Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Pigs and Islamists

    Having seen how government employees and their lackeys, by and large, the professionals, handled the question of the panthers' existence including the black panther in both Florida and Vermont, I am skeptical of any statements from them, especially ones that also deride anyone with contrary thoughts as happened in Florida. It did not happen in Vermont, by the way. Vermonters were very polite and much more reflective. Hence, I'm going to open the old question of whether pigs will deter Islamic violence. I have great respect for people on the front lines particularly versus the pompous blowhards at their desks with their degrees on the walls. In looking at some of the Internet comments about this topic, I saw one allegedly from a soldier who claimed that when he was serving in Iraq, he was asked by the Iraqi if his bullets were tipped with pig blood.
    Supposedly, Army Colonel Alexander Rodgers under General Pershing in 1911 used pig parts usefully to deter the fanatical, and all too successful swordsmen, the Juramentos, in the Philippines. More recently, an Israeli official is said to have suggested pig use.
There seems to be no deterrent for Islamic suicide bombers especially when the explosives can be carried beneath a woman's body bag. At this point, training Labradors to detect them by smell seems the best detection, leading one to think that the responsible citizens now needs not only to carry a gun and knife and be trained in the martial arts and weight lifting, but also to be accompanied by a lab trained in explosives detection. I wonder if a Muslim suicide bomber knew his remains would be buried in a pigskin sack, if that would that make him wonder if he were really going to that supposed giant whorehouse in the sky and thus cause him to stop his plans or even give him some hesitation and unease so his stress might be visible out on the street as he was about to blow himself up as well as kill - what was the latest one, 51 people enjoying a wedding?- and mutilating many others.
    If this is going to provoke the sniffers and the screamers, bring it. I'll love it. But if anyone has anything that is evidence-oriented that pigs would be effective against Islamist suicide bombers, I'd like to see it in my comments section of this blog.
    Peter Nickerson, Philosophy Major, Class of '68, William and Mary
 "The measure of a man,
  Is not what he says,
  But what he does,
  And what he allows others,
  To do in his presence."
   -Navy Seal Instructor

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