Wednesday, July 3, 2013

What's Better In The News?

*What's Better With Racial Discrimination and Paula Dean?
 What's better with racial discrimination and Paul Dean is that the race-baiting Demonic-crats could do no better in finding racial discrimination and slurs in America than going back thirty years to what Paula Dean said then. Hooo-wheee! Aren't we up-to-date? They couldn't do any better than that? Well, that's wonderful, isn't it? Did you hear any of these weak hypocrites go on the war path when one of their own, Senator Byrd of West Virginia, was discovered to have been an officer in the Klu Klux Klan?
*There is enough shale oil in California- mainly in the Monterey Shale Field- to rival Saudi Arabia in the production of oil. The main obstacle to development is Obama's father's wish and Fred Davis's wish that America should suffer for its "colonialism." The wishes are being actualized by Barack Obama.
Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW  352-359-0850  Sources: Wall Street Journal, talk show hosts, and general reading.

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