Monday, May 17, 2010

My Bigfoot Hunt

Yesterday, I drove to Chiefland to try to find the culvert where Bigfoot was seen several times four to five years ago. It took going to two stores, talking to close to ten people, and going on one wild goose chase before I found the culvert, miles away from where I started. The entrance-way to the culvert which is actually two large pipes was piled with animal parts. There were huge gopher turtle shells (gophers are prized meat for the natives), deer heads and body bones, pieces of dark brown fur, and a brand-new dumping of a calf head, guts, and fur. Oddly, there were no flies or vultures around the new gut pile. Bigfoot literature is replete with eerie incidents in Bigfoot country in which the woods are completely still and the birds and animals are not moving. I knocked my crutches together but got no answer. I whistled and got no answer. There was no sand or mud to hold a track. But once my knee is healed, I plan to put on my Snakeguardz and go into the woods by the culvert to see if I can find a trail or any sand or dirt that has footprints. Bigfoot was seen sitting in the ditch, proably eating. Since he was seen there several times, he may have been scared off from appearing during the daytime and may still be coming in at night. People leaving gut piles and other animal excess are actually providing a safety net for young, disabled or old Bigfoot as well as many other predators. Even if Bigfoot didn't want the fare, he could wait and ambush raccoons, o'possums, and dogs coming in to eat the meat. This is exciting!
I called Christian to tell him about my little expedition. He asked if there was a tree where I could set up a trail camera. There are plenty of such trees. One problems is that with woodsmen dumping their animal parts there, woodsmen would likely see my camera. Then it would be gone. The other problem is that according to the book, "Tribal Bigfoot," trail cameras are a good way to keep Bigfoot away and are used by American Indians for that purpose when they become too aggressive. I believed I blogged about a Bigfoot researcher from Quantico, Virginia who is trying to invent a silent trail camera. The problem with that is that government game wardens are interested in his camera, and I am sure they will attempt to get the government to be the only ones to get access to that camera. Years ago when trail cameras were first becoming popular, I learned that game wardens were talking and writing about trying to have them banned from use by citizens. This was when I was attempting to establish the truth about the existence of black panthers,that is, black pumas. Government loves monopolies, power, and force. or 352-359-0850. Please call me about your sighting or your friend's.

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