Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Indian Friendly With Bigfoot

My friend in North Carolina, Christian, told me this past weekend of a wealthy American Indian he met in the 80s who was associating with Bigfoot on his land in Washington State. You must read David Paliades' books to appreciate the affinity Bigfoot has for the Indian. Bigfoot came to tolerate the presence of this Indian, and the gentleman began recording their activities on 8 mm film. He has film of mothers with their children, film of Bigfoot shaking squirrels out of trees, and even peeing to mark their territory. "National Enquirer" staff was about to do a big story on this Indian and his Bigfoot friends, but word leaked out, and people started coming in and disturbing the Bigfoot. Conseqently, the Indian took his film back and shut down the story.The affinity goes both ways. Christian said he might be able to locate the National Enquirer reporter from thirty years ago. If anyone can do it, he can! However, if anyone knows anything about this story, I would very much like to hear from you. Pete Nickerson at or 352-359-0850. Thank-you!

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