Friday, May 17, 2013

What's Better and What's Worse In The News?

What's Better For George Zimmerman?
  George Zimmerman is the "white" Hispanic who apparently was having the back of his head bashed in by Trevon Martin on a concrete sidewalk and to save himself, shot Mr. Martin off his chest, killing him. The evidence for the case has been released and according to the Reason magazine's blog, it completely exonerates George Zimmerman. The evidence is so straight forward that it begs the question of why Zimmerman was even charged. The reason seems obvious, though wrong:  Zimmerman was charged to give a powder keg situation time to cool down as this event was billed by the lying liberal media as a white shooting a black which it wasn't. Mr. Zimmerman was a Hispanic. Hispanics commonly have black blood from the African slaves brought over to cut the sugar cane fields and do other agricultural work. If we assume Mr. Martin was a pure African, an unsafe assumption indeed, then the event was probably between a man with some African blood and a young man with all African blood.
  Using time to cool off tempers was the path of least resistance yet that time was bought at the expense of tremendous stress being put upon Zimmerman and his family when he was charged. This sets a very dangerous, cynical precedent for us, the people. You and I can be arrested not for a crime but as meat to pacify the raging wolves and give them time to cool off. If there is no evidence against Zimmerman and his arrest and prosecution was a flagrant violation of his civil rights, I predict you will see him bringing a suit against the city of Sanford, Florida. He should too.
  In the longer view, it is wrong that the government gives special privileges to blacks such as affirmative action, set-asides, and protective classes. It tells blacks that if they aren't getting preferential treatment over whites, then they aren't getting justice. This also encourages hostility toward blacks by whites who are being discriminated against.
The government should not be allowed to give the races unequal rights, and it should not be allowed to divide the races. The government may do this to keep us, the people, divided and thus weaker than we would be undivided.
What's Better For Spanish Bulls?
  The popularity of bullfighting in Spain is slowly declining. This is not only due to more humane attitudes toward the bulls but also because the land boom is ending in Spain. This puts less money into the coffers of the towns and cities from land sale taxes and makes it more difficult to finance bull fighting. I am sure the bulls won't miss being lanced and arrowed to make them more manageable for the bull fighter's sword.
------------------------------------------------------------------------What's Worse At The Boston Reservoir?
  Seven foreign graduate chemistry students were found trespassing at a reservoir that supplies water to Boston and surrounding areas. Their visas were okay so the police merely gave out trespassing citations. The people of Boston are naturally very worried about this. More may be coming from this story if Obama can't smother it.
What's Worse Worse With Obama's IRS Scandal?
  At a press conference, Obama was asked if the White House knew that the IRS was targeting conservatives and Jewish people (Muslims especially hate Jews). Obama ducked the question by triangling in the Inspector General's report and assuring us, the people, that the White House knew nothing about that. Why didn't Obama answer the question? He wasn't going to tell the truth - that the White House knew about the IRS targeting Americans. He didn't dare lie because E-mails or courageous, honorable whistle-blowers might come forth to prove his lie. So he triangled in the Inspector General's report.
Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW  Gainesville, Florida  352-359-0850
Sources: Wall Street Journal, Gainesville Sun, talk show hosts Herman Cain, Rush Limbaugh, Chip Morrison,  Andy Dean, and reading widely.

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