Friday, February 1, 2013

Bigfoot Book Review of "Giants..". Continued

 Walker said that the giants carried two or three "beams" on their backs at once. It was not explained what beams were or what they were being used for. In light of the Bigfoot legends, it is possible that the Bigfoot were still eating humans when Elikanah was a missionary to the Spokane Indians. Why did Bigfoot stop eating people? We don't know that he has, and that is what David Paulides "Missing 411" books are all about. However, he, like the grizzly bear and the moose, have undoubetedly come to fear the gun, particularly after catridges made the front-loaders obsolete.
  The Yokurts whose land was in the central San Joaquin Valley and foothills of California, were one of the few tribes that had a term that translated to "Bigfoot." It was "Shoonshoontr." To be continued in next posting.

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