Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Thanks For Toy Bigfoot

     I'd like to thank the person who left a toy baby Bigfoot at my truck this weekend. It was thoughtful and was appreciated. The Connecticut River was about a hundred yards away, and I've often wondered if Bigfoot uses it or crosses it to check out dumpsters on Putney Road here in Brattleboro, Vermont. I heard of a cub bear being shot for raiding the garbage on Putney Road while her mother stayed behind on the other side of the river in New Hampshire. If a bear cub will do it, why not a Bigfoot. Certainly, there have been plenty of sightings of them being into garbage. I even heard, while in Florida, that Brooksville, Florida, had to pull one dumpster out of a rural settings because the humans were getting upset by the Bigfoot dumpster diving. Good pics and videos are inevitable. Just don't tell any government employees about them as Big Development has a lot of influence on them. Nick

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