Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Correction To Hanging Cans For Bigfoot

The correction is that ribbons, at least the one I used, are not strong enough to pull a tab on a top off. I used the blaze-organge kind hunters buy to mark their trails and other things. I have several spools of wire at home and will try these. But I wanted to give you this correction. Don't want you getting miles back into the woods with the wrong thing.
  Also,  if anyone had a bad experience seeing a Bigfoot, please feel free to call me. I have a master's in social work and have spent my life counseling people. You can remain anonymous. Talking helps.
  Also, if you don't believe Bigfoot exists and either want to vent your frustration against people who believe he does, or you want to hear why we Bigfooters believe he does, please feel free to call me.
Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW  Bigfoot's First Social Worker, Gainesville, Florida  352-359-0850

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