Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Rush, "A Horse Is A Horse?"

Yesterday, Rush was talking about animal rightists not protecting the horses drawing carriages in extreme heat in New York City. He said the reason for their hypocrisy was that the men who drove the carriages were union members meaning that people for animal rights were communists first and animal lovers when it applied to non-communists. Rush said he had no trouble with the horses and "a horse was a horse." I ask Rush what does that mean? I am more of a conservative than he is, and I don't believe in the abuse of any animal.
Recently, I tried to send Rush my masterpiece " Obama: Addicted to Force" and found that the only address available came from a seizure package by the U.S. Customs several months ago. Rush had his Viagra seized when he was departing for St, Kitts, I believe it was, to attend a stag party. Now if you're about to get married, as he was, what are you doing taking a pill to help to get erections to a stag party?
It doesn't sound like this marriage is going to last long either. The larger question goes to character- both of these behaviors sound too much like phoney machismo to me. "I don't care if horses broil out in the sun. A horse is a horse. And I'll take my erection pills to stag parties if I want even though my girlfriend isn't there." Why does a man as young as you need erection pills anyway, Rush? Michael Savage has said that your use of them has caused your deafness. Is that true? Did you try other options before you resorted to such a destructive pill? These are all questions I have for Rush, and I'd like to see them answered thoughtfully and honestly. In fact, I'd like to see more thoughtfullness and less phony machismo and blow-hardness in general with you, Rush.
In one of Obama's two speeches about the erection of the Cordova House by Ground Zero, he said "all people are created equal." That was a "You Lie!" moment because the Demonrats do not see people as equal. They have created Affirmative Action with quotas and goals for minorities especially blacks and hate crime legislation with protected classes especially blacks and homosexuals. There is no equality among communists despite their lies. Obama demonizes "the rich" while he keeps his millions and hosts his family to endless vacations that very few of the rich can match. Only the primitive mind cannot see his hypocrisy.
I call them where I see them - Rush and Obama. or 352-359-0850.

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