Monday, August 22, 2016

Slavery And Saudi Arabia

    Just as the Western feminists have vilified the white man, the most compassionate men in the world and completely ignored the sexual mutilation of Islamic girls and women, now the crybullies on American campi are villifying long-dead white men for being slaveholders but turning a cowardly, blind eye to the fact that the Saudi Arabian government was still selling slaves in 1964, the year I entered William and Mary. The crybullies who are also demanding "safe areas" on campuses where they won't have to see anything or anyone they might disagree with obviously lack courage. They won't attack Saudi Arabia for having slavery well within my lifetime because there are people and more importantly, organizations that will push back and possibly threaten them or worse. The students - actually non-students because they don't want to learn - are afraid of confrontation. They are bullies who only want to attack dead men who have no one and no organization to defend them.
    I have no problem demanding that vestiges of slavery be obscured in public places. I would not want to have streets, monuments, or other public places named after communists. At the same time, the crybullies' selectivity of targets shows their cowardliness. I understand that universities are designing "safe areas" for the crybullies. I hope these areas are giant wombs, and the crybullies will go into them and grow up.
    Peter Nickerson, Philosophy Major, Class of '68, William and Mary.
    "The measure of a man,
      Is not what he says,
      But what he does,
      And what he allows others,
      To do in his presence."
        - Navy Seal Instructor

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