Wednesday, February 6, 2013


A Welcoming Sign To Ocala National Forest which has the second largest populations of the increasingly endangered Scrub Jay. The jay reportedly needs to live in scrub oak not more than eight feet tall.With habitat destruction for humans, that enviroment is becoming less and less.

After receiving a black panther or puma report recently, I went over to the area and found these tracks which I believe are either a bobcat or a panther and her cub. Note the lack of claw marks, the natural position for cats.

These are before and after pictures of Shady Lady. You see her with the tumor growing out of her mouth here.

Here she is several days after her surgery with the tumor gone. The tumor had become attached to a tooth so the tooth had to be removed too. When I started to take her picture, Lady retreated several feet, sat down, and watched me from that position. So she's a little scared from all that she's been through. The tumor was found to be benign. With a little luck, that should be end of it.

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