Monday, March 2, 2009

#131 A Hunt For Bigfoot

This comes from my journal last Wednesday: I'm hunting for Bigfoot in Southeastern Georgia and have stopped in Kingston, Georgia for haute cuisine at McDonald's. I've gotten three stories of Bigfoot so far. The first was at the S&S store in Worthingon Springs, Florida. A Robert Robertson told me that two or three years ago, some hunters at his hunt club, the Palestine Hunt Club, on Lake Palestine, saw Bigfoot tracks on the dirt road that leads to their clubhouse. Palestine Hunt Club is close, if not contiguous to, the Osceole National Forest which begins in Olustee, Florida. Even though one of the men who saw the tracks was a good friend, Robert dismissed the report.
I stopped at Okenfenokee Pastimes, a campground on State Road 121 just across the entrance to the Okefenokee National Park. The owners of the campgrounds have a Bigfoot website, and I asked one of them, Jo Knight, is they had any recent Bigfoot sightings. They hadn't, but after I told her about the Bigfoot tracks at Lake Palestine, she related that she had a friend whose father had seen the Bardin Booger, a Bigfoot. Bardin is in Florida, close to Palatka.
I then continued up State Road 121 until I reached Folston, where I got onto Route 40 and headed east toward the Atlantic Ocean. My map of Florda showed a St. Marys River State Forest, and I wanted to see it, but no one had heard of it. I then looked at a Georgia map at a Flash convenience store, and it didn't show it. Then I started looking for a Crooked River State Park as I headed east. I tired of all the stores and shops along the road, got onto a county road and followed it to a dirt road. On the dirt road, I found the Stateline Nursery and pulled in. Three people were unloading a truck, and one of them, a buxomed, bubbly woman walked over to me.Terry Graham knew an "Uncle Al", a 77 year old man from Jacksonville who regularly came to Camden County with his wife to look for Bigfoot and claimed to have seen them. To Be Continued. Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson, MS, MSW at or better 352-359-0849.

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