Saturday, October 6, 2018

Freedom Advances: German Sex Abusers

     The corrupt Catholic Church from the pope down has another problem: 1,700 priests in Germany have been identified as sexually-abusing children. Most of them males. The truth is finally getting free. Nick
PS The minister of justice in Germany says that number of sex abusers is probably just the tip of the iceberg. The Achilles Heel of the German people is their penchant for regimentation. They need to learn to take care of their own damn selves instead of looking to a Hitler to decide everything for them. When socialists say they are going to take care of you, they mean the showers. How much evidence do you need to disabuse yourself of the delusion that government employees -socialism- are going to take care of you in return for your freedom? Without freedom people die inside. There is no economic reason you can't have capitalism and welfare. Just build in incentives to leave welfare and get a job. Not the financial cliff you have now. Did you know Trump was the first Republican president to say during his campaign that he would strengthen Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare?
It is free Capitalism, not miserable Socialism, that produces a great economy that means more tax money therefore more funds for welfare. Socialism produces poverty, suffering, and death. Just look at North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela. Anybody fleeing to those countries? Don't be a useful idiot for the Socialists. Nick

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