Saturday, March 28, 2009

Introduction Of New Book, "Tyranny By Police"

This is the introduction of "Tyranny By Police: A True Story About How Cops In Florida Ganged Up On One Honest, Brave Man"

I dedicate this book to my mother, Katherine Rearden Nickerson, to Eric Reissmann, Chief Codes Enforcement Officer, and to Lloyd Vipperman, Attorney

"You never know what people are going to do today. That's why I keep my head bowed." - Author's mother, Katherine Rearden Nickerson
"We like what you're doing here, Pete - giving abandoned dogs a home." - Eric Reissman, Chief Codes Enforcement Officer, Alachua County, Florida
"I'm not doing it for the money. I'm doing because what happened to you should not have happened." - Lloyd Vipperman, attorney, Gainesville,Florida


In the early spring of 2004, I drove the ten year-old Ford F-150 slowly down the dirt lane, past the Starlings' blue trailer, noting again how they had taken down their sign, proclaiming "The Starlings' Plantation." Sherri's son by another man, a biker, had joined a lethal gang that brought drugs from the port of Miami into North-Central Florida where the professionals and students at the University of Florida and Shands Teaching Hospital provided an eager market. To Erin's infinite courage and new-found integrity, he had decided to quit the gang, knowing it could be his death sentence. To keep him alive, his mother and step-father had arranged for him to disappear. My wife Lee Ann and I were not happy though when Lee found out that our son Jon had been spending a great deal of time with Eric, and his parents didn't have the decency to tell us that Eric was a gang member. Plus Lee found out that the Starlings allowed Jon to smoke marijuana in their trailer without telling us again. I passed the empty sign post and rolled the truck down into the bottom where we lived.

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