Thursday, February 18, 2016

Trump: A Real Man?

    I was amused by the New York Times editorial yesterday sniffing that Trump's appeal was in the Appalachian Mountains as if only hillbillies who impregnated their daughters and anally raped out-of-town bowhunters were his supporters. Trump has come to the edge of cleaning the tables across America. Only as his statements are being analyzed for truthfulness is it becoming worrisome that he is not the real deal, not a strong man, but an impositor. The real deal does not lie over and over again like a Hillary Clinton nor does the strong man rely on lies. I had supported Trump as a protest against the corruption of America, but now I worry that a Trump might be worse than our present corruption. I am not alone in this. I just wish there was a more manly man running, someone strong who could attack Hillary, expose her, and a better vision. Peter Nickerson

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