Saturday, May 22, 2010

Bigfoot On Paynes Prairie, Florida !

First, a word to those who are psychologically oriented: Nicole Kidman plays the role of a borderline personality disorder in the movie, "Margot At The Wedding." Fascinating!
I am pumped! I have just read in the Bigfoot Research Organization a story about about a Bigfoot sighting ten years ago on Paynes Prairie in Gainseville, Florida. Paynes Prairie is about one mile south of the University Of Florida campus. Now the gorgeous coeds there have something else to worry about. We've already had one serial killer, back in the 90s. For you who read my posts, you've seen that Bigfoot will steal both women and men for sexual purposes though I haven't read yet of any kidnappings for same-sex purposes.
The BFRO report reads that a woman saw a Bigfoot crossing U.S. Highway 441 on Paynes Praire. The prairie consists of 41, 000 acres, much larger than I thought. Besides deer, the prairie has Spanish ponies, buffalo, and many alligators. It is a Bigfoot buffet. This woman's Bigfoot stood on the median strip of the four lane highway and then crossed in front of her. Her sighting lasted 10 to 15 seconds which is a long time for sightings. He looked at her directly, and she saw some rag like burlap that he was wearing. The thought that came to her was "Caveman!" She stressed that he was very muscular and carried his arms like a bodybuilder.She saw him around 6 in the morning while she was taking her disabled child to school. She didn't use that route for a long time after the sighting because she was too scared. I am pumped because Titletown (Gainesville) is only about thirty minutes from home , and I am often there recently because of injuries (hernia and torn meniscus) acquired during archery practice. Also, there are several elevated walkways and lookout spots onto the prairie and about twenty miles of trails.
Next posting, I will tell you about Audubon's sighting on Paynes Prairie and the one I have collected but mostly disregarded until this woman's sighting in 2000. If you would like to discuss Bigfoot, please go to or call me at 352-359-0850. For those who may have testosterone poisoning, please remember that if you kill Bigfoot, you could be guilty of murdering a human, and that has no statute of limitations. You don't want to go through the ordeal of court and maybe get hauled off to jail when you are an old man with no testosterones! Think about it. Just enjoy looking at him and marveling that such a creature exists. Think about what he goes through to make it each day in comparison to what you do.

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