Monday, June 27, 2016

Florida Panther Sighted!

    I got a sighting report of a panther seen yesterday in Alachua County, Florida. The panther crossed the road, and the reporter immediately pulled off the road to watch him cross and disappear into some woods. The observer said if there had been any traffic, the big cat would have been hit as he seemed totally oblivious to the danger of walking across a road. The panther also "had the same color of a lion and behavior" meaning that he was tan and very regal in bearing. He was said to be very muscular and weighing about ninety pounds. He was not wearing a collar meaning Florida Fish and Wildlife had not captured him, evaluated his health, treated any problems they could, put a radio collar on him, woke him up, and let him go. Good luck, Buddy!
    If anyone has a panther or Bigfoot sighting in your past, I'd like to hear from you. 352-359-0850. It makes a very nice respite from currents events and our Islamic, gun-hating (for Americans) president. Come to think of it, Islamists seem to hate everything!
    Peter Nickerson, Philosophy Major, Class of '68, College of William and Mary.

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