Monday, August 4, 2008

Obama and Diabetes Cure

I heard this morning on Fox News that the Rasmussen Poll has McCain one point ahead of Obama. McCain's campaign is getting some fire in its belly with the Paris Hilton-Obama advertisment. Have you heard Neal Boortz's, a major radio talk show host, take on why the Democrats are against drilling for oil in America? He says they believe Americans will blame Bush and by association McCain for the high cost of gasoline. Therefore, they don't want to do anything that will lower the cost of gasoline until Obama is in the White House. So Americans can suffer, not have enough money to pay their bills, operate their vehicles, and buy groceries, but that's okay with the Democrats because they think it will get Obama elected. If this is true, it puts the Democrats squarely on The Path Of Hate. Don't vote for Democrats: vote for Republicans, especially John McCain.
Tasha's good friend, Gloria, and her husband, the Hunk, called me twice about a black panther being in the lage front yard of a home about six miles away from me. Both times, I got into the F-150 and roared over to the house. No cat. Then their son, Gator, called me and played the same trick on me one night. Like a complete naif, I roared over to the house. But that wasn't the end of my stupidity for Hunk told me that he had seen pictures a waitress' husband had taken of a black panther on the wall of a truck stop on the Georgia-Tennessee border. He also told me that while he was at the truck stop, he heard a local talking about his buddy and him going fishing, catching a stringer of fish, but having their walk back to their truck blocked by a hungry black panther. They had to share their catch with him to get past him. Hearing this, I withdrew $200 from the bank and took off for the Tennessee border. I spent two days in Georgia and, of course, found no black panther pictures. When I told Hunk about my unsuccessful hunt, he said, "I'll get them for you." He didn't.
Now Gloria and Hunk have told Tasha a fantastic story about Hunk's brother in Tampa. This brother has diabetes, the story goes, and has recently begun a measured high protein diet at the direction of his doctor. Now he no longer has to take insulin. I concluded this was probably just another tall tale, but Tasha started our dog who had diabetes and is almost blind from it on a diet of chicken pulled from boiled chicken quarters and canned salmon. Saturday, she called me from the vet's to report that the dog's blood sugar level had gone from the previous reading of 354 to 78. Tasha is hoping that she can start reducing the dog's doseage of insulin soon. I've been asking Tasha to get the name of this doctor so I can try to research this topic for my mother and this blog.
Until the next rendezvous, may you be on The Path Of Love with the wind in your back, my friend. Two-Guns at

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