Thursday, May 9, 2013

What's Better And What's Worse In The News

What's Better With Benghazi?
  The Demonic-crats are using the "How Dare You Even Suggest Such A Thing!"defense just as they used it when Sean Hannity exposed on his Fox show that Obama supported letting newborn babies remain unattended until they died of thirst, exposure or whatever came first. These were babies whose loving mothers wanted them aborted (dead). Obama supported killing them by negligence if they were born in spite of abortion attempts on them. If you can turned your back on newborn babies, you can turn your back on anyone.
  My reply to the demonic-crats when they are playing the "How Dare You Even Suggest Such A Thing!" goes like this: "How dare I speak the truth? How do I dare not to? How do you dare not to?"
  Obama has let newborn babies die. Now he has let four men die - an
American ambassador, two Navy Seals, and a State Department employee. I am a hunter. If I were out in the woods, and this was an apex predator doing these kills, I would say, " The predator started small (with babies). Eleven years later, he struck much bigger prey ( grown men including two extreme Alphas - Navy Seals). If he survives this second kill without anything negative happening, he is going to become very confident, and his next strike will be sooner than eleven years and probably much bigger." For this reason, I urge all patriots to come forth and tell the truth about Benghazi. If you did something you regret, admit it to the people out of your love for America and the American people.
Are you so weak that you can't handle a possible lower standard of living as a consequence of your courageous speaking out and the honor it shows? What an opportunity to show courage and honor for your country! Think about.
What's Better From Texas?
Remember Texas Governor Perry who was such a star within in his state, but once he got on the presidential campaign trail, he bumbled about and soon withdrew? Now there is a Texas U.S. Senator who does not bumble at all in Washington, D.C. Senator Ted Kruz appears to be as sharp as a whip. Take a look at thim. It's very heartening and enjoyable.
What's Worse From Washington, D.C.
Demonic-crat Elijah Cummings at the Benghazi Hearing who said
(paraphrasing) : "What have we learned from this ( the murders of a U.S. Ambassador, Two Navy Seals, and a State Department employee)? That life is inevitable. It's part of life." I ask you if you've ever heard anything so callous and condescending?
Peter Nickerson, Gainesville, Florida
That death is inevitable

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