Saturday, May 14, 2016

Killing Panthers #4

    This is taken from a case study of the Union Of Concerned Scientists. I simply typed "Union Of Concerned Scientists- Panthers" to get it to pop up as a choice.
For the sake of the panthers, you may want to go there and get ahead of me. I will plod along the trail, barking as loudly as I can, trying to get others to pay attention to the tragedy of using private money for campaign funds by people running for office. The elected officials will do whatever their big donors say. They will not risk loosing their big donors the next election. All politicians want to be re-elected, just about. Thus, elected government officials, from the US president on down become puppeticians of the big donors. They do what the big donors want done, not what we the people, the government, want done.
    In reading the Concerned Scientists, I see that Andrew Eller, Jr., who had worked at US Fish And Wildlife for seventeen years had charged that agency officials knowingly used flawed data about panther habitat and livability to make it possible to allow planned development in southwest Florida. The US Fish And Wildlife deliberately used false date- lies, in strongmen's terms- to approve development applications to justify giving away "tens of thousands of acres" of essential Florida panther habitat, an endangered species. This lieing seemed particularly prevalent during the George W. Bush administration. The question is did he personally influence or demand, either directly or indirectly, that the Fish And Wildlife scientists lie? Is there any official in the know who will comment?
Any wife of any official? Any idealistic adult child who wants to try to help save the Florida panther and maybe help to save our country from being so strangled by corruption that we turn to obvious psychopaths to become authoritarian rulers to "protect" us from the more covert psychopaths presently in charge?
A criminal is only going to use criminality to stop the criminality of others. It's the way he operates, and it's not going to change when he or she is elected to power. It will get worse.
    Peter Nickerson, Philosophy Major, Class of '68, William & Mary, 352-359-0850,

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