Monday, May 4, 2009

#159 President TorturesBabiesToDeath's "More Compassionate" IRS

It finally dawned on me to look up "community property" in my old Black's Law Dictionary. I then checked it against Edition 8 for accuracy when I went to the library. My edition checks out fine and is much more complete. It says, "Community Propety. Property owned in common with a husband and wife each having an undivided one-half interest by reason of their marital status. The nine states with community propety systems are Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Washington, Idaho, Nevada, and Wisconsin (with adoption of the Uniform Marital Property Act, The rest of the states are classified as comon law property jurisdictions. The difference between common law and community property systems centers around the property rights possessed by married persons. In a common law system, each spouse owns whatever he or she earns. Under a community property system, one-half of the earnings of each spouse is considered owned by the other spouse."
I will call Rick about this. It is patently clear that he never owned any of the money his wife made as they lived in Florida, a common law state not a community property state. Therefore, if he never owned anything his wife made, how can he be taxed for any of it? Legally he can't, but then as the Demonrats keep telling us, Obama won, and this is no longer the United States of America but a banana republic with a generalissimo. Something else bothers me. You remember when Jean Clough said her IRS laison said Rick would probably get stuck with the $150 theft from his Social Security check because he "benefited" from his wife's employment. The IRS advocate has said nothing of this, and I'm wondering if they plan to wear Rick out filling out IRS forms and making appeals, and then hit him with the "You've benefitted from her employment" hoping that by then he will be too exhausted to fight that little trick too. Rick needs to address that soon.
Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson, MS, MSW at

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