Monday, July 9, 2018

Millenials Should Read "Blood Letters"

    I invite Millennials and any others captivated by criminal-Socialism to read "Blood Letters" about a Chinese poet who had second thoughts about Chinese communism and began speaking out and writing with her own blood in prison against it. The poet was Lin Zhao. You will see that Mao used quotas in his "reforms," and it didn't matter if the people were guilty or not. Just the numbers counted. You will also see how the innocent family members were abused, imprisoned, and even killed for the "evil deeds" of a family member. Remember, communism or socialism, is the killingest idea in mankind. Don't be attracted to the utopian lies! Get out into nature and experience real life. Buy a pair of Nikon Monarch V binos and a bird book, and go birding. See the real world not man's artificiality all the time. There's 21,000 other animals out there besides overbearing homo. Nick, the Capitalist 352-359-0850

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