Tuesday, April 14, 2009

#149 A More "Compassionate" IRS

I understand that President Obama has said that the IRS will be more compassionate. This is not what's happening with a fellow Toastmaster, Rick. In Toastmasters, everyone is given a chance to speak at every meeting, even the visitors. In one of Rick's extemporaneous speeches, he told of something absurd from the IRS. Several of us stayed after the meeting to talk to him further about this travesty of justice as we are Fair Tax advocates. Rick is trying to live on his Social Security, and this month the IRS took $150 out of his check becuase his ex-wife owed back taxes from two years. Rick was not even working then, and he did not sign the joint tax return. Yet the IRS is taking a big chunk out of his Social Security check and says they plan to do the same every month. Of course this is wrong. If Rick's wife had committed a crime, and Rick had nothing to do with it, would he be convicted for it and go to jail? Maybe in Obama's world, but it would be crazy and absurd. Rick has written Congressman Cliff Stearn but hasn't heard from him yet.
Yesterday, I wote "Two-Guns Says" on the piece of cardboard that supports cans of dog food ( I took the cans out and threw away the plastic wrapping), and I have tied that with baling string from a bale of coastal hay to the rear left headrest of the 4Runner. The sign is facing backwards so people driving behind me can see it when I lower the rear window. On the right rear headrest, I fastened another piece of cardboard that read, "Big Government Is Slavery." People behind me can read "Two-Guns Says Big Government Is Slavery."
Today, I hear that Texas Governor Perry just gave a speech saying that the federal government -certainly an example of big government- has become so oppressive that he wants Texas' right to sovereignity recognized.Great minds work in the same direction! I also hear that Obama has issued a memo to law enforcement everywhere that a person who is interested in a single issue such as the murdering of unborn infants - abortion - or the Second Amendment is a right-wing extremist and needs to be watched. Of course those who kill unborn babies, partially born babies, and babies born after abortionists tried to kill them are elected President Of the United States in this absurd world of dead-brains and death values.
I shall let you know how Rick fares with Congressman Stearns and also what the reception is to my sign in the SUV.
Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson, MS, MSW at peternickerson12@yahoo.com. Please report bigfoot and black panther sightings to me.

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