Saturday, February 11, 2017

What's Up?

     In order not to listen to collectivists on the radio here in the Far North,
I began listening to sports radio. It was a relief to hear things judged almost solely on their merits and not to have to hear humans trying to force other humans to think and do the same sexless, joyless way. That has all changed with Trump. Suddenly sports is completely political at the insistence of the collectivists. The hysterics du jour is about how many Patriots are going to boycott with White House reception. Collectivist politics has become totalitarian:
collectivists are insisting that everything you do is political. It is totally political. You can't go to the White House to be received by the president because you are saying you are a sexist, a racists, and everything else that is bad. Of course, collectivists are also hostile to tradition except the Soviet May Day Parade. I implore the Patriots to ignore the crazies and honor the tradition of winners being received at the White House. Of course, the collectivists are against anyone else winning but them. Such crazy children!
     Peter Nickerson, Philosophy Major
     "The measure of a man,
       Is not what he says,
       But what he does,
       And what he allows others,
       To do in his presence."
        - USA Navy Seal Instructor

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