Tuesday, September 23, 2008

58. No Cats, Obama Killing Babies

I fed and watered the horses, kept Pepper off Odessa's feed pan, picked up some fallen tree limbs, and hanged a load of laundry this morning without breaking into a sweat for the first time in months. Hurray! Fall is beginning. Audrey and I went to the cat site and found no cats there. I put out a can of dog food and milk. Either they moved because of the trauma of loosing their mother yesterday or they've already been wiped out. I think it is the former because there was almost half of the meat from the can of dog food from yesterday still there.
Years ago, I had a similar experience with kittens at one of my panther feeding stations. Several kittens came to it, and I started feeding them. They had no mother, and were protecting themselves as well as possible by hiding behind big, fallen tree limbs and anything else on the ground. They were very wary and hid as soon as I appeared. I thought they were doing a good job of concealment at first, but it quickly became obvious that they weren't: one kitten a night was disappearing.
After the third or fourth kitten disappeared, a little miracle happened for the last remaining kitten came out of hiding, approached me, and went around and around my feet, mewing pitifully. Obviously, she was begging for help. She knew that night she would be next to be killed. Fortunately, I had met a guy in High Springs who had a number of cats. He claimed that one of his cats had taken up with a black panther that visited their property and had gone off with the panther for a couple of months before returning. He said he had pictures of the black panther, but there were none when I visited him. He couldn't find them nor could he show me the cat who had become friends with the panther. She was missing. Of course, he could have shown me any cat, and I wouldn't be able to tell the difference so maybe his story was true.
The man and his brother lived in the trailer along with children from the man's previous marriage. There must have been at least twenty cats. I drove over to his home, told him the situation, got his okay, went back from the kitten and left her at this man's home.
I am sure you have heard about Hillalry Clinton refusing to be at an anti-Ahamaminejad rally planned for today in New York. He as president of Iran will be spewing his insanities at the United Nations today. When Hillary learned Sarah Palin would be there, she chickened out. I think she did not want to be contrasted with the genuiness, vitality, and attractiveness of Sarah. When The Washington Insider, Joe Biden, refused to go, Obama got dirty: He notified the Jews who were planning the rally, that they either had to un-invite Sarah or cancel the rally. If they didn't cancel the rally, he would go after their tax-exempt status which means they would have to use a tremedous amount of money going to lawyers to defend themselves in court. Not having that kind of money, they cancelled the rally. Another low blow by the Born Baby Killer.
Last night on Hannity and Colmes, Karl Rove appeared. The lying liberal, Allan Colmes, asked Karl Rove something like, "You don't really believe that Barack Obama could be guilty of infanticide do you?"
Karl sidestepped by answering, "I have talked to pro-life people, and they say Obama should not have voted against the Born Baby Protection Act, and he voted against it four times." So a little more attention is being paid to what the Born Baby Killer did in Illinois. If he did it to the most innocent of us, new-born babies, why wouldn't he do it to us senior citizens?
It also was discussed how Obama and the Washington Bomber, Bill Ayers, had worked hand in hand to defeat a 1997-8 Ilinois Juvenile Crime Bill. The Born Baby Killer has such nice friends and nice causes!
You remember how he ducked the question from a reporter,"At what point is a baby entitled to human rights?" His reply was something like, "That's beyond my pay grade." But that's a lie because when he supported killing new-born babies, he was saying indirectly that even newly-born babies have no rights. He was saying that American citizens then have no rights. That is entirely within the context of communism or any other form of statism for they all posit that the the individual has no inherent rights, but only the rights that the government gives her, if any. You want this kind of monster deciding your fate, especially if you have a major accident or illness or when you get old and start being "a burden" on the state-controlled medical resources? Like the little babies in Illinois, do you want Obama putting you into a cold room without clothing, food, or drink until you died? Surely, Obama supporters aren't that insane.

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