Sunday, August 24, 2008

Obama's Lie

I did not take lightly the enormity of writing that Obama was a baby killer of both unborn and born babies in my post yesterday. In fact, I woke up early worrying about it. I mulled it over for an hour and then gave up and took a valerian root capsule. Then I got back to sleep. Now I understand that Obama is brazenly and absurdly denied that he spoke against and voted against the Illinois Born Alive Infant Protection Act. He's on video arguing against it. Tasha who is much more pragmatic than me would simply say, "Of course he would lie," but I am always looking for deeper answers. I think I have found one in Jonah Goldberg's brilliant book, "Liberal Fascism."
Goldberg points out that one of the early fascists, George Sorel, wrote that the truth was not important; it was only important that the people believed what you told them. If they believed you, then a lie became the truth, so good leaders had to lie well (page 37).
Somehow my completed post was erased, and I don't have enough time left at the library computer to recreate it. Hasta Luego, Two-Guns at

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