Monday, February 11, 2013

Bigfoot Hunt #6

This hunt took place where an acquaintance told me he had found and cast a bigfoot print in the bed of a creek. He measured the foot with his hands, and his mother said, "It was bigger than that." This place is less than two miles from where I live and I parked at the creek early one morning. I had the privilege of hearing a turkey cluck but in about an hour, a retired policeman walked up to me. We talked for about an hour so my hunt was over. But he did assur me that the man's mother was practically his mother too, and she did not lie. He also said that he had been between two ponds at a nearby ranch and encountered a human-like track, too wide to be human though. He said the owner of the ranch had released some 400 pairs of wild turkeys, trying to restock the area. I have had see-through bottles of whole corn and dog foot in that area for years, and they have never been touched. The cop has seen them too. I've also started putting out whole bananas. I haven't been able to find them so I will put out more and monitor more carefully. Peter "Two-Guns" at 352-359-0850.

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