Monday, July 2, 2018

School Shootings #24

     Now that I have talked to the world's fastest woman on a hand-pedaled bike and have started reading The Closing of the American Mind, I'm more certain that metal detectors and gunpowder sniffing dogs to block metallic and composite guns and knives from getting into schools is being ignored as the result of ignorance,groupthink and what Ayn Rand called blank-out. I think we have school teachers to thank for people being indoctrinated into mental zombies. This is being done by public school teachers who preach that absolutes are intolerant and therefore a bad thing. But intolerance is not always bad. Is being intolerant of people hurting other people bad? Of course not. Your teachers are just morally dumb or worse, they're knowingly trying to make you morally dumb.
     So I think I need to address the moral zombies this way: "Okay, you're going for banishing the right of the individual to own guns. Do you really think you're going to get your way before school starts in a little over a month? I don't think that's realistic. Don't you think you should have metal detectors and gunpowder- sniffing dogs at school entrances to block metal and composite guns and knives from being brought into schools? Or are you deliberately going to not do that so you can get more school kids shot, thinking that will help your case for banishing gun ownership? The are you really a murderer and psychopath?"
Nick  352-359-0850

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