Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Brattleboro, Vt. Selectboard Un-Candidate #35

     Dear Future Constituents,
     You may know I have been very worried about you young people, their parents, friends, and community regarding the college kangaroo trials. In case you don't watch Fox News, the young man accused by the Columbia University mattress girl has just settled with Columbia on civil charges that Columbia was biased against him. Betsy DeVos is reviewing these wholly unjust, un-Western kangaroo courts. Let's hope she hasn't been neutered by the howl of demeaning things said about her by the leftists when she was nominated for Secretary of Education. For the record, I am an individualist and belong to the Evedentist Party - ''Show me the evidence." Beginning with the next sentence, I want you to read what I sent the Wall Street Journal about Title lX being Obama's Trojan Horse for Sharia Law, and since it hasn't appeared in the WSJ, here we go!
     Barack Obama may have the last laugh with the Affordable Care Act, but he has also left behind Trojan horses filled with Sharia soldiers on American campuses. He has done this through his "Dear Colleagues" letter and his man-eating, feminist Title IX Coordinators. Obama has created, by using fundamentalist Islamic, and therefore, berserk ideas about human beings, a terrifying and simplistic delusional system. University students are being ruled by these delusions and becoming increasingly habituated to them. These ideas include: the college campus is a rape culture; all men are by nature rapists ...TO BE CONTINUED. In the meantime, may you be healthy, prosperous, strong, and evidence- seeking. It's a hard world. Good luck! Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0858

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