Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Big Donors Taking Panther Habitat #2

    In the last post, I discussed the need to try to get a law passed that would feed the panthers the Big Balls of Big Donors who having bought politicians are able to use these politicians to get federal Fish and Wildllife to approve them taking panther lands. The Fish and Wildlife professionals know this land is essential to the survival of the Florida panther, a protected species, under the Endangered
Species Act, but they don't want to incur the wrath of the Big Donors and their puppet politicians. Therefore, they make sure that orders go, from the top to the bottom, that the front-line biologists in Florida who are working with the panthers okay the applications for the panther land. This is corrupt, but who wants to lose their jobs, their income, their house, and their wives, their children when they are fired and maybe get blackballed and can't get another job? Do they sacrifice almost everything for the panthers, the truth, and not being pushed around by either corrupt Big Donors or their intimidated bosses? Very few people have the fortitude to stand up to government employees with their almost unlimited resources and their hyperbolic legal charges. What is needed is more generous financial rewards for whistleblowers so they will have something to live on and have a chance to keep their marriages, their houses, and their children. The children usuallly go with the wife and often both sides try to poison the children about the other spouse. All this is often a hell that only ends with death. Even worse, all too many marital breakups ends with multiple deaths. What whistleblowers do is extremely heroic, and they should be able to survive and prosper. Financially rewarding whistleblowers  is the right thing for us to do plus it will encourage other people to blow the whistle. It's about the only way we can get to the truth.
    I've noticed pictures of female CEOs in the Wall Street Journal lately, and that reminded me that some of these corrupt, blackmailing Big Donors could be women. Although women are almost infinitely less likely to commit crimes and are more interested in the welfare of panthers, all because of their low levels of the aggressive hormone testosterone, there needs to be a punishment for them too. Since women value the nest and things related to the nest like being attractive to get a male to help build the nest and to mate her, I think the law should also fine a female who builds on panther land this: her house (her nest) be confiscated, and sold to help buy land contiguous to the present panther land.
    At the same time, almost paradoxically, if the federal Fish and Wildlife biologists are telling the truth about the panthers being so crowded that males are doing the unheard of thing of killing females, then I urge Fish and Wildlife to open a season on a certain number of females and young males to reduce the population where needed. Do not shoot the alpha males. You will be killling the best of the male population. The panthers need and deserve the best genes out there in order to survive. The alpha males are the male breeders. Keep them and love them. I would also urge the biologists to find out how much the free market will pay to hunt a female or young male panther and charge as much as will sell. Use that money also to put towards buying land contiguous to  present panther land.
    For a panther to be clawed, bitten or asphixiated to death means she has to suffer. This suffering can be avoided and should be. This can be done by a decent shot using a modern rifle. Dogs have to be used to tree the panther so you can see what sex panther you have and if he's an alpha male ( A NO-GO). A treed panther or bear offers an excellent opportunity to make a humane shot- instant unconsciousness or very close to it. No bowhunting of any sort should be used as it is too easy to miss humane shots with primitive weapons. The same applies to pistols or revolvers.  Also no muskets or any other single shot rifle should be used as an immediate second shot may be necessary and for the sake of the panther, the dogs, and rarely the hunting party, that second shot should be immediate. I would also require a qualifying score be required on the rifle range.
I'm not talking about being overbearing here, just the demonstrated competence to make an upper torso shot from 25 yards. My brother and I passed such a requirement to bowhunt sitka deer on -the Eastern Shore of Virginia, and were glad it was required after we had passed the test. You owe it to the aminal to be able to make humane shots!
    However, obviously I don't trust the field biologist very much because they have to kowtow to corruption and dishonesty to keep their jobs thanks to the Big Donors. Therefore, I don't completely trust them to say truthfully that females are being killed by the males. I urge the field biologists to take people not connected to Fish and Wildlife out into the field to show them a female killed by a male. I would like non-establishment types who are not dependent on government largesse appointed to this group as well as the shakers and movers of the establishment.  I would especially like to see middle and lower middle class being taken out to the field. Call this part of the huge wave of populism that Bernie and Trump represent. You could develop a list of people who given a few hours warning could be ready to go. It's no big deal. There's a list like this for people who will go pick up a deer killed by a vehicle. She is used for meat if she's not torn up too badly.
    Peter Nickerson, Philosophy Major, Class of '68, William and Mary,, 352-359-0850.

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