Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Almas And Russian "Science"

    Almas And Russian "Science,", Story And Analysis: V. Khakhlov in 1913 as a professor of animal anatomy made a report about the almas (Russian bigfoot) in Eastern Asia. He gave the report to the Russian Imperial Academy Of Sciences. Its members advised him to forget about the subject.
    Nick's Analysis: The strongest characteristic of a scientist is curiosity. Derision and put-downs have nothing to do with the scientific method. But derision and put-downs have everything to do with human behavior, specifically evolutionary behavior. A male who makes advances over other males is perceived as an evolutionary threat to other males as he becomes the alpha male and gains superior access to attractive females, especially the alpha females who are skilled enough to successfully raise children. Without females, males do not evolve. In more ways than one, I would add. This is also why rich men will probably always be resented. Their wealth gives them the access to attractive women. Poor men lack this access and know it. By and large, poor men are not going to admit that the shortcomings lie within themselves. How many people are big enough to do that? Instead, they are going to say, "Those greedy rich people! Those damn one percenters! I hate 'em all!" Being emotional does not change the reality though. Watch out how emotionality is used to deter you from being curious and learning about revolutionary subjects such as bigfoot, the little people in UFOs, and the craziness of Islam. Advances in knowledge often embarrass those who are well-established in that field of knowledge. They may resist those advances to keep their money flow, prestige, and access to attractive women. thanks you for your visit and invites you back for more of the "Bigfoot Advocate." Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0850.

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