Thursday, August 19, 2010

Government Lied About The Bailout

Celent, the financial services consulting firm, studied the reasons for the bailout and stated in December 2008, that the much ballyhooed "credit crunch" had been greatly exaggerated by the government. Instead, it found that there was a great deal of lending being done from consumer credit to interbank loans. What the government did was that it based its cries of an impending calamity on a few isolated industries that were well-known to the public. This included commercial and investment banks and the automobile industry. Based upon these industries' poor performances, the governmnet knowingly and falsely projected a blanket picture of a sinking economy. The comments by Treasury Secretary Paulson and Fed Chairman Bernanke were contrary to the very data their organizations were putting out. So are Paulson and Bernanke statists who are addicted to force and will create false crises as a scam to gain more force over others? Is Bush of the same cloth or was he just too busy exercising to pay attention to what was going on? You can read "Meltdown" by Thomas Woods, Jr, for much more information. P.S. I've noticed two times that Obama has reportedly slipped and said that he was a Muslim instead of a Christian. I've also heard that he has slipped and called the Koran, the "Holy" Koran which is something no Christian would say. It's sooo
hard to hide the truth!

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