panthers

The black and white young male goat has progressed to trying to drive Odessa, the Arabian mare, off her food dish. Thursday morning, Pepper reared up on this back legs, put his head down, and made a dive at Odessa with his horns leading. She simply backed away, turned around, and tried to retaliate with a back kick. He had plenty of time to back off. When she resumed eating, he tried to nose his way into the dish again, and this time she started waving her head back and forth, threatening to catch him with the side of her head. You would not want to be hit by a horse's head: it is hard and heavy with multiple times the power of a man moving it. Pepper abandoned the idea of eating out of her dish and went to his where a much less amount awaited his dining pleasure.
While Hawkeye, my son, and I, Two-Guns, were fishing last Saturday, he told me of one tough turkey. Hawkeye said, "Gator and I were on one side of a field where a huge turkey would walk around and display himself to the hens. On the other side of the field were three younger gobblers, whom we called the Three Amigos. They were chased there by the big turkey and didn't dare come over to the other side of the field where the hens were. We put out a Pretty Boy decoy and hunkered down to see what would happen. Gator had the video camera, and I had the three and a half inch Mossberg pump loaded with five shot. As soon as that big turkey saw Pretty Boy, he came running over. You could hear his feet going thump, thump as he came in. He was completely lit up, red all over, angry as hell with Pretty Boy being there. I got five or seven yards away from me, and I let him have it in the neck. He was thrown down by the impact of the shot, but got up and ran. I rolled him with the second shot. But still, he got up and this time, flew. I busted him out of the sky, and he fell to the ground. Gator was on him immediately, but he began hooking Gator's 3D camouflage jacket, pullling off bits of cloth. Gator was standing with the mad turkey by the neck, getting spurred and going around and around, trying to keep the turkey off him but still break his neck. I ran over to them, grabbed the gobbler by his neck and twirled his body around his neck, finally breaking it. But as I did that, he was trying to get me with his spurs too. Never have I had a turkey so hard to kill!"
"That Pretty Boy decoy really turned him on, " I commented.
"And then some. I shot his beard off when he flew. We found some of it, and it would have been about twelve inches long. He would have been a real trophy if I hadn't shot his beard off. One damn tough turkey."
Yesterday, I told about Wendy, the woman who manned a big game check-in station told me about seeing a big, black cat with a thick, very long tail, twice. She had seen the cat on Dallus Road, a road that wended its way from the check-in station through the jungle-woods to Dallus Creek where there was a public boat ramp. Dallus Creek emptied into the Gulf of Mexico. Wendy said the cat was a black panther. I had never heard of a black panther except for the black color phase of the American jaguar and the African and Asian leopard. This was not the place to expect either. Just then, a tall, thin man drove his truck out of the woods, stopped a the check-in station, and got out. He had a sensitive, serious face. "Mark, you are here more than I am!" said Wendy, laughing as she spoke. "Have you ever seen a black panther?"
Mark looked more like someone you would see at the library rather than in the treacherous jungle-woods of Florida. He hesitated, considered his reply, and then answered forthrightly," In 1976, I saw something barelling down a tram (referring to one of the thousands of trail left in the jungle-woods when railroad lines were built into the swamps of Florida in the 1920s so the giant cypress trees could be cut and hauled out by locomotives.) And it wasn't a ber or hog either. It had a long, black tail that it held straight up into the air as it raced down that tram."
Two-Guns at peternickerson12@yahoo.com.

Friday, September 19, 2008

54. Impossible Intimacy? Black Panthers

Another consideration for Sarah's inability to stand up to her sister, Rebecca, is that Sarah has had very little experience in intimacy with another person. To my recollection, she has only lived with two people, both long ago. She lived briefly with a man in Boston in the sixties, and a little later, lived for four years with another man in a tree house on a commune in Vermont. This was a period of free love, drugs, alchohol, and rock and roll, and I doubt that boundaries, which is precisely what she needs to enforce with Rebecca, were prevalent. Since then Sarah has lived alone and raised two sons. While they are extremely intelligent, articulate, and assertive, they are your children, and the situation is different. Sarah does not have the experience of give and take found in a continued, intimate relationship. Such a relationship is replete with arguements since we are all individuals and different from each other in innumerable ways. These differences need to be ironed out in an intimate relationship, but Sarah has not had one in forty years if ever. Having been raised by a rooster, she had precious little opportunity to argue at home. I do remember her refusing to go back to school one year after the summer vacation unless she had a pair of Weejuns. My parents did not want to spend the money necessary to buy the shoes, and it looked like Sarah would refuse to go to school. I think this was after she had gone to the police station, saying that life at home was hell, and she would not return. Thus, my father knew he could push Sarah only so far, and then the authorities would be involved. Thus, he was forced to get her the Weejuns, but this was hardly a healthty resolution of an arguement. You sinply were not supposed to argue in my family: it was drummed into us that children were to be seen and not heard. I believe Sarah has precious little experience in constructive arguing, and the psychosomatic symptoms she gets when Rebecca berates her go back to her dysfunctional childhood.
In picking up the black panther story, I believe I stopped last time after Hawkeye, my fourteen year old son, shot a buck deer. I drapped the buck around my shoulders and carried him out, knowing the it wouldn't be much longer before Bobby was big enough to carry the deer out, and I would be too old and weak to. It was a sweet and sour realization, but I was proud of his hunting skills and the fact that I, at fifty-two could put a buck deer on my shoulders and walk him out of the woods.
After putting the deer on the tailgate of the Ford F-150, we stopped at the Tide Swamp Unit Game Management Area on the way home. It was a large jungle-woods on the Gulf of Mexico next to our hunt club. Hawkeye and I were hoping to find Ken Carlyle, a chiropractor from Gainesville, Florida. We had hunted with him the previous year on a dairy farm in Gilchrist County until we could get acquainted with Florida since we had just moved here from Williamsburg, Virginia. I had joinded the Sandhill Hunt Club which stretched from Steinhatchee, which was then a small fishing village on the Gulf of Mexico, to Perry, known as the Pine Tree Capital of the South. Perry was about 31 miles from Steinhatchee so our club was very long and a couple of miles wide. Containing 100,000 acres, the club had 500 members, but on weekdays I could drive for hours on club roads and never seen another person. Coming from crowded Tidewater, Virginia, it was an unsettling experience at first. Bobby and I did not see Ken's car, but at the Dallus check-in station, I started a conversation with the friendly young woman who worked there. All big game killed in the game management area was required to be brought out to her so she could record whether it was a boar, turkey, or deer and weight him. She would post the name of each animal killed and his weight on a big board outside the station for the edification and encouragement of the hunters. In the course of our chat, the young woman, Wendy, told me she had seen a black panther twice in the game management area.
"I drove my car down the Dallus Road in broad daylight, and there he was on the side of the road. He was on my left. I was lookintg right out of my car window at him, a few feet away. He stared at me for a while and then disappeared into the woods. It was a big, black cat with a long, very thick tail."

Thursday, September 18, 2008

53. Path Of Love

As soon as I wrote yesterday's entry, I realized there was a fallacy with Sarah's reasoning that she could not continue to be open with me about the abuse from our sister Rebecca. Sarah had posited that Rebecca would psychologically hurt her if she did continue. Besides the drama of that statement, it did not make sense becaue Rebecca is going to "hurt" Sarah regardless of whether Sarah is open to me about what's going on, and I, in turn, post it here. The reason Sarah had not been out to Idaho in five years when she used to go annually was that Rebecca had "hurt" her. It took five years of talking about what had happened, and I think, the use of Peter's Template before Sarah dared to go back again. Indeed, if bullies are cowards, then my posting what Rebecca is doing and saying to poor Sarah will be a deterrent to her repeating it. For above all, except money, Rebecca worries about appearances. She does not want her oldest brother, the one with two masters'
degrees in counseling - rehabilitation and social work- chronicling her destructive, hurtful behavior.
I am frankly a little leery that this is the true reason Sarah does not want me posting this issue. I am more inclined to believe it is about money, that is, the fear that the powerful Rebecca can persuade Mom to disinherit Sarah. Like Rush Limbaugh frequently says, "Follow the money." That is particularly germane to my family where money is worshipped, and character and honesty ride in the back of the bus.
To illustrate this and continue the story I began about Rebecca calling me one night, I will pick up the trail: Tasha handed me the phone, quietly remarking, 'I've never heard Rebecca so mad." As soon as I said "Hello. Rebecca." she launched her attack, declaring, "You little b******! You only called me to get me to okay with Mom the money you needed for the lawyer. You haven't called me for years, and that was the only reason you called me this time."
Actually, what she said was true. As the relationship between Tasha and me worsened, the drelationship between Rebecca and Tasha had bloomed. Like my former best friend, Tasha seemed more important to this family member, Rebecca, than I did.I felt betrayed by her close relationship to Tasha. After all, she was my sister, not Tasha's. My reply to Rebecca over the phone was: "Rebecca, are you drunk?"
"You little b******!..., "she began again, and I hanged up. After that, she called Sarah's younger son and told him he was accepting too much money from Mom, and then she called our brother, Ron, and apparently reamed him out too. This was learned by me from conversations with Sarah. Ron took such a hit from his sister, Rebecca, that he is afraid to get into any issue involving her. When Rebecca divorced Lucky, she expected Ron, as her brother, to demonize Lucky right along with her. Ron worked for Lucky so money could have played a part in his refusal to put Lucky down. But I know from my very rare conversations with Ron that he saw Rebecca as very hurtful, very authoritative, and seldom without a glass of wine in her hand. Rebecca can be challenged by Ron on things she says, but he will shy away from confronting her on any major issues. For instance, when Sarah arrived in Idaho, she waited for a phone call or visit from the powerful Rebecca. Finally, after a week and a half, Ron called her. He had warned her previously that he would not discuss the opmnipotent Rebecca with her. When he called, he simply said, "Just tell me this, yes or no. Has Rebecca called or seen you yet?
"No," Sarah answered.
"That's all I wanted to know. Bye."
Such courage!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

52. Finding The Path Of Love

Using Audrey's phone, I have talked to Sarah twice in the last day albeit short conversations. Succintly, she is afraid of talking to me about her problems with our sister, Rebecca, because of she fears Rebecca would harm her. I asked, "What would she do - put a contract out on you?"
"No, she wouldn't do that."
"Are you afraid she would get mother to disinherit you?"
"She could hurt me emotionally."
"You're going to have anything more to do with her after your last two visits to Idaho?"
"Yes, I'm already writing letters to her in my head."
Next time, I will say, "Sarah, you know you never send letters." Sarah has some kind of phobia about mailing letters in spite of the fact she denies it, and says she just never gets around to it.
"Sarah, I hate to give up trying to develop Peter's Template in this situation."
"I've looked at the questions you thought I could ask Rebecca, and she would just go around them."
As passive as Sarah is around Rebecca, the reality is that Sarah might not be able to hold her own, even with a lot of coaching from me.
"I don't know what's so formidable about Sarah. I have not found that so in my conversations with her. I mean, she is very intelligent and determined, but truth is not on her side."
"She's not formidable for you, but she is for me."
Saah has promised Mom that she will come back, and she intends to. But what is her plan? What will she do besides sit around Mom's house if she doesn't interact with Rebecca? Our brother, Ron, habitually works seven days a week. He may take some time off work, but probably only a weekend, just like he did her last trip. Won't Sarah sit around Mom's house dreading that Rebecca will show up and lambaste her for not taking good care of Mom just as she did the last trip? To sum it all up, all I am doing is documenting what Sarah said happened and trying to find a way she can identify to Rebecca that she is on the path of hate and try to help her get off it. The monkey is on Rebecca's back not Sarah's but somehow Sarah is so fused to Rebecca that if Rebecca sneezes, Sarah wipes her own nose. Sarah told me,"If you insist on writing what I have told you in your blog, I am going to have to be very careful about what I tell you about Rebecca."
"Sarah, why is everyone in our family so timid? Let me give you the word I feel in my gut - chicken----! The only thing that seems important in our family is making money. Truth and character are not important." But then if you were raised to think you were a chicken, you would be timid, and you would prize your money just as a chicken prizes her eggs.
Two-Guns at peternickerson12@yahoo.com

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

51. Will Obama Kill Senior Citizens Too?

I was going to confront Audrey on the ride over here (to the library) about not congratulating me on finally winning the table topics contest at the Toastmaster's meeting last Thursday. I have been competing since last March, and this was my first win. Audrey was there, and when the meeting was over, and we got into the car she said nothing. But then I began thinking about it and remembered how once when I had competed, she said she was glad that another person had won the ribbon and trophy. I reminded her that I had competed, and it had slipped her mind. I am not sure how much Audrey even understands, and I decided that confronting her probably would not change anything and only make her feel worse about herself. She is an 82 year old great-grandmother. I don't think I was rationalizing in order to be avoidant because I do confront her about things and had no fear of bringing up this issue either.
I have sent my sister, Sarah, a copy of one posting about her problems with our sister, Rebecca. I have misplaced, perhaps lost, my cell phone, but did use Audrey's phone last week and miracle of miracles found Sarah at home. She had not received my letter and was cooking a luncheon for her women's group so I couldn't talk to her.
Last night, the topic of Obama stopping people from giving care to babies born in spite of attempted abortions came up again on the Hannity and Colmes Show. The lying liberal Allen Colmes again claimed there was already a law that he claimed protected born children from being murdered by Obama and his filthy ilk. Prima facie, that is a blatant lie becuase if born children were being protected, why was the Illinois legislature voting yes or no to protect them? I saw the video of that hateful Obama on the floor of the legislature, and I heard him say he was voting against the bill to care for born children because it " would be a burden on the doctor and the mother." Not murdering someone would only be a burden to Obama and his filthy ilk! Obama did not say that this bill was redundant because there was already protection provided for born children in a previous law. Senior citizens, do you see the danger you are in from this candidate, Obama. Can't you easily see him asking Congress to pass a law or even see him making an executive order that senior citizens who were a burden on the taxpayer (because of Medicare and Social Security payments) and a burden on their doctors should be put in cold rooms and deprived of clothing, food, and drink until they died? Or be "humanely" euthanized? You had better be able to see that happening, because Hitler did far worse, and the Germans let him. Also, the British government let him do it without saying a word about it.
I am calling on Sean Hannity to put an end to this lying by Allen Colmes, the liberal adversary on the "Hannity and Colmes Show." He needs to confront Colmes on his cowardly lie and put it to rest. Colmes has said it twice now in front of Sean, and it's past time for Sean to call Colmes out on it. Bob Woodward has just come out with his new book, "The Enemy Within," and his main thesis is that President Bush has shown "an odd detachment" regarding the war in Iraq. I don't know if that is true, but I think the President has not fought for his own people when they are challenged by the liberal Democrats. He's always out to lunch or biking or somewhere else. In the same respect, I find Sean Hannity having an odd detachment about Allen Colmes lying about the legislation to provide care to born children in Illinois. He needs to confront the liberal Colmes, and we should be watching for the confrontation. May it come soon!

Monday, September 15, 2008

51. Topless Fisherwoman, Black Panthers

This morning while feeding and watering the horses, the young male goat, Pepper, held his place at the feed dish, uttering a growl at Odessa, the white Arabian. She moved to the next feed dish.
Saturday, I fished the early evening with my son, Hawkeye. He told me, "I was out here fishing earlier this week and came around a bend and saw this woman fishing by herself in a yellow kayak. She was topless, but she put her top on. Her husband must have been watching through binoculars from their house because he immediately came out in their bass boat and said something to her. She paddled back to the house, and he angrily made doughnuts while she paddled back in the kayak." Sorry, I'm not going to tell you the lake; I've given you a big enough hint with the color of the kayak. For the most part, this is only something you see when you spend a tremendous amount of time fishing. I asked Hawkeye what she was on a scale of a to 10, and he replied, "An 8, and I'm giving her a point for being a fisherman." No sooner had we finished the conversation than the woman and her husband sped past in their bass boat with her driving. She looked attractive.
Sunday morning, I was about to clean up the doggie accidents inside, when Tasha came out of her bedroom and began doing it. Tasha likes to maintain that I as a stay-at-home day do nothing all day, and she didn't like it when I told her that Audrey had remarked to me, "You couldn't find anyone to do what you do for $100 a day." Tasha had cleaned the accidents up for three mornings, and by Sunday she had enough.
Exasperated, she proclaimed, "I'm getting a dog door, and these dogs are going to poop and pee outside at night!"
"They can't go out at night; they'll bark," I objected.
At that, Mr. Hyde came out, and it was nothing but personal attacks at me and threats. Determined not to be either intimidated or to be her doormat, I replied with a few choice words myself. She went into her bedroom, and I could hear her coughing, a sign that her heart was slipping out of gear. I went down back to feed and water the horses. Later when she came outside, I said, "We can have a night door if we get a bark collar for the big lab. Whenever he goes out at night, he starts barking and he's got a big bark like his grandfather." Tasha agreed that his grandfather, Bear, had a big bark, but that was it. There's no working with Tasha: it's her way or the highway.
On December 31, 1998, my hunt for the mysterious black Florida panther began. My son, Hawkeye (also known as Bobby) and I were hunting at the Sandhill Hunt Club, 100,000 acres that extended from Steinhatchee north to Perry, Florida. Hawkeye and I were new to the club, and we had found a ladder stand and a wild game feeder. Hawkeye put out a metatarsal gland (a buck sex gland) climbed the ladder stand and made a few buck calls. I had stationed myself about a hundred yards away. As soon as Hawkeye called, a buck came running in, and Jon shot and killed him with one shot( a slug) from his shotgun. I was tremendously proud of him, and as he was too little at fourteen, I hauled the deer out over my shoulders.

Friday, September 12, 2008

50. Ingraham Now Exposing Obama's Baby Killings

This morning on the radio, I heard talk show host, Laura Ingraham, take up the issue of Obama leading the wolf pack in the Illinois legislature. The wolves were voting against a law that would give care to babies born in spite of abortion attempts. The law was voted down. I reported about this a week ago when Sean Hannity introduced the subject and presented video of the Born Baby Killer orating that it would be too much of "a burden" on the mother and the doctor to allow the born baby to live. Of course, it's merely death for the baby, an American citizen who has all the rights of any American citizen. I find it hard to believe that the public is not aware of this issue and is not demanding that Obama resign as a presidential candidate. Would you elect a candidate who advocates killing American citizens, my friend? If the great orator can persuade the liberal wolves in the Illinois legislature to kill newly-born American citizens, that is, little, innocent babies, don't you think he might persuade the Congress to kill older citizens? Can't you see him orating that the elderly were too much "a burden" on the taxpayers and their doctors, and they too should be put naked into a cold room without food or drink until they died? You senior citizens had better listen up and look into this demonic policy of Barack Obama.
Now I am going to try something that has never worked out for me in my personal journal at home: to complain about Tasha. Whenever I have done it, it seems trite. Last night, Kando, the Seal, and I were trying to take a huge chest off the trailer. It turned out that the dolly was too small, and we didn't. But while we struggled with that, Tasha cut down the low-hanging limbs of mimosa trees around the garage. She said they were attracting mosquitoes. When she "finished," she went inside, leaving all the limbs on the ground and the loppers leaning up against a bale of hay. I guess the slaves were supposed to know they should clean up her mess and put away the tool.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

49 Obama Regressing Back To Muslim Ways?

It happened right before I went to the gym just like it does occasionally. I was sitting in MacDonald's, drinking coke and eating french fries, getting ready to lift at the gym, when Carole King began crooning over the speakers. Instantly, forty years disappeared, and I was felt great yearning for Mountain Woman. It was her voice too, and it contained so much warmth and joy of life that it won't pass. I tried rationalizing that she was a liberal, and I was an individualist. I also remembered my abusive psychiatrist saying, 'You don't love her; you are intoxicated by her.' Yes, and I will be drunk the rest of my life too. Whatever our differences, it wouldn't have mattered. Or would it have? What would I have done if we had married, and she secretly got an abortion? This has happened with her. Could I have forgiven that and lived with her decision not to have children? Children were not on my mind. Instead, what I wanted to do was travel with her to various cities so I could later say I had made love to Mountain Woman in, say, Paris.
About a week ago, George Stephenphalous was interviewing the Born Baby Killer, and in replying to a question, Obama spoke about his "Muslim" faith. The interviewer asked helpfully, "You mean your Christian faith?" Obama corrected his Freudian slip. Just yesterday, Obama said, "You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig." Since Sarah Palin famously asked in her vice-presidential acceptance speech only days ago, "What is the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull? The hockey mom wears lipstick." I believe he was referring to Palin. The hostility is two-fold Muslim too: First, for Muslims, a pig is a detestable animal, and secondly, for Muslims, being irrationally macho, being challenged by a woman is unacceptable. Regression is a defense mechanism to stress, and certainly the Born Baby Killer and the Washington Insider are being pushed by The Patriot and The Pioneer.
I have repetively said that the individual - that's you, my friend - has no value to collectivists - liberals, socialists, or communists. Here's an example from Red China during the Olympics: two women, age 79 and 77, went to the Chinese police five times to get permission to picket about their loss of housing. They wanted to picket at the Olympics. The police stonewalled them, saying nothing. The sixth time they went, they were arrested, thrown into jail, "tried" and convicted. Their sentence was one year imprisonment for "labor re-education" for "disturbing the public order." You want to run the chance of being treated like that or having your grandmother treated like that, my friend? Then vote for the Born Baby Killer (This came from the Times-Union in Jacksonville, page A-8, August 21, 2008.).

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

47. Born Baby Killer Hates Guns Too

First, I want to make another sad commentary about my neighbor, and then I'll make a second one about Obama. We have a couple who are homesteading at the end of our lane, two properties away. Juan, in his seventies, comes from Cuba. I don't know about Rosita, but she is obviously Hispanic. They have built a little shed on their five acres and are raising plantains, goats, and chickens. As of two years ago, they had no johnny house and were using the ground. Juan reminds me of a billy goat for he is a short, blocky, and very gruff person who is only friendly toward you when he wants something. Last winter, I was pulling a big post with a very thick rope for aerobic exercise on the lane. Since the only person who passed my house was Juan, I felt safe in leaving the post and rope on the lane. But it wasn't long before it was gone. Bobby had abandoned his Gran Prix on the lane, and when Juan wanted to buy it, I told Bobby to tell Juan I wanted my post and rope back. Bobby sold him his wreck, but Juan denied he had stolen my stuff. For several months, I did not wave to him when we passed on the lane, but after that decided the Christian thing would be to forgive and forget. But then he would not wave at me. I saw Juan on the side of the road, cutting some man's trees. I am sure he did not have permission from the ranch owner to do that. It is a pity that Juan will not be civil toward me now. I've offered him a ride, and he only responded by saying, "No." and looking away. He does that too when we pass on the lane so I do too. It's a pity to have to live that way, but again, you have to make a stand and be prepared for the consequences of making that stand. Today, the morals of people are so low that there may be some very unpleasant consequences too.
Since the Supreme Court upheld the right of individuals in Washington, D.C. to possess handguns, the chamillion Obama has tried to appear pro-gun ownership. He isn't. In 1999, the Born Baby Killer urged that a law be voted in that would ban any store from selling guns if there was a school within five miles of the store. That would have banned the sale of guns in about 90 percent of America. In 1996, Obama said he was for the complete banning of all handguns in a questionnaire he was given. He tried to deny it, saying an aide filled out the form, but Obama's hand-writing was found on the margin of the questionnaire. Obama's website stated that he was for the ownership of guns "for the purposes of hunting and target shooting." He left out self-defense which is typical of all collectivists because they do not care about the individual. They supposedly only care about groups, but they don't care about them either. The above material came from David Kopel's editorial, "The Democrats and Gun Control" in the Wall Street Journal, page A19, April 17, 2008.
Just last night, I heard Obama lying again: I was listening to the Mark Levin Show on the radio. He featured part of an interview with Obama who was asked if he had volunteered to serve in the Armed Forces. Obama lied, replying that he had and said, "I had to sign up for the Selective Services when I graduated from high school." The first thing, Mr. Obama, is that when you are required by law to do something, you are not 'volunteering' when you do that thing. Here again, Mr. Obama, you demonstrate you know nothing about how individuals function simply because you don't value the individual. Secondly, since you graduated in 1979, the Selective Services was no longer requiring high school graduates to register. There was no registration because there was no draft. We had an all-volunteer armed forces which we have continued to have. Is it so important to people to be able to kill their unborn and even born children and to be able to legally steal money from other people through taxation that you would vote for this candidate? Shame on you if it is. But then you don't have the morals to feel pain with, do you?
Two-Guns at peternickerson12@yahoo.com

Monday, September 8, 2008

46. Path Of Love

On the road to the library, there are two little white houses set very close to gether near the road. The people who live in them usually spend a great deal of their time outside and often have fires that they congregate around. The yards are dirt, and they remind me of the woods people who used to sweep the dirt around their homes before they left, say, for town. They did this so they could check the swept dirt for any snake tracks going into their house when they got back. Now the white houses are deserted, and perhaps the people have found better places to live. I hope so. But for the past eleven years, it was interesting to see homes with people on the outside. Nowadays, you can look at home after home, and no one is outside. Of course in Florida, it is very uncomfortable outside at least three months out of the year.
Sarah's visit to Idaho seems to have ended depressingly with Rebecca haranguing her, and Sarah unable to defend herself and getting pyschosomatic symptoms. Murray Bowen, M.D., the father of family systems theory, would call Sarah's symptoms indications of an enmeshment problem with her sister, Rebecca. Sarah's only way of handling the enmeshment is by fission, complete separation for Rebecca. The next time I talk to Rebecca, I want to see if she thinks it would have worked to have asked her sister when Rebecca started her rant: "Tell me, Rebecca, are you on the path of love or the path of hate about me not taking care of Mom? If you are on the path of love, we can discuss adult to adult why you think I am not caring for Mom. We both love Mom, and we both want her to have good care don't we? If you are on the path of hate with me, and the care of Mom is not the issue, then we can discuss why you are on the path of hate with me. You don't like being on the path of hate with me, do you? If you don't like being on the path of hate with me, what can I do differently (this is a solution-focused or oriented therapy question) so I can get off the path of hate with you?" Since it is difficult to find Sarah at home, I will try to copy this and send it to her to see what she thinks of it. I would like the path of love, path of hate work not only for Sarah but for everyone. I've invented it, but I haven't used it much.
Two-Guns at peternickerson12@yahoo.com.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

45. A Challenge of Masculinity, Palin's Adultery ?

Toward the end of the last week, I went over to the feed store for feed and hay for the horses. Hulk was there, and Tasha says he works there now. As I was walking back to the truck, Hulk asked, "Don't you have any hair on your legs? They look like a lady's legs. What do you do - shave them?"
Thinking that he had legs that resembled a bear, I said, "Okay, let's see what the hair on your legs look like."
He rolled up one trouser leg, and his leg had a little more hair on it than mine. "Big deal," I exclaimed, and we both laughed. I told Tasha about it, and her only reply was, "Hulk can be an ass." I reported Hulk's son, Gator,and my son, Bobby, for killing two many spring gobblers (male turkeys) about two years ago. Tasha made the mistake of posting a picture of the two of them with three turkey. She put it on the refrigerator. By doing that she was saying, "In your face!" because both she and Bobby knew I was against killing more than your limit of gobblers and breaking game laws in general. I knew that if I reported Bobby that would be the straw that broke the camel's bank in my relationship with Tasha, but I was tired of being walked over. Hawkey (Bobbby) and Gator had been taking my hunting and fishing gear even when I specifically told Hawkeye not to. For example, I told him not to touch my new but very cheap fishing rod and reel, but after that, Audrey told me Hawkeye had asked her if she knew where I had put it. Hawkeye had good instincts for I had given it to Audrey to keep at her place. I could not keep anything around the house. That was several years ago, and Hawkeye has grown up a lot in the interim. We are all sinners, and I don't think he would behave that way now. I took a stand with him even though it cost me dearly with Tasha. All she believes in doing with her children is to nurture them, never discipline them.
The game warden I reported Gator and Hawkeye to was a nice guy and assured me that he would bring no charges against Hawkeye that could keep him from becoming a fireman, which was Bobby's plan at the time. However, when the game warden got into the case, he found other violations that could have resulted in a maximum of seven years in prison. Bobby wouldn't tell me what they were, but he said he started "talking" to the game warden trying to get off the hook. Apparently, the game warden did not go over aboard with charges, and the State Attorney dismissed the case, saying it would be too hard to prove that Gator or Hawkeye killed the third, illegal turkey.
Thus, I was prepared to receive some hostility from Hulk since I reported his son, but his remark about my lady's legs was enough. Next time, I will suggest, since he is such a macho man, that we engage in a little sparring. I think I can find my old karate gloves that I brought with me from Virginia.
I heard on Fox News from Liz Trotter today that "The Enquirer" has or soon will have a story about Sarah Palin having an affair with one of her staff members back in Alaska. I know from experience the temptation women have when they make more money than their husbands and think their jobs are much more important than their husband's. As my brother, Toby, noted, "Everyone in the fast lane plays around." If this is true, I only hope Sarah will deal with it directly and honestly with none of the weaseling we saw with John Edwards when "The Enquirer" found out about his lover.
Two-Guns at peternickerson12@yahoo.com.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

43. No Love, III

Last weekend on the way here to the library, the day was gray, and I passed a cow pasture. On the edge of the pond in the pasture was a young cypress tree. It was very green, and on its limbs were a multitude of cattle egrets, born of immigrants from Africa. Becuase of the cloudy day, the brilliant white of the egrets, against the backdrop of bright green, was a beautiful sight. Father up the road, I passed a field next to a house that some truckers built. It is very attractive, painted blue, with a wrap-around porch. I had never seen anything in the field until one evening, I drove by, and there were about five deer feeding in the field. In eleven years of going by that field, that is the one and only time I have seen deer in it. As I go by that field, I often wonder why the deer were there that evening.
Sarah took the call from Rebecca out on the deck where the thirsty plants lived. Mom was in the living room talking with her brother, Uncle Tony. Like me, Sarah is a rather careless person because she is always thinking about other things, and she left the door to the deck open. Mom and Uncle Tony could hear her conversation, particulary when she got upset. The conversation did not go well, with Rebecca again blaming her for not taking care of Mom. She assumed a very superior tone of voice until Sarah could take it no longer and stormed, "Rebecca, who the hell do you think you are? You are not my better, and you need to stop talking like it!" When Rebecca continued, Pam said, "Goodbye." and hanged up. As she retreated to her basement room, she told Mom, "Rebecca is still saying that I'm not taking care of you." Mom replied, "For Christ's sake!" but that's all she did. Clearly, she needs to step into this situation and straighten it out. Mom is not financially dependent upon Rebecca's care or the care of her daughters. If I had a daughter I was afraid to confront because she might turn against me and turn her daughters against me, I would say that the friendships were not real to begin with. All the better to have it over so I could try to find some genuine friends. Plus, they might come around. But with Rebecca, I don't know about that.
Several years ago when I needed money for a lawyer because the perjurers (look for "Perjury" in the blog titles for more about these neighbors from hell.) were bringing false charges against me again. I called Rebecca to see if Mom would be amenable to giving me some money. Actually, I was calling Rebecca to see if she was agreeable because I was sure if Rebecca supported me, my chances of getting money were much better than if she didn't. Tasha knew I could not go back to court again without a lawyer, and she had been talking to Rebecca, a good friend of hers, about the need for an attorney. Rebecca was agreeable so I called Mother, and she sent money. Thank God! And Mom. With an attorney, we were able to squash the demonic neighbors' ridiculous, but very dangerous charges.
I had just begun to put that trying event behind me, when Tasha passed the phone to me one night.
Two-Guns at peternickerson12@yahoo.com

Friday, September 5, 2008

42. No Love, II

Fall as well as hurricanes is coming to Florida. Last week, I noticed that green leaves fell to the ground as a rare breeze came through. The young goat has grown horns about a foot long and yesterday evening he was butting the fence post with more spirit than usual. The dogs also have more enthusiasm playing. Several evenings ago, it was so cool that I thought I could feed and water the goats and horses without breaking a sweat. I only got half way through, though, before perspiration was dripping down my forehead. It is time for fall; the horses have doubled what they were drinking at the beginning of summer, and the dogs are insisting on an area of the kitchen that is in my way. The reason for the spot is that there are three air-conditioning outlets and one floor fan there. I figure that the body core of everyone has heated considerably, and it is taking more to cool.
To return to Sarah's problem with our sister, ever since I invented Peter's Template two years ago, I have been using it to see if Sarah could work out a reconciliation with Rebecca. Sarah has liked the concept of the path of love, and about a year ago, Rebecca helped the situation by calling Sarah. They both cried during the conversation, but I don't believe Rebecca apologized for her behavior toward Sarah and her sons. Sarah also told Rebecca that she could not trust her just on the basis of one phone call. There were no others on either part for the next year. This was not a solid reconciliation, but Sarah noticed that she got no pyschosomatic symptoms while talking to Rebecca. Sarah makes her living from tutoring and refinishing antiques and then selling them. Because school budgets have been very tight this year, she has done very little tutoring. Mother, as always, paid for her plane ticket, and Rebecca, agreed to take care of Mother so she wouldn't have to pay anyone to do that while Sarah was there for two weeks. Sarah flew out to Idaho, and it was a week before Rebecca contacted her. Obviously, this was rude, and a strong indication that Rebecca was not on the path of love toward Sarah. I think one of Sarah's daughters took care of Mother for money so it would be she who was getting no money while Sarah was there. But Rebecca is the wife of a millionaire CPA and the principal of a church school (Christianity towards all but her family?)and quite capable of making up any monetary deficit her daughter may have had because of Sarah's visit. Sarah did do several things with Rebecca including seeing her big home and the remodeling Rebecca is having done. But one afternoon, "Rebecca came over in high heels, dressed to the nines," as Sarah related it to me, " and walked into Mom's living room as if she were a very important, busy person. She saw Mom and me playing cards, then looked out at the deck, and then lit into me saying,'Rebecca, those plants are dying. They need watering. You're not supposed to ignore them.' I started to explain that she was right; that I wasn't used to the extreme dryness of Idaho, but she interrupted me by saying very accusingly, 'And Mother looks horrible! You're obviously not taking care of her, and that was your end of the deal in coming here!' At this point I knew it wasn't about the plants or Mother, but me. I told her so and walked away to my room down in the basement. Mom said nothing, and for two days I remained in my room almost all the time, very depressed and having all the psychosomatic problems come back. Mom came down, and I told her she knew what was going on and that she was the leader (she should have said "Mother" here. On the third day, Rebecca called."

42. No Love II

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

41 In Executive Branch Now -Palin, Never- Obama

Isn't it intersesting that the lying liberal media is so concerned about what an almost adult child (seventeen years old) does and the fact that she is now pregnant while unmarried, and the same lying liberal media pays no attention to the marital status of Obama's own mother? Obama's mother was eighteen and unmarried when she was pregnant with Obama. It isn't even commonly known if Obama's mother was married when she had Obama. Shouldn't the lying liberal media be doing a better job of vetting Obama. We don't even know if he is illegitimate or not. Since we have heard that he and his mother were on food stamps for a while, it would appear that Obama did not have a married father and was himself illegitimate. Have you heard the lying liberal press getting shocked, just shocked, about this fact? Of course you don't because the lying liberal press does not want to inform you but wants to persuade you to vote for Obama, the Born Baby Killer. They will lie to you by omission and even commission. Isn't if even more hyporcrisy that the lying liberals would make such an issue of a baby being conceived outside of marriage as if that was not good for the welfare of the child (an in most cases it isn't) but the lying liberals say nothing of the born babies who survived attempts to kill them through abortions and were born alive? These babies were abused through lack of blankets, and mild and put in closets until they died of the abuse thanks to Obama's speaking and voting against a bill that would protect them when he was an Illinois state senator. The liberals are talking out of both sides of their mouths, but as I have shown you, that is fundamental to the collectivist ideology. That ideology says it is not important to tell the people the truth but to persuade them to accept the lie. Then when the people accept the lie as the truth, it becomes the truth. Is it any wonder talk show host Michael Savage calls liberalism a mental disorder?
Born Baby Killer Obama has never run anything but his mouth. Governor Palin has been the mayor of 9,000 people and the governor of Alaska for a year. She is light years ahead of the Born Baby Killer in executive experience. When Russia invaded the free country of Georgia, the Baby Killer had a chance to talk the executive talk even if he's never walked the talk. But what was his talk? It was a mealy mouth statement that both sides shoud stop fighting. Really? Then it would be okay if Russia just kept that part of Georgia that she was occupying. Contrast that to what The Patriot, John McCain, said. He said Russia should get out of Georgia. Now that sounds like a president.
Two-Guns at peternickerson12@yahoo.com