Friday, July 6, 2018

School Shootings #26

     I just read the full-page article on school shootings in The Week, a valuable magazine, though collectivist, because it presents what the right is saying as well as the left, and what it itself says which is almost always anti-individualist. Nowhere in the full-page article is there mention of metal detectors or gunpowder-sniffing Labradors. To use the Democrats' pomposity, I find this deplorably irresponsible, and it strengthens my hypothesis that the collectivists are ignoring metal detectors to keep the school shootings continued so they can falsely blame them on gun ownership and the people will timidly and ignorantly support banning guns owned by individuals - with many exceptions for the elites who want armed bodyguards. But we mere peons can't have them. You going to accept that? Stand up to the lies and criminality by our government and media elites! They're going to get your kids killed! Nick 352-359-0850

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