Wednesday, June 24, 2009

#175 Bigfoot Running 55 mph Alongside A Car?

I have asked my friend how she knew Otis Mathews, and her reply was, "He was my friend!" She knew him when they were on some island in South Florida. I will try to talk to her privately to find out if he was pursuing Bigfoot at that time or just her. Continuing with my reading of Otis Mathews' "The Genesis Of Belief," I find that he claims that hundreds of cattle were killed in 1955 in Paraguay, Columbia, and Venezuela with no visible wound beyond having their tongues pulled out. Internal organs were missing too, though there was no mention of how they came out without a visible wound. Surely, they weren't just pulled out through the throat. All this was thought to be the work of "mono grande," the term for bigfoot in those countries (page 6A).
Mathews also claims that in the Guaianas, Sir Walter Raleigh named the bigfoot there "manimals." and that in Florida, bigfoot has several names including skunkman, swamp skunk, swamp monster, and swamp ape (7A).
Mathews tells the story of two men seeing a "horse" lying in a field. When they approach, the horse gets up and reveals himself to be a bigfoot. The men dash for their car with the bigfoot pursuing them on a parallel course. They get into the car and roar away as fast as possible. To their horror, they see the bigfoot running next to their car with the speedometer showing 55 mph. Apparently, they accelerated more and left the beast behind.
If anyone knows Otis Mathews, please ask him to call me, Pete Nickerson, at 352-359-0850. I'd like to interview him and see if he's continued any bigfoot research in the past twenty years since he published his book and find out why if he hasn't. Did he get visited by the men in black suits?

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