Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Bigfoot Hunter #4

     Today, I talked to a family that lives in the New York Adirondacks. They have coyotes and bear, and the son is wrapped up in Bigfoot. He bangs the swing posts trying to get them to knock back. The father says there are a good number of sightings in the area. I told them how to hand a can of dog food, wire or line through the tab without breaking the seal. When the can is pulled off the tab, replace it, get a habit going, and then put up a trail camera. Watch for any movement to make trail cameras "camera traps" that need to be licensed, regulated, and restricted. Remember, the international corporations do not want you or Bigfoot or panthers in the way of developing the little wild lands still available. Do not listen to their lie that there's plenty of wild lands. They are counting the land on your property that doesn't have a building on it, counting it as "forest," doing that to all people's property, thus giving an absurdly inflated total of "forest land."
     They do this to make the case for them developing "just a little bit more" of the wild lands.
     Have you seen the pictures of two Bigfoot up in trees? Who knows anymore what's fake and genuine. But critical thinking begs to ask what are they doing up in trees? Well, kids climb trees. I remember riding pine trees, which bend easily when young, to the ground. Did those trees look like they were bearing the weight of the Bigfoot realistically? Were they trying to ride the trees to the ground maybe. Had a bear run them up the trees, like panthers?
     Please call me with any Bigfoot information. Nick 352-359-0850

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