Thursday, July 6, 2017

Brattleboro Vermont Selectboard #32

     I called the town's garbage collector, Triple T, and found that our plastic bags do not end up in the ocean, contributing to outnumber the fishes. No such drama. Sorry. Instead, the bags go to either of two landfills, one in Vermont, and the other in New Hampshire or they go to an incinerator. They are not recycled because they are too light for the Triple T machinery. We could ask Triple T if they can afford to purchase that equipment or we could try another garbage collection. That addresses Kate O'Connor's objection to plastic bags.
     David Scholes' objection was about the bad things that went on in the production of plastic bags. Pending finding out about hideous things going on, I going to say that all production has its costs. Producing reusable bags has its costs too.
     I've also heard from a school administrator that there is a damning film about plastic bags that students must see year after year. If this is a brainwashing thing, I don't know if facts and logic make any difference. If facts and logic do contribute to your sacred feelings, then I would be against this totalitarian ban. Peter Nickerson  352-359-0850

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