Thursday, July 5, 2018

Crowns Not Free College!

     Vermont US Senator Bernie Sanders, the darling of the Millennials, has been advocating for free college. Now, newly-elected New York US Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has joined him. Both are Socialists. It is the height of millennial narcissism to expect free college from the taxpayers. A year at a private school averages $35,000, a year at a public college for residents averages $10,000, and a year for out-of-staters $26,000. Individual universities vary wildly from those averages.
    It is obscene and absurd to expect the taxpayer to fork out that kind of money when the poor and the middle class cannot even afford crowns to replace worn out teeth. Crowns or tooth implants are about $2,000 each. If you don't replace your pulled teeth, you have a permanent pit that is susceptible to infections. You are jeopardizing your heart health by these possible infections. Good teeth are the foundation for a healthy heart. In addition, chewing becomes more difficult and sometimes even painful. Eating peanuts is no longer as enjoyable for me when I ask the gums to crunch them. The alignment of your jaws goes out of whack, and you begin biting the sides of your mouth. There's no joy in eating. Think of that, Millennials!
     The lack of crowns or tooth implants is a huge problem among the old and cannot be addressed by the poor or most of the middle class. To cavalierly announce you are for free college and ignore crowns or tooth implants is to show you are either out of touch with the people and their real needs or you just don't give a damn. Which one is it, you two Socialists? Nick, the Capitalist. 352-359-0850

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