Monday, January 25, 2016

Killing A Homosexual Ambassador

    I saw "13 Hours" last night. As soon as the consulate came under attack, there was an American drone overhead transmitting everything going outside to the Pentagon. Nobody did a thing except for a Seal in Tripoli who rounded up two Delta special operators and flew in.  Obama and Hillary knew, even though they, with Susan Rice, Hillary's longtime henchman who was in charge of crushing the women who came forward about her husband sexually harassing and even raping them. She did this because she wanted to follow Bill coat-tails into the presidency. Now she's trying to. Why did Obama, Hillary, and Susan Rice lie and deny the planned attack on Benghazi, an attack that included a devastating mortar and insist it was a demonstration that just got out of hand? Simple. Obama was facing re-election in two months and didn't want any bad news about his inept foreign policy. His policy was trying to get something for nothing, "leading from behind" looking like a coward and putting no "skin in the game."
    It doesn't work that way. The Sharia Muslims are coming for us regardless of how weak we act. The gutless Democrates will simply convert. They love structure and force, and they will get them in spades from Sharia Islam! Islam almost had a world-wide empire - stopped in France, thank God- and they're trying again. Sharia Muslims hate homosexuals. They torture them to death. Obama has, as president, bowed to Muslims. When he goes to other countries, he apologizes for America. Who's side is he on anyway? His glorified father was a Muslim. What side would you expect him to be or at least to be very sympathetic to? Muslims. I read both his books. In one, he tells of a college buddy and him yelling at people he claimed walked their dogs from their ritzy areas to his not so ritzy area so their dogs would poop there. Do you know what Obama and his friend called these despicable dog-walkers? They yelled "Colonists" at them. Now I ask you what world does Obama live in? Who yells "Colonists" at dog-walkers? Teed-off Muslims is who! Obama and Hillary both killed an American ambassador, two Seals, and a State Department communications expert so they could become presidents. One succeeded. Don't let the other. Hillary is not a civilized person. She is a deadly schemer only interested in herself and whomever she considers hers. Democrats must give her up. Peter Nickerson. Philosophy Major, Class of '68, W&M.

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