Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Bigfoot Has Unique Worms

Bigfoot has unique worms:  "In 1959 a yeti expedition to Nepal organized by a Texan oil millionaire Tom Slick returned with some yeti faecal droppings. These were found to contain a hitherto unknown form of parasitic nematode worm: Since animal species often possess parasites unique to themselves this offers support for the belief that at least one type of yeti, just like its parasite, is indeed a species new to science."

Reference: "The Unexplained" (1997) page 116  by Dr. Karl Shuker. Shuker got his Ph.D. in anthropology but discovered he had diabetes and would not be able to pursue the hardships involved in excavating. Therefore, he decided to enter the field of cryptozoology where he maintains a reputation for serious research. Yeti having their unique kind of roundworms is more evidence indicating they exist. This news item does not appear to be widely known.

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